The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country 933. Assassin in the church, floating astronomy

It is a bureau, a big bureau designed by Wang Weizhen. !

Many people will be involved in this game. Once involved, no one can be spared. All of them must follow the direction of Wang Weizhen design.

This is true even for the Wittgenstein, Morgan and Rockefeller families.

There is only one person sitting on the Diaoyutai:

Ernst . Alexson . Feng. Breem — Skulls Baron!

Now, the curtain has been slowly opened.

Every pre-designed person will jump into this big net.

The morning sun shot into the room, and when Wang Weizhen went out, I saw the bright and charming Tatyana at first sight. Today’s Tatyana, replaced with a black leather, is completely different from yesterday.

To be honest, this is a pretty pretty girl who is quite easy to confuse men.

“Mr. Peter Goff, you are late.” This is the first sentence that Tatyana said.

“Ah, Miss Tatyana, good morning.” Wang Weizhen greeted him very politely: “In the United States, I got up later than this.”

“Now are we leaving?”

“Oh, of course.”

As Tatyana came outside the hotel, Wang Weizhen didn’t see his own car. He had some doubts: “Miss Tatyana, where is our car?”

“Car?” Tatyana seemed to be very curious. She pointed to the opposite side of the road: “Our car is there.”

Looking in the direction of her fingers, Wang Weizhen showed a bitter smile on his face. . . . . . Ah, he saw a car and it was a very expensive car.

However, it is a motorcycle, a BMW military R12 motorcycle produced in Germany during the Second World War. This is an antique car, but the performance is quite stable.

What is even more ridiculous is that in the place where the front of the car was originally used to set up weapons, a shotgun was actually inserted.

“I specially bought people from Germany before the war broke out.” Tatyana’s tone was very ostentatious. She looked at Wang Weizhen and said, “Why, don’t you dare to sit?”

“Ah, here is Russia, everything goes with the owner.” Wang Weizhen thought for a moment: “What makes me curious is who will drive this car?”

Tatyana is even more curious: “Will you drive this car?”

Will I open? Wang Weizhen almost laughed. In the Second World War, driving a BMW military motorcycle did not know how many battlefields he had turned.

“I think I can try it.” Wang Weizhen said nothing.

Tatyana will give him the key to the suspect. Wang Weizhen stepped onto the motorcycle: “Miss Tatyana, I am fortunate to invite you to come up?”

Tatyana went to the back seat and wrapped her arms around Wang Weizhen, which gave Wang Weizhen a different feeling: “Is speed limit in Moscow?”

“How fast will you drive?”

Her voice just fell, the motorcycle has been motorized and started, just like a lightning bolt, it is out of everyone’s sight.

The motorcycle was flying fast, and at this moment Wang Weizhen seemed to be back to the battlefield of the Second World War. . . . . .

From the European battlefield, the battlefields of North Africa, to the battlefields of Sude, you can see the military motorcycles that are heavily equipped by the heroic Germans. Motorcycles, once set a great battle for Germany.

Perhaps Tatyana couldn’t think of her dreams. The German Grand Marshal who commanded the German BMW motorcycle was the German Grand Marshal who commanded the German army!

The car is flying fast, it really seems to fly.

The technology of “Mr. Peter Goff” drove the car, and Tatyana, who always likes motorcycles, is also self-satisfied. But what brings more people is the passion and excitement under speed.

Tatyana is more interested in Peter Goff.

This young rich man, who is fierce, didn’t think that the technology to drive was so good. How many unknown secrets did he have?

It seems that this motorcycle has a privilege in Moscow, and no one dares to stop it. The policemen watched the motorcycle screaming in front of their eyes.

“The front is the Vasily Ascension Church, where we stop.” Tatyana shouted out.

The motorcycle stopped quickly and steadily, when Wang Weizhen and Tatyana came down from the car.

He saw the unstoppable excitement on the face of Russian beauty: “Mr. Peter Goff, where did you learn to drive motorcycles?”

“Ah, I have learned some in the past,” Wang Weizhen said with a faint smile.

Tatyana did not ask too much and walked into the church with Mr. Peter Goff.

This is one of Moscow’s most famous attractions, although Wang Weizhen can’t imagine a place where a church can be worth visiting.

As soon as he entered, Tatyana’s voice became noticeably lighter: “Mr. Peter Goff, everyone who comes to Moscow will always visit here. This church is a major event in the life of Russia in the middle of 16 century. The historical event – the conquest of victory and the annexation of the Kazan Han State. It was later named after a monk named Vasily who died in the church and eventually died in the church. It is said that in the war the Russian army got the 8 position. Sage help

The war was carried out smoothly. To commemorate the 8 saints who built the church, the 8 domes on 8 towers represent a saint, and the tallest church crown in the middle symbolizes God’s supremacy. After the church was built, in order to ensure that the same church no longer appeared, Ivan the Great cruelly the eyes of all the architects, and Ivan the Great also carried the ‘terrorist sand! . . . . . ”

Although I am not interested in any church, Wang Weizhen is very willing to listen to Tatyana’s explanation:

“Russia has been a country of political and religious unity before the October riots. The Orthodox Church spares no effort in promoting the political views of the Tsar. The Tsar is defending against neighboring countries such as Lithuania, Polish Catholic countries, Turkey, Iranian Islamic countries and Mongolia. The invasion of the country and the subsequent expansion of the country are also based on the Orthodox Church. The same is true for the conquest of Kazan. Therefore, it can be said that conquering Kazan is both a political and military victory and a religious victory. Vasily Ascension Church The establishment marks Moscow as the religious and political center of Russia. It is a milestone for the Russian nation to get rid of foreign domination, complete the great cause of reunification, and then gradually move toward a powerful, multi-ethnic, centralized state…”

“I heard that there is a lot of wealth buried here?” Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but ask.

In fact, compared to the church, Wang Weizhen is more willing to hear the story about the treasure, otherwise Xiao Ling will not talk about what he calls “the guy who is greedy.”

“Ah, you have heard this legend… The family is Russian.” Tatyana said solemnly: “In fact, there is no wealth here, but in the 16 century, the basement of the church was used. As a treasury. It is said that after two nobles knew it, they decided to rob the treasures of 1595. They plotted to set fire around the city to clear the guards. But unfortunately their conspiracy failed, and the two were eventually executed… …now you can’t find a ruble here.”

Wang Weizhen suddenly lost hope, and even his wealth did not have any interest in him.

However, Tatyana’s kindness was not acceptable to him, and he barely accompanied the Russian beauty to visit every place where Tajyanana was full of interest.

Gradually there are more than a dozen tourists, all of which are slowly approaching here.

The feeling of danger suddenly rushed into the heart of Wang Weizhen. . . . . . He was born and died from the battlefield. He had a natural instinctive reaction to danger. . . . . .

One of his hands put the handle on the handle, and the other held Tatyana’s hand.

“Mr. Peter Goff…” Tatyana’s blushes, apparently she misunderstood the meaning of Wang Weizhen.

Wang Weizhen didn’t have the time to explain anything, but dragged Tatyana to rush to the door, but his attempt was quickly noticed by the group of “tourists.”

A tourist’s hand was in the arms, but at this time the gunshots rang in advance, and the guy fell into the pool of blood without a word.

A pistol rolled from his arms. . . . . .

All the “tourists” were alarmed, and more than a dozen guns lit up. At the moment they pulled the trigger, Wang Weizhen pulled Tatyana to hide behind a pillar.

The guns rang and the bullets continually hit the pillars.

“Miss Tatyana thinks that your power is not as strong here as you said.” Faced with such danger, Wang Weizhen did not have the slightest panic, but instead joked there.

Tatyana’s beautiful face has been distorted by anger. . . . . .

I have never dared to do such a thing for the MiGroskey family, and never did, especially when receiving such a VIP as Mr. Peter Goff.

The assassins seem to be very well trained, but one thing makes Wang Weizhen feel very strange. They are not forced to be eager, and they don’t seem to want to take their lives right away.

Why is this happening? The gunshots rang and the police would be recruited soon.

Wang Weizhen has no time to think about why. . . . . .

“Miss Tatyana sees no, there is a small door there.” Wang Weizhen pointed to his right hand: “I will draw them from the left and you will leave the door immediately.”

Tatyana glimpsed, and said: “No, Mr. Peter Goff, I must not let you take risks alone here.”

“Oh, I said the beautiful lady, now is the time to argue.” Wang Weizhen fired a shot outside: “You go to the reinforcements, or else you have to die here.”

After that, he put a few shots in succession, and when he evaded the other side, Wang Weizhen rushed out. This time, he immediately attracted all the attention at the moment to the left. . . . . .

Tatyana knew that this was her only chance. She must not let Mr. Peter Goff take such a risk in vain, rushing out from the small door on the right.

And those assassins, but it seems that they did not see the general. . . . . .

Except for the two sides where gunshots still occur, there are no more people in the church. At this time, the assassins suddenly stopped shooting, and then a voice sounded:

“Mr. Moyol, don’t shoot!”

Wang Weizhen, Mr. Moyol? Does anyone here know the pseudonym that is most commonly used? Then the voice continued to sound: “Mr. Moyol, I am coming towards you now, I am not carrying weapons.”

Wang Weizhen looked there, a man in a jacket was holding up his hands and coming towards himself, and his companions no longer continued shooting, and turned to watch the surroundings with vigilance.

The jacket went to Wang Weizhen: “Mr. Moyol, I am Capone, and Mr. Eliot sent me to assist you.”

In an instant, Wang Xiongzhen understood everything. . . . . . !

Capone put down his hands: “Mr. Elliot confessed to me, let us help you to get the trust of MiGroskey, we inquired about the action route between you and Tatyana today. So I made a special show here. ”

Wang Weizhen looked at the person who was killed by himself: “What about him?”

“There is always a mistake in the action, we will give his family a lot of money.” Capone said indifferently: “Mr. Moyol, we will push all this to Tucdorf, that is The person who was interrupted by you yesterday.”

Unlucky Tucdorf, probably he didn’t think that the luck was inexplicable – it would come.

“Mr. Moyol, this is my call.” Capone handed a business card to Wang Weizhen.

After taking a look at it, it was actually “Kapen Private Clinic”. This guy turned out to be a doctor!

When I saw Eliot, Eliot had told him in major countries around the world. The Wittgenstein family has considerable power to exist. As long as the Baron is willing, these forces can be mobilized anytime and anywhere.

These people who serve the Wittgenstein family are hidden in all classes in a variety of capacities.

Now, Wang Weizhen has finally witnessed it.

At this time, a sharp siren sounded outside, and Capone said calmly: “So, let’s leave first, look forward to your call.”

Said, these people quickly separated from the back door. . . . . .

After receiving the business card, Wang Weizhen saw Tatyana rushing in with a large group of policemen. Seeing that Mr. Peter Goff was still alive, Tatyana rushed up: “Mr. Peter Goff, how are you? Are you injured? ?”

“Ah, I am very good, there is no injury at all.” Wang Weizhen said with a smile.

Seeing that Mr. Peter Goff was safe and sound, Tatyana had a long sigh of relief.

The police did not seem to dare to destroy the scene and wait for something there. About ten minutes later, Ivan entered the church with a large group of people.

Ivan, who was sullen, didn’t have time to greet Wang Weizhen and went straight to the body.

After searching the body for a long time, everything on the body was found by Ivan. There is a watch in it, which looks very valuable.

“I seem to have seen this watch somewhere.” Tatyana got together.

“I have seen it before.” Ivan’s face is even more ugly: “This watch used to be called Tulkdorf…”

“Damn fat pig!” Tatyana screamed angrily: “I want to retaliate for yesterday’s incident? Is it all lard in his head?”

Ivan took the watch and came to Wang Weizhen: “Mr. Peter Goff, please allow me to express my apologies. This kind of thing should not have happened. But I will give you an explanation. And I promise from now. At the beginning you won’t encounter such a thing again.”

“It doesn’t matter, my friend Ivan.” Wang Weizhen smiled carelessly: “Life will always encounter things that I didn’t think of before. Especially when I was lucky enough to take risks with Miss Tatyana, it made me feel more happy.”

Tatyana’s face turned red. . . . . . Bold Peter Goff, this is a naked teasing. . . . . .

Ivan did not seem to hear it at all: “So please continue your pleasant trip to Moscow…”

The restaurant is wonderful – the sound of music is ringing.

This is the location that Tatyana personally chose, from which you can see the scenery outside.

“It’s a thrilling day.” Wang Weizhen seems to be reminiscing about the battle just now: “And your bravery also makes me look good, Miss Tatyana.”

“No, it’s your bravery that shocked me.” Tatyana did not hide her feelings for the other side: “If you don’t have it, the obese piglet will probably have succeeded.”

“It’s a wonderful place…”

Wang Weizhen was about to say something, a black car suddenly galloped, just stopped on the road that was facing them.

Tatyana didn’t seem to see it at all: “Please don’t worry, Mr. Peter Goff, there is a good show.”

The door of the car was opened, and then a body was thrown down, and the car galloped away.

It was an obese corpse, and the most striking thing was that one hand of the corpse had been completely smashed. And his fatal wound comes from the head.

A lot of panic-stricken pedestrians have gradually dared to come up and point to the corpse constantly whispering.

“No one can offend the Milgroski family,” Tatyana said faintly.

“Oh, yes, no one.” Wang Weizhen nodded.

“Mr. Peter Goff, now we can have a restful meal.” Tatyana is so casual: “In any case, Moscow is still very beautiful, I hope that you can stay here for a long time, and I will lead the tour.” Everywhere here is beautiful.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I think there is only one of the most beautiful scenery in Moscow. It is you, beautiful Miss Tatyana.”

“You can really be happy, I want to go to my place after a meal!”

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