The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 935. Marshal Carcorochk, Astronomical

The father’s unrequited love is always the most disappointing.

Especially Ronanova is even more so. I remember when I was still in the United States, the whole family fell into poverty and had to rely on her sister to be a prostitute to solve the family’s survival problems.

After the elder sister’s age decline, he almost embarked on this old road, if not met Baron Alexson.

Later, with the appearance of the baron, the life of the whole family was changed. The father even became the Grand Duke of Russia and the Regent.

However, it was also from that time that my father changed.

He became indifferent and ruthless, and his desire for money and power far exceeded his responsibility for the family. And after the death of his eldest son, he put all his hopes on Ilya and did not care about other children.

Where is this the father of the past in the United States?

In fact, think about it, maybe this is his original face. Which responsible father will send his two daughters to sell his own **?

Ronanova sighed softly, and if Baron Alexson was still there, it would be fine…

Because they didn’t get the money they wanted, Milosevic and Natalya had already gone indignantly. Even before they got on the train, Ronanova could even hear Milosevic’s loud curse.

The same is true of her husband. When a person goes to a car, he leaves the house without returning, and he does not even call his wife.

Probably, this is a punishment for my father-in-law.

Ronanova smiled bitterly, and she and her husband had no feelings at all. It’s all because the interests are together under the arrangement of the father.

When he got everything from Khimeletzski’s father, his husband was worthless in the eyes of Gregory, who deprived him of everything that belonged to Khimeletzski.

If the husband is a bit angry. Then he should leave the place with his wife far away, but Khimeletzski is not such a person, he continues to live like a dog in the contempt of Gregory.

What should you do with a woman like Ronova?

A black car suddenly stopped at Ronanova’s side. Ronanova began thinking that her husband had changed his mind to pick himself up, but did not expect that when the door was opened, the black hole of the gun was aimed at her, then one The sound of cold ice sounded up: “Don’t move. Marquis de Mardi, please come with us, I promise not to cause any harm to you.”

Ronova is a smart woman. She knows what choices to make in such situations…


The car opened for about twenty minutes, parked outside a broken church, and the door opened. The man who held Ronanova said: “The Marquis of Kardesh. Go in. Someone is waiting for you.”

Ronova was completely unclear what was going on, and she walked into the church with fear. Then she heard a familiar voice: “Ronanova, hello.”

Ronanova’s body trembled and she almost suspected she was in the hallucination.

is it him? is it him? Is he really coming back? Did he really return to his side? No, this is impossible. I must be in my dream now…

However, that person still appeared in front of her. Smiling and said: “Ronanova, in my impression. We have been missing for more than 20 years.”

“Yes, Baron, twenty years is really a long time…” Ronalova’s voice had already been a little bit crying.

He is the Baron – Baron Alexson!

The first man in his life, Baron Alexson who saved the Marquis of Berstoka from poverty! The baron that Ronalova never forgets in his life!

Now, he is standing in front of himself!

Ronanova forgot the restraint and threw herself in the baron’s arms: “The baron, I miss you, I have been missing you all the time, I always dream of seeing you.”

“You saw it, didn’t you?” Wang Weizhen said, gently glaring at her.

Ronanova cuddled the baron for a long time before it separated. It was only then that she discovered that the baron was still young and she had become a middle-aged woman.

She and the baron are always two people of the world. The past is, now and in the future. Even if he hangs the name of the female marquis, but in front of the baron he will always be so humble.

“Baron, when did you come to Moscow?” Ronova asked cautiously.

“Not long ago.” Wang Weizhen smiled and laughed: “Why, do you want to sell me?”

“Ah, no, I will never sell you.” Ronanova quickly said: “Although many people have forgotten your grace, I promise that I will not.”

Wang Weizhen nodded slightly: “I know you won’t, I trust you. But what about your father? He betrayed me and betrayed the whole of Germany.”

“He betrayed a lot of people…” Ronanova whispered, then she raised her head: “But I will never betray you, I know what to do.”

“People who betray me will always be punished…”

Wang Weizhen’s words made Luo Nanova squat, and she immediately heard the baron say: “I heard that Gregory became very cruel and cruel, even for his own children. I am very sympathetic to your experience, so I bring I have some gifts, I hope I can help you.”

Said, he handed a bag to Ronanova.

Ronalova hit it, and inside it was a pack of dollars. In Russia, only three currencies are the most popular, gold rubles, the dollar and the German mark.

“Thank you, Baron, you always help us when we need help the most…” Ronanova knows that there is no need to be polite with the Baron, and she has not been able to owe her to the Baron for a lifetime.

“Give it to your sister in general, she also worked very hard…” Wang Weizhen sighed.

Ronova suddenly understood something: “The Baron. Are you here to deal with my father?”

This is a very smart woman, and I guessed the purpose of the Baron coming here. Wang Weizhen is silent: “Yes, I am here to deal with your father. To deal with the whole of Russia. Your father and your country have failed my trust. Now, I will deprive them of everything they have…”

“I know that my father’s sin deserves it…” Ronova’s voice was very light: “But I beg you, don’t kill him, his age is already big. Please leave him a life.”

She is still as kind as she was 20 years ago… Wang Weizhen sighed again: “I don’t know if I can promise you, depending on how you cooperate with me…”

“I will do everything I can to work with you…” Ronanova said quickly: “And my sister and my husband, and my current husband. We will do this.”

Wang Weizhen is a bit strange: “Why?”

Ronanova smiled a bit: “Because their anger against their father far exceeds me, they even want their father to die immediately in front of them. Especially my husband. At that time, his father Ma Jiefu was very Russian. One of the forces, at the request of my father, I was married to my husband. With Majeve’s support, my father finally sat in the position of the Grand Duke, but that was the beginning of the Majeve disaster…”

Gregory used Majeve’s mistake and eventually sentenced Majew to political death. Two years later, Majew died in anger and depression.

Ronanova knows that her husband always wants his father to die, but he has no such courage…

As for Milosevic and Natalia. They have already been disheartened by Gregory, and Milosevic even had a fierce quarrel with Gregory.

These things Wang Weizhen have stopped the tower Ji Yangna told myself. It’s now confirmed from Ronnova’s mouth that it has been confirmed again.

“I beg you. I beg you to leave him a life, no matter how he is my father.” Ronanova pleaded.

No one is more clear than him, and his father will never be the opponent of the Baron, absolutely! It is easy for the baron to take his life.

What I can do is to win the sympathy of the Baron…

Wang Weizhen looks at this poor woman: “I can’t give you any promise, but I will try to satisfy you. Ronanova, arrange for me to meet with them tomorrow.”

“Yes, Baron,” Ronanova said cautiously.

Now, her fate has been closely linked to the Baron.

Wang Weizhen understands that this woman, regardless of what she wants her to do, she will promise, and she, her husband and her sister and brother-in-law are all very important parts of their entire plan.

“Do you know Marshal Carcorochk?” Wang Weizhen suddenly asked.

“Oh, of course, I certainly recognize the Marshal.” Ronova quickly replied: “I have visited him many times after the Marshal suffered unfair treatment.”

“Oh, have you visited him many times?” It was just a casual question, but Ronnova’s answer caused Wang Weizhen to pay great attention: “Can you take me to him?”

Rona Nova nodded: “Yes, the marshal is in Moscow.”

This is a harvest that was not planned…. To complete the plan, the puzzle is always indispensable, and now, Carcorochk, the deposed marshal will become a very important piece of jigsaw…


After getting in touch with Carcorochk by phone, the marshal did not refuse. Just on the phone, Ronanova told Marshal that a friend would like to see the Marshal very much. For this request, Carcorochk also readily agreed.

At Carcorochk’s doorstep, there were only two guards on duty, and Carcorochk’s days have been difficult since the exclusion of Gregory.

The guard was also very familiar with Ronova and knew that he was the daughter of the Grand Duke of Bertoska, so he did not check her car at all.

After entering the yard and getting out of the car, after entering the living room, Carcorochk’s voice has already come: “Ronanova. My lovely and beautiful prostitute, have you come to see me as an old man?”

Then, the marshal greeted it. But when he saw the man standing next to Ronanova, the whole person was there.

Fortunately, Carcorochk did not show much panic and fear, and soon recovered calm: “Ah, please go to my study to talk.”

“I stay here, I am tired, I want to take a break.” Ronova said very interestingly.

Her friend and Marshal Carcorochk came to the study together. Carcorochk carefully closed the door and said with excitement: “Lord Baron, I know you will be back!”

Wang Weizhen smiled a little: “Yes. I will come back. When the danger comes to Germany, I will definitely come back!”

“Yes, this is Germany’s luck. But it is the misfortune of Russia.” Carcorochk sighed and said: “I always look forward to a savior in Russia. But I have never waited. When you Returning, it will be the beginning of the re-emergence of Germany, but this is probably the beginning of Russian suffering…”

“It depends on the attitude of Russia.” Wang Weizhen understood the meaning of the other side: “If Russia can look back from the wrong road, you will get a lot less punishment. But tell me now, why didn’t you try to stop it? What happened to the war?”

“I have worked hard, Baron.” Carcorochk’s words were full of helplessness: “But since Gregory came to power, I was constantly squeezed out, and the resolution of the war did not let me know. At that time I was Completely isolated. It was only after the outbreak of the war that I suddenly realized. Baron, believe me, I tried to stop them, but Gregory simply ignored any of my suggestions, and I was relieved of my position anyway. Baron, if I have any way, I swear I will stop this cursed war…”

“But you still have an unshirkable responsibility.” Wang Weizhen said coldly: “I believe that you still have a lot of influence in the army, you have your own system, but you have not used them. Why? I can help you answer, because you are weak, you dare not offend the mighty Grand Duke of Berstoka…”

Carcorochk nodded in dismay: “Yes, I really don’t dare to offend him… I have sons, daughters, grandchildren, I have a big family, I have to think about their safety… Baron, you I don’t know how viciously Gregory is, he will kill us all without mercy.”

Wang Weizhen knew that he was telling the truth, but he still said in a cold tone: “So now, are you ready for atonement?”

“I have everything you give, I will never forget everything you did for me…” Carcorochk raised his voice slightly: “Yes, I am ready for redemption. Let’s start with Ukraine. “”

Wang Weizhen was taken aback. In his memory, the Gregory family has great influence in Ukraine.

However, Carcorochk quickly said: “There is always a sharp contradiction between Ukraine and Russia…”

In 1650, negotiations on territorial issues between Russia and Poland broke down, and Russia was determined to assist Ukraine with Poland in the war. 1654 years 2 month, the Ukrainian delegation met with the Russian tsar in Moscow. Subsequently, the two sides signed the “Baghdan Khmelnitsky Basic Treaty”, also known as the “March Treaty”, Ukraine has formally formed an alliance with Russia after gaining a high degree of autonomy. Then the Tsar turned Ukraine into a “small Russia” alliance with Ukraine. On the one hand, Russia gained the coveted estuary. On the other hand, it opened the door of Russia to Europe. The advanced culture of Europe passed through the black land of Ukraine. Constantly introduced to Russia. The alliance with Russia has also become an important turning point in the history of Ukraine.

In 1700, Russian Tsar Peter I launched a “Northern War” against Sweden for the Baltic Sea. During the war, Peter enlisted a large number of Ukrainian Cossacks to serve as cannon fodder. Peter also forcibly cancelled the local autonomy of Ukraine on the grounds of war, causing dissatisfaction with the Ukrainian nobility. In 1708 year, Ukrainian leader Mazepa and Sweden form an alliance to seek to regain national independence. After listening to this news, Tsar Peter was furious and sent troops to wash the Cossack camp. Russia and Ukraine have sincerely complained.

In 1709, the Russian army completely defeated the Swedish army in Ukraine, and Ukraine’s dream of independence was shattered. Subsequently, Peter the Great formed a small Russian department, implemented a comprehensive Russianization colonial policy in Uzbekistan, and reconstructed the Ukrainian social structure in accordance with Russian social models, values ​​and language culture. With the combination of rigidity and flexibility, Russia has assimilated the upper ruling class of Uzbekistan, established the official status of the Russian language, reduced the Ukrainian language to the language of “country-speaking”, prohibited the publication of Ukrainian books and textbooks, and forced Ukrainians to abandon their mother tongue and culture. Tradition. Since then, Russia has been firmly in control of Ukraine.

In the long years, the Ukrainians have been working hard for their independence. Gregory used this slogan to get a lot of Ukrainian support.

Then, after Gregory gained the highest power of Russia, he did not abide by his own promises, but instead strengthened his rule over Ukraine. Like the tsars of the past, they mobilized a large number of Ukrainians to act as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

This, of course, has increasingly caused Ukrainian dissatisfaction with the Russian government and the betrayal of the Grand Duke of Berstoka. The conflict is constantly taking place between the Ukrainian and Russian troops.

“Is it sure?” Wang Weizhen asked calmly.

“Lord Baron, I already have a whole plan!” (To be continued.)

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