The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 792. After the victory, floating astronomy

Nociel prevented Bodilla from doing that. !

He looked at Nochl, who had taken his radio all over, and was puzzled: “If not as fast as possible… that Tank will…”

Nochl frowned. “You have been worried!” For the first time, Nozil felt some dissatisfaction with Bodilla’s eyes, for the first time! Nociel actually felt a hint of embarrassment from the bottom of his heart. It was only a little bit, but gradually, gradually, and became strong!

Nochl took a deep breath: “I always thought that I would be a public and private person, it seems that I am wrong!”

He returned the radio to Bodilla. Nocier hates Claus. This is a fact. He wants the other party to disappear in front of him. But when can he use this despicable means? When did you become like this? If it weren’t for Bodira’s disobedience, maybe Nozil would really be wrong!

However, Nociel’s compromise with Bodilla is too late! The Russians regained control of the 45 gun, and they firmly believed that as long as they fired and the shells hit the target! Even if it is a “leopard” style, it will eventually be destroyed! At first, Nochl thought their thoughts were naive! However, the facts are completely beyond his expectations!

At first, it was only a shot, and then more of the shells continued to hit Klaus’s “Leopard” style. The position of the front turret was subjected to multiple shells and bombardment, and the shape of the entire Tank has changed significantly! Klaus did not expect to suffer such a fierce fire attack. He would not have thought that the 45 gun that had been “solved” by their “leopard” was revenge on them! The Russians will not only fight the three Russian gunners who have been killed.

Nocier looked at the “Leopard”-style outer armor and flew it from his turret, which was a solid turret, by 45 shells! It’s like the face of a handsome young man is completely torn off! Nociel realized that Klaus might be finished! No, if you have two guns on the raft! It was inevitable that the “Leopard” was destroyed.

Nochl has a hard choice, yes, first of all, Klaus is a German soldier! Secondly, it is the one you hate! So, you must help him!

And their strength is not strong, but it is also strong. The distance is too far! The first shell that Nochel ordered to fire was almost nothing to gain! The bombing point is more than a dozen meters away from the 45 gun. The weak shrapnel hurts, and Nochl thinks that the Russian gunners have completely ignored it. He ordered “098” to accelerate, close the distance from the anti-Tank gun, at least create favorable conditions for destroying it, but also created conditions for the other party to destroy their “098”.

4. Nozil finally realized the meaning of the word “burning”. . . . . .

The Russian gunners were very determined to be able to really threaten them at this time instead of the “leopard” of the Claus who had been stunned by their shells and turned to black smoke. Therefore, the muzzle should be aligned with the other side, not the previous “leopard” style!

Nociel can only pray to God for giving him more pity, so that he can get a head start in this almost suicide shot, and he has not had much chance!


Nociel is not fully grasped, too far away! And the goal is very small. Nocier, who has always been confident, has no grasp at this time. Sure enough, although it is closer than the last distance! But they still missed a good opportunity to destroy it! Even within ten meters, 50MM shells still can’t effectively kill those Russian gunners, let alone the solid gun body! Nochl is secretly in the bottom of my heart! If you are driving the powerful “Leopard” style of Klaus, use its unique 75 millimeter cannon! Nociel thought that the Russian 45 gun had already become a pile of scrap.

This is also considered a complaint, and Nozil can only complain. Can complain can not help yourself!

Nociel barely ordered to adjust the shooting angle or move the command! Because it is too late, the loading speed and firing rate of the Russian 45 guns are not slower than those of the Germans! Nociel has no choice but to hope that the god of destiny will care for his car, even this time!

Almost as soon as the shells were loaded, Nociel fired the command to fire! hit! hit! hit! Nociel hurriedly whispered in his heart, clasping the handle of the periscope with both hands. The palms ooze sweat.

Bodilla observes the battlefield through the sight hole in front of the car body! And the track of the 45 shell that flew in from the air could be just that!

Nozil thought in his heart. If it missed it, it would be a hell! Bodira almost knocked Ramel down. He took over the driving rights of the chariot. He pulled the joystick violently and let Tank quickly reverse. They looked at his crazy move and felt the strong sense of powerlessness.

“098” was reversing, and the 45 cannon was patronized for a moment. Nocier was sure that if the car body did not backward backwards a few meters away! The shell will penetrate from the armor of its own “098” and explode inside its own cabin! I will die forever. Due to the reverse of the car body, the projectile hit the front part of the car and at this time it is the side track position of the car bottom!

The fragile track crashes instantly! The Germans in the cabin felt a violent shock! Hans rolled over and hit the head of Nociel’s periscope! Watching him staring at his swollen part, Nociel even felt a pain in his head.

I am still not dead, I am still alive! Perhaps those are happy for the Germans! Lucky guy! But how many times can you be lucky? Yes – the “098” of the track is not moving! The Tank is still within the effective range of the 45 gun!

Bodilla’s actions only delayed the time of their death, and Nociel was considering whether to abandon the car! If you can’t get it!

That is a wishful thinking, unless the Russians are merciful and let the Germans slip away under their eyes! But they hate the Germans so much!

They can’t make a miracle, they are just one of those soldiers who died in the dead and the destroyed tank! Even Bodira gave up the effort! This Tank is finally counted as a real retirement.

A violent explosion! The collapsed pillars and flares are at least ten times more than the German 50MM shells!

Intensive and violent! The 45 cannon was swallowed by the fire of purgatory that descended from the sky!

They are like dreams! All look at the positions of the Russians who have been covered by fire! what happened? Is it? . . . . . air force? The Air Force is back? No, no, that speed is absolutely impossible, and there is no sound that the fighters are whizzing past.

And Nochl opened the top of the turret and explored the body. Looking around, the final look was on a German radio carrier in camouflage.

Radiocommon: “Coordinate calibration! Fifty yards to the left! Cover shooting! Finish! Fire immediately!” Nochl understood what it was.

A few seconds later, the intensive shells that whizzed through the sky fell precisely at the point he reported.

That is the other half of the Russians! The previous gunfire coverage shots have completely destroyed half of their position systems.

The deafening explosion slammed with the clods, gravel, sandbags, iron sheets and broken limbs. The entire position of the Russians was completely covered by violent fire! Perhaps, a few mice can survive under the violent and horrible firepower.

German long-range artillery support! The ground force’s attacking weapon!

All the firepower points of the Russians were completely destroyed! They have lost even the opportunity to retreat!

The German infantry and Tank rushed to the positions where the Russians swear to death and killed more Russian soldiers who did not want to give up their weapons.

The battle was carried out intermittently for ten minutes! In fact, that is a violent cleaning battlefield! Perhaps the Russian wounded soldiers would waste the limited food of the Germans. Therefore, almost all Russian wounded soldiers who have not really died in the past have been rewarded with a liberated bullet.

The battle is over. . . . . . The victory of the German army was so difficult, and the price was so painful that even the Germans were full of tears. . . . . .

However, the annihilation of the Russians did not end. . . . . .

On the opposite side of the 101 high ground, the cold wind blows away the diffuse smoke, and the white flag flutters in the wind. In fact, it is just a white sheet that is temporarily tied to the rifle. Its owner is a childish. About sixteen or seven years old Russian. 4. Behind the Russian was a military officer dressed in a colonel uniform and a solemn face. . . . . .

Lost his own Tank and the infantry mixed. Nocier handed the telescope to Bodilla, opposite the two Russians who were scheduled to negotiate with the Germans on the 101 high ground, the Russian commander Major Chkowski. And his guards.

“Don’t shoot, let them come!” Nociel said to the soldier Hiroshi.

Speaking of the psychological words, Nocier completely despised from this inner feeling. A true soldier should be loyal to his vows, not to win, rather than sin, no matter how sinister the situation is, shamefulness is a shame in the middle; but as a German Say, if you can reduce unnecessary casualties, Nozil will temporarily forget this disgust.

The Germans used the radio station to contact the Russian army and requested specific consultations on the issue of honesty. Major Chekovsky and others finally passed through the no-man’s land in the middle of the battlefield and stalked to Noch’s face. His look was a little tired. He was honoured with a military ceremony: “I am sorry, Captain, our plan to be cast is forced to be postponed… because our boss has already noticed our abnormal behavior…”

Major Chekovsky can speak fluent German. The shirt under his uniform is very white. He looks more like a well-educated gentleman.

“Oh.” Nozil had no sympathy for what he meant: “So… are you ready to vote for our army, or are you going to continue to resist?”

He carefully chose the wording: “Captain Nochelle, my ministry is very sincere in wanting to vote for your army, but … some matters, I must get your personal confirmation…”

“If you have a question, ask?” Nochill said boringly.

“My troops belong to the First Army of Russia. Many of our soldiers are not very old, but most of them have competed with your army on the battlefield. Can you guarantee that after the Ministry of China is in good faith? Can it be treated fairly and equally?”

“You don’t have to worry about it. We are a democracy. There is no doubt about the preferential treatment of prisoners of war.”

Major Chekovsky gave a sigh of relief and his face stretched out: “Thank you, I am worried that there will be more night dreams… I will disarm the army from this afternoon…”

“Good” Nozil smiled and nodded, but still couldn’t help but be curious. “Ask a private question, Mr. Major, why are you surrendering?…”

Major Chekovsky fell, and after a long while, his answer surprised Nochl: “Nochir, in fact, the reason is very simple. Some people with a little common sense know that there is no hope in the battle; as me Personally, I am still willing to fight to the last bullet. But my subordinates are some fifteen or sixteen-year-old children…”

“It turned out to be like this…” Nozil was touched.

“The defeat is a deep injury to the weak heart of the child. The reason why hungry requires a decisive surrender is that no matter how sinister the future situation is, these children can live with dignity and confidence…. Russia needs them.”

“Break the eggs!” Bodilla sneered at the reasons he said: “When you let these children join the army, your conscience, where did your humanity go?”

“Mr. Lieutenant, I think you are probably not very clear about some things…”

“It’s no different!” Bodira said unceremoniously.

Major Chekovsky’s face is rising. Even if he is treated like this, his good education still makes him still graceful: “Captain Nochelle, I think the purpose of my visit is not to debate conscience and humanity. I want to find a way to live for the 120 soldiers I have.

Hiroshi Bodilla nodded and nodded and said, “Okay, then, at four o’clock this afternoon, after three red bullets, you and your subordinates will unload the weapon’s bolts or magazines. Off, and then lined up into three columns of marching columns into the designated position of our army, accepting the acceptance of our army; then our army took over the 101 Highlands.”

Although the atmosphere of the negotiations was not very friendly, but the purpose of each other has been achieved, Major Chekovsky left with satisfaction.

The victorious German soldiers were willing to stay in the trenches or whistling to play cards, or drinking coffee, eating chocolate, and everything was going on, waiting for the enemy to surrender.

The closer to four o’clock, the more unsettled the heart of Nociel, and the things really have been as smooth as I thought?

“Isn’t this a trap? If they are fraudulent, what should I do?” Bodira raised his concerns.

Yeah, why do they believe in the promise of a Russian major? In order to prevent accidents, Nociel immediately deployed four MG62 heavy machine guns and eight light machine guns to prevent the Russians from passing through the mouth and issued a command for first-class combat.

When the hour hand pointed to four o’clock, the Germans fired three red signal flares. Will the Russians come as an appointment?

It seems that Noch’s fears are superfluous. The frontier guard post has found that a Russian army is marching toward the German position with a marching queue.

“Strengthen the vigilance!” Bodila Hiroshi’s subordinate bullets, closely monitoring the Russians’ every move.

Nocier used a telescope to observe the Russians who marched and turned in honesty. Not bad! It seems that the Russians did come to vote in good faith. According to the pre-agreed, they did not have any precautions. They put their weapons on their shoulders and marched in a three-column column to the Nochel position. Major Chkowski was very open. The ground is at the forefront.

The sun was quietly covered with a golden afterglow to the earth, and the cold autumn wind blew the orange sky in the sky, the clouds flow like water, and the Russians came. The closer you are, the more you can see their facial features with the naked eye.

Nociel sighed for a long time, his heart calmed down, and it seemed that he could occupy the 101 Highlands without blood.

Just as Nociel’s eyes were leaving the telescope, suddenly an officer was rushed out of the Russian queue. He took a Sub Machine Gun and fired at the German position. “Hey, hey.哒~~” The bullets were shot on the sandbags of the German bunkers and they were dusty.

“The trap!!” Nociel angrily boxing on the sandbags of the bunker, shouting at the soldiers: “Respond, fight back!! Kill these Russian pigs!”

It has long been a slap in the face, and the Germans who are waiting for the war immediately fired. More than a dozen machine guns were in flames, and the bullets rushed past the storm.

The well-trained and well-trained Major Tchaevovsky fell to the ground in the first place. Others were not so lucky. The unsuspecting Russians died like a wheat ear.

The entire unit was punished because of the destruction of a Russian. This sudden blow completely defeated the Russian soldiers, and they were at a loss. Is it not honest? How will the German army fire on the Russian army? The Russian soldiers instinctively unloaded the weapons on their shoulders and prepared to fight back.

However, these Russian soldiers forgot a very important point. The bolts of their guns were all removed before the departure, and the other weapons did not carry the magazines. The way they responded to the situation further confirmed the suspicion and distrust of the Germans. So the German machine gun fire did not stop shooting, and even other firearms in the fire opened fire, and even the artillery of the camp was added to the massacre.

In the fire net weaved by the bullets, the Russian army has fallen.

“Stop shooting! Please stop!!” Major Chkowski shouted in pain, but no one ignored him. The shooting stopped until there was no more target to fire.

In fact, only five minutes before and after, more than 120 poor Russian soldiers were spared in the pool of blood!

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