The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 769. Cleaning, floating astronomy

The failure of the 12 Army, the failure of the Russian army throughout Ukraine, has reached a countdown.

The two wings of the Russian army 11 and 15 Group Army have been completely exposed to the artillery attack of the German-Ukrainian coalition forces. This situation is unwilling to be seen by almost all Russian military officers.

General Warren Katzky, who suffered the shame of defeat, did not choose to surrender, nor did he choose to escape, but bravely returned to the front of the Grand Duke of Bertoska.

He is willing to take any form of responsibility for this failure.

The failure of the 12 Group Army made the original fanciful Gregory deformed because of his anger. The appearance of Warren Katzki just let him vent all his grievances to the Russian general.

“I am willing to take all the responsibility for this…” Warren Katzki did not have much fear in front of the Grand Duke: “But now our situation has reached a very critical moment…”

“This is not a question you should consider!” Gregory interrupted his words in anger: “If the enemy hits me, what I can do is to succumb to the enemy, not to surrender like you!”

“I didn’t surrender, Lord Duke!” Warren Katzki replied calmly.

Gregory was irritated, and he hated anyone who slammed himself. His voice also improved: “No, you surrendered. Although you have not surrendered, your subordinates have surrendered shamelessly. You must Responsible for all this! The deserter, you are a shameful deserter! If we have to accept the bitter fruit of failure for this, I swear, I will personally send you to the military court, personally hang you in front of me!”

The Duke of Berstoka seems to have fallen into a state of madness. He shirked all his responsibilities to General Warren Katzky. For this, even his cronies, the chief of the Russian army Marshal Naschi is also somewhat disapproved.

As a soldier, he knows that General Warren Katzky has done what he can.

It’s the same result for any general to go to suffer. But how does he persuade the Grand Duke?

The Grand Duke must find a scapegoat for this failure.

General Warren Katzky still stood there in such a straight position, and he did not fear the big tools. . . . . . No, maybe he was afraid before, but now he has nothing to lose. His subordinates died and surrendered. The entire 12 group army is almost finished. He feels that he has responsibility and it is necessary to try to get some fair treatment for those subordinates:

“The Grand Duke, the failure is indeed unbearable, but the reasons for the failure are many. The German equipment and combat quality far exceeds us. I must admit that we are not at a higher level than the Germans. ….”

For these words, Gregory is still quite satisfied with the fact that at least after the failure of domestic public opinion, he can shirk all responsibility to the enemy’s too strong.

But Warren Katzki’s words were seriously irritated to Gregory:

“Grand Duke, in addition to objective reasons, I think that there are serious problems in our command… For example, when the rebels attack, we should not hide in the trenches to stick to it… …”

Gregory was once again angry. Before Warren Katzky had already opposed his own operational decision, now he once again revisited the old thing, which is basically fanning his face.

“Enough, you shut me up!” Gregory almost snarled and interrupted the other person’s words: “Are you accusing me? What is the qualification of a failed general to blame me? The position is lost, The 12 group army is also destroyed in your hands, but you actually have to blame a distinguished Grand Duke? Have you forgotten your identity? You are just a vulgar guy!”

Warren Katzki closed his mouth tightly. . . . . . If the Grand Duke is so insulting a soldier, what hope is there in this country?

Gregory walked back and forth a few steps and suddenly stopped: “You Warren Katzky, from now on you are deprived of all ranks. To the 11 Army, I will give orders to General Dalkrenf. You will act as a A machine gunner to redeem your sins!”

On one side, the face of Marshal Donas, the flesh of the marshal flew a few times. . . . . .

“Yes, I accept your order, Lord Duke!” Warren Katzki said calmly: “Whether as a general or an ordinary soldier, I will fight for the honor of the soldiers!”

After he finished his tribute to the Grand Duke, he strode away from this disappointing place. . . . . .

“I have never doubted any of your decision by the Grand Duke.” Marshal Donaschi said a little harder: “But, for Warren Katzky’s failure, you can send him to a military court, or even shoot.” He, but letting a general go to be a machine gunner is a huge insult to anyone…”

“Mr. Marshal, this is my last decision!” Gregory said coldly: “He must pay for his mistakes. No one can be an exception. I won’t shoot him because I want everyone to be After seeing the failure, Mr. Marshal, if we don’t take such a move, all the people in the future will think that there is nothing in failure!”

Donna’s handsome heart sighed, maybe the Grand Duke will soon be his own!

“The form of the battle is not optimistic.” Gregory simply ignored the idea of ​​the subordinates: “The Germans and the traitors have launched an offensive on our wings. Do you have any good solutions?”

Marshal Donaski revived the spirit: “In our two wings is the elite 11 and 15 group army, their commanders are also brave and intelligent. I hope to be able to resist the enemy here for more than a month, the situation in Ukraine It will change rapidly. At the same time, we should also order the country to immediately send additional reinforcements to alleviate the current critical situation.

Of course, the support of the Allies is also essential. Lord Duke, I suggest that you can immediately call the Allied Commander to re-attend Berlin. . . . . . ”

Gregory nodded slowly: “Very good, just do what you said.”

Marshal Donaski’s heart made a long sigh. In fact, this time the retreat is the clearest choice. However, the Grand Duke will never agree.

He should need victory, even if such a victory seems so far away.

Even there is no way to achieve the so-called victory. . . . . .

At the moment of the front battlefield, with the collapse of the Russian 12 Group Army, the initiative of the war situation has been firmly controlled by Wang Weizhen.

The Russians have no way to organize an offensive. Now the only thing the German-Ukrainian coalition forces have to do is how to fully grasp the victory as soon as possible.

The Germans who arrived in Ukraine were welcomed by the Ukrainian locals. They took the initiative to send supplies and food to the Germans, which also caused the Germans to solve a big problem.

In Ukraine, there are pro-German groups as well as pro-Russian factions. However, from the perspective of historical origins, the power of the pro-German faction is even greater. Especially when Marshal Carcorochk returned to Ukraine

The power of public opinion has been widely mobilized. The paranoia of the Marshal Carcorochk’s paradox has begun to smother the grievances between Ukraine and Russia, constantly instilling Ukrainian thoughts, how Russia used despicable means to capture Ukraine. And in Ukraine’s repeated campaigns for national independence, Russia’s bloody suppression.

Of course, in this public opinion battle, Germany’s past help to Ukraine was also constantly being mentioned. . . . . .

Not only that, but the Marshal Carcorochk quickly took control of the representatives of the determined pro-Russian factions. He will never allow any accidents to occur at a critical moment in the war.

For everything Carolochk Marshal did, Wang Weizhen was very satisfied: “War is not just a battle. Everything determines whether we can win. The pro-Russian faction can not give us any help except to bring us trouble. Marshal Carcorochk, I think you will become a very good politician, not just a soldier.”

Marshal Carcorochk’s face showed some smiles: “I’m just doing what I should do… Lord Baron, to be honest, those pro-Russians are even monitored by us. They also Not honest, some people try to incite our soldiers to betray, others are preparing to flee the country. They are not real Ukrainians…”

“So what are you going to do, Marshal?” Wang Weizhen asked calmly.

“I have been thinking about a question why there are so many pro-Russian elements in Ukraine.” Carcorochk said coldly: “Before the Second World War, and after the end of the war, whether it was the Bolshevik government or the current government, The brutal suppression of Ukraine’s independent voices. They did not allow any opposition, and any call for Ukraine’s independence would be subjected to the most brutal suppression. In the 1955 year, the Ukrainian Independence Movement was terrible. Massacre. A large number of leaders were arrested and secretly shot without trial. I think there are more and more voices of opposition, and so many traitors are getting more and more. ….”

Speaking of this, he glanced at the baron: “Since our enemies can use the crackdown to annihilate the voice of opposition, then I think we can also adopt this approach.”

Wang Weizhen smiled meaningfully: “How to treat the country is your business. The German side will not intervene. But no matter what happens, Germany will always be your strongest backing.”

This is the answer that Marcorochk Marshal wants. . . . . . He must let all the voices of opposition disappear, laying a good foundation for the establishment of the future Ukrainian regime.

Now, the Baron and the German government he led have clearly stood on his side. . . . . .

In any country, once the internal cleaning is very terrible, especially the generals of Carcorochk who were born in the former Soviet Union know more about the power of cleaning. . . . . .

He had already prepared for it. After Baron Alexson’s acquiescence, the terrible cleansing that took place in Ukraine finally began.

Pro-Russian elements who had been secretly monitored before were quickly arrested. Among them are the famous Ukrainian social activist Takimir.

Everyone knows that Takimir is a pro-Russian social activist. After the outbreak of the Ukrainian uprising, Takimi! has visited Carsochochk Marshal many times and thought that this way should not be used to fight for independence in Ukraine. Instead, the Russian government should start a dialogue to resolve disputes and avoid the Ukrainian people’s bloodshed.

This person has a lot of supporters. After Tajimi was under house arrest, about 100 of his supporters spontaneously lived around the Takimir house to prevent him from being hurt.

During this period, Takimir also published his views on the situation in Ukraine through various channels, and most of these views are unfavorable statements to the Ukrainian interim government.

Marshal Carcorochk had long regarded this person as a stab in his eyes.

Now, it’s time to get rid of him. . . . . . The 4 month 26 Day’s greatness is a great opportunity for Carcorochk. . . . . .

His prestige has reached a new peak in Ukraine, and his follow-up has become more and more. . . . . .

After receiving the acquiescence of Baron Alexson, Marshal Carcorochk started on the night of 26 Day. . . . . .

The Ukrainian military police and a large number of soldiers appeared in the vicinity of the Takimir residence with two Tanks. The tweeter keeps urging Takimir supporters to leave the place within an hour, otherwise all the consequences will be their responsibility.

“They have to do it.” Listening to the tweeter outside, Tajimir said to his student Lovlkowski: “After an hour, maybe something terrible will happen.”

“Then please leave here immediately.” Lovlkoski, who has infinite respect for the teacher, said anxiously: “The soldiers will never be tempted to start.”

Takimir shook his head: “I won’t leave. Now Ukraine needs some calm people. Chami, you are my favorite student. Now I beg you to persuade those people to leave here, I don’t want to let They are hurt.”

“Cami” is the teacher’s nickname for himself. Lovlkowski said stubbornly: “If everything is inevitable, then I am willing to be with you. Of course, your supporters outside should not suffer. The same suffering.”

He went out but after more than ten minutes, he walked in disappointment and no supporter was willing to leave.

They even believe that those soldiers will never do it for themselves.

What a childish idea. . . . . .

When the stipulated time came, the military police and the military finally got started.

They began to disperse those supporters of Takimir, of course, by means of violence.

And these supporters also began to fight with the military and police. If the military police are still restrained, then the soldiers finally lost their patience.

A major took the lead in shooting. . . . . . Then, his subordinates also raised their weapons. . . . . .

Listening to the sound of gunshots from outside, Takimir sent a sad mourning. God, the merciful God, this terrible thing still happened.

There should be no such bloodshed!

The gunshots stopped after only a short period of time, and the outside land was stained with blood.

On the night of the day, 45’s supporters of Takimir were killed and the rest were arrested.

Then, the gate of Takimir’s residence was kicked open.

“Warrenf Takimir, you were arrested for committing treason!” the first major who shot the gun said coldly.

“The murderer, your shameless murderer!” Lovlkoski yelled out in anger: “You will be condemned, you are a sinner in Ukraine…”

Unfortunately, he can no longer say the following words. . . . . . The gun in the hands of the major rang. . . . . .

“Chami!” Takimir fell to the ground and hugged his students, but Lovlkowski stopped breathing forever. . . . . .

“The murderer, the murderer!” Putting down the student’s body, Takimir trembled and stood up. He pointed at the major and said sadly: “How can you shoot? How can you shoot at your compatriots?”

“I accept the order of the Supreme Military Control Committee.” The voice of the major does not carry any trace of feelings: “Please come with us, Takimir, go where you should go.”

Takimir was taken away. On the night of 26 Day, he was secretly tried by a temporary court established by the Ukrainian Supreme Military Control Council and sentenced to treason and executed on the same night.

The most determined pro-Russian faction of this Ukrainian was killed, and this is only the beginning of the Ukrainian cleansing.

Since then, pro-Russian elements have been arrested, tried and executed. Of course, all trials are undisclosed, exactly the same as the Russian government did on the Ukrainian land.

Using the means of the Russians to fight back, Marshal Carcorochk is doing everything he can to stabilize his regime.

Ukraine, will be able to rebuild according to Germany and its own wishes, a brand new Ukraine will soon appear!

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