The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 838. Tycoon and Ambassador, Astronomy

Baron Alexson has long been a god in the eyes of these Russians.

This magical baron has the ability to overwhelm the rain. He can easily do whatever he wants. Even the incomparable figure of the Duke of Berstoka is played by him.

Previously, when the Baron was preparing for revenge, almost everyone thought it was a task that was unlikely to be completed, which was too difficult for them.

But no one thought that the baron actually succeeded.

The independence of Ukraine made Gregory a mess. All he wanted now was how to stop the German attack. Other things were thrown aside by him.

This gives the best chance to those who have already decided to betray the Grand Duke.

And with the help of the baron, whether it is Milosevic or Khimeletzski, those who were not previously seen by the Grand Duke were all reused.

Therefore, when these people saw the baron, they were all respectful and even dare not even dare to speak a little.

No one dares to offend the Baron, and the ending of the sinful Baron is well written there. . . . . .

“It’s going very well, is it?” Wang Weizhen asked faintly in the accommodation that Capone prepared for him.

“Yes, it’s going very well.” Khimeletzski replied in a hurry: “Gregory has been completely chaotic. He is pleading with the United States to increase aid, and he is even preparing to conduct secret negotiations with Germany.”

Wang Weizhen’s mouth showed a smile: “Negotiation? Mr. Khimeletzski, please tell the Grand Duke, in Germany you have some friends with power, you can help him arrange, I think you know what to say? ”

“Yes, Lord Baron.” Khimeletzski understood what the other person said: “I will let Gregory believe that the Germans are preparing for negotiations.”

“Gentlemen.” Wang Weizhen’s gaze swept through these Russians: “The heroic German soldiers and the Ukrainian soldiers who dare to resist tyranny are quickly approaching Kursk and will soon arrive in Moscow. This is the key moment and the time to test you. Whoever can stand on my side at this time will receive my most generous reward, and you will get everything you want.”

Everyone except Ronova became excited. This is exactly what they have been looking forward to. Actually, Gregory has relied on the strength of the baron to get to where he is today. Why can’t they?

They simply don’t care if they want to sell their father. . . . . . The father never treated them as their children.

“In mid-May, everything will start…” Wang Weizhen looked at the time: “The punishment of fate, Gregorian can never escape, but don’t kill him, bring him alive to me. before.”

Several Russians had a nap, they understood too much, and it was more painful to live than to die. Gregory will watch as he loses his eyes and watched him accept the most cruel punishment.

This is the biggest revenge of the Baron.

“Lord Baron, we have found everything you want.” Milosevic took out several documents: “This is a few secret investments of Gregory in Russia, including fertilizer plants, refineries, etc. Some very profitable companies. Also, this is the location of the Gregory Safe House. This is a top secret information, I took a lot of effort to get it.”

His words contained a flamboyant ingredient, apparently in the presence of the baron.

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Very good, Mr. Milosevic, I will not forget your efforts.”

Milosevic smirked at his companion and seemed to tell others that he was getting the trust of the Baron.

“Okay, gentlemen.” Wang Weizhen took a smile: “The game is going on. What you should do, I believe that you all know that people who are loyal to me will get what you want, and those who are still hesitating.” You can opt out, you can even choose to inform Gregory, I don’t care, and the ending of such a person will be more painful than Gregory…”

Ronova knew that this was what the baron said to her, and she nodded silently at the baron. . . . . .

She found that the Baron was not the one that he had recognized in the United States when he was in the United States. He liked to help others, Mr. Moyol. The man who is now in front of himself is so cold and ruthless that the baron has long since become an angel of revenge. Why did the father betray such a person? Why did the father never think that the baron will definitely return?

To be honest, she did not want her father to suffer a terrible fate, no matter how Gregory treated this one in the past, but he is still his own biological father, but she is also not willing to betray the baron. She also has children, she does not want to let her children suffer any harm. . . . . .

The only thing she can do at this moment is to accept the final judgment of fate. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“The Russian army suffered a fiasco in Ukraine.” In the television station controlled by media tycoon Fristoya, there was a shocking news: “My 11th, 12th, and 15th Army defeated, the 12th Army Commander General Lenkatsky was unfortunately killed…”

The reporter told the Russians about the truth about the Ukrainian. What the reporter described is exactly the opposite of the officially announced “great victory”. It is bloody and shocking.

The three group armies suffered heavy losses. A large number of commanders were killed and surrendered. A large number of soldiers were killed and surrendered. At this moment, the German and Ukrainian coalition forces are attacking Orbchok and are approaching Kursk. Perhaps when the Russians wake up in the morning, they will find that the enemy has appeared outside Moscow.

What else is more irritating than this, and it feels more deceptive?

The anger of the Russians was ignited. When the war broke out, the authorities were always announcing a victory. They used lies to deceive good ordinary people, but the real situation on the battlefield was not at all imaginable.

The excitement of Moscow and the excitement of Russia have now turned into a large gunpowder barrel that can be ignited anytime and anywhere.

All they need is a fuse. . . . . .

At this moment in his office, Fristoa and the US Ambassador to Moscow, Mr. Prandi, are watching the reporter’s tone of interest with great interest.

“It’s really disappointing.” Prandi shrugged. “In my memory, whether in the First World War or the Second World War, although Russia has suffered failure, it has never been with this. In the face of the Germans, no, in front of the rebels, the huge Russian army did not have any ability to resist. Or how many times Moscow will once again fall to the enemy’s hand. It’s inside.”

“This is what our corrupt government has done.” Fristoa said faintly: “Gregory has filled his own private sacs with a large amount of aid from the United States. He completely ignores the reality of the country and the construction of the army. In his view, his own interests are far higher than the state, such a government, so the government under the leadership of the government, there is no possibility of success.”

Prandi’s brows are tightly locked together: “Mr. Fristoa, I have been friends with you for many years, and I know your character, but this is a very serious accusation, especially for the US government. In fact, if it is exactly what you said, I feel that we are being seriously fooled. Can you be responsible for what you said?”

“Please wait a moment.” Fristoa stood up. I took a few copies of the information from the safe and then sat back again: “Mr. Prandi, this is something that my people around Gregory helped me find, I think you will be interested.”

Prandy took the information. He looked at it one page, and the brow that was originally locked was wrinkled. . . . . .

“God, I didn’t think that being the supreme governing official of the Russian government could actually do such a shameless thing.” After reading all of this information, Prandy’s anger is not expressed in words: “Seven Ten thousand dollars, one hundred million dollars, and the previous aids, he was used in these places. The shameless act, this is the most shameless act. Congress has some members who have helped the government on such a large scale. Dissatisfaction, if these truths are exposed, then the President will be under heavy pressure. Ah, it seems that the report before the ‘Moscow Herald’ is completely true… Tianna, I am envisioning the president How will we face the questions of those members…”

“It’s hard.” Fristoa sighed: “The truth is always the truth. Even if we try to cover it, it will be known to everyone sooner or later. Mr. Ambassador, I have advised you before that I think you should Has the President reported it?”

Prandi nodded silently. . . . . .

Previously, Fristoa had had a meeting with him. During the talks, Fristoa believed that Gregory could no longer continue to represent the Russian government and could no longer continue to represent the interests of the United States in Russia. A new government could Let everyone be satisfied.

Even, Fristoa suggests that terrible mutiny may occur in the military. . . . . .

For the changes in Russia, Prandy is very clear. He knows that if the situation is further deteriorated, perhaps the interests of the United States in Russia will be seriously threatened.

It’s just that the German-Ukrainian coalition forces who are constantly approaching Moscow are enough to make him a headache. . . . . .

“It is very important for a new government to continue to maintain a close alliance with the Allies…” Prandi said his worries without cover: “Mr. Fristoa, I have already reported this matter to the President. The President is still hesitant about this matter. After all, this will involve all aspects of the interests. Can you guarantee it?”

“Of course I can guarantee it.” Fristoa’s answer did not hesitate at all: “I am a patriot, I don’t want my country to continue to sink like this. I hope to see Russia re-powerful, not to rely on corruption and corruption. Our government. Mr. Ambassador, I hope that the United States can make its own decisions as soon as possible. Otherwise, once our people and the patriots in the army act spontaneously, they cannot get the support of the United States, which will make the United States The prestige in Russia has been severely weakened.”

Prandi couldn’t help but nod. This is also the question he and the president discussed again and again during the call. . . . . .

The United States needs Russia too much. Even if the Russian army loses and loses on the battlefield, as long as the country does not withdraw from the war, it is a huge threat to Germany.

But it is clear that the status of the Duke of Berstoka is now faltering. Once he suddenly collapses and the United States does not react to it, no one knows what the outcome will be.

Fristoa is a very good partner. He knows a lot of things that he doesn’t even know about himself, and he also informed himself in time about the major changes that are taking place inside the Russian government.

His gaze fell on his old friend: “Mr. Fristoa, you are my friend and a friend of the US government. If you can replace the position of the Duke of Berstorka, I think we will be very Interested in.”

Fristoa smiled: “My friend, I said, I am a patriot, but that’s all. I am not interested in any other position, but I am willing to do my best to support the new inheritance. And do everything in their power to support all the interests of the United States in Russia.”

“You are an upright and selfless person…” Prandi sighed: “Anyone is hard to be tempted in front of power, but only you are excluded. I will immediately talk to the President, and at the same time I also hope that you can continue to keep in touch with me.”

“Of course, of course I will do this.”

When Fristoa finished the sentence, the phone on his desk rang. He stood up and took the call. After listening for a while, he said, “Okay, let him come to my office.”

He put down the phone: “Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Jin Walker, the assistant of the Grand Duke of Berstoka, is now downstairs.”

“Probably for your TV station.” Prandi muttered: “Do you need me to avoid it?”

“No.” Fristoa squinted: “You will solve a lot of troubles here…”

Prandi couldn’t help but smile. He knew exactly what his old friend had to solve. . . . . .

As an assistant to the Grand Duke, Kim Walker did not think that the American ambassador was actually here, he obviously hesitated, and then courtesy expressed the Grand Duke and his own greetings to Mr. Fristoa.

“Oh, we have known it for a long time. I think the Grand Duke must have something to send you to me.” Fristoa said faintly.

“Ah, yes.” Jin Walker looked a little nervous: “Mr. Fristoa, the Grand Duke believes that the reports you have made by the TV station are completely in the air, and there is nothing in the middle of it. It is very bad for the government and the Grand Duke himself. Good influence. So the Grand Duke wants you to stop those reports immediately and restore your reputation.”

Fristoa was full of surprises: “Does the Grand Duke really think so? Mr. King Walker, let’s get straight to the point, the failure on the battlefield is unquestionable, even if we don’t report, Russia. The people will know sooner or later, why should we hide the truth? Does the Grand Duke think that blocking all reports can stop our enemies from attacking?”

Kim Walker didn’t think that the other person had said this in a polite manner. He didn’t know how to deal with it.

To be honest, this time he was appointed by the Grand Duke to prepare to use threats in the absence of temptation, but the American ambassador appeared here but broke all plans.

He said with a hard scalp: “Mr. Fristoa, we need a foreign minister in the government. The Grand Duke believes that you can take up this position with your qualifications and prestige. Do you know if you are willing?”

Fristoa and Prandi glanced at each other and smiled in their hearts. Fristoa immediately said, “Thank you for the kindness of the Grand Duke, but I can’t take this position. I am very satisfied with the current situation. Be prepared to make any changes. Please go back and tell the Grand Duke that he should re-select a more qualified Foreign Minister.”

For Mr. Fristo’s refusal, Kim Walker said after a long silence: “Is there really no room for negotiation? Mr. Fristoa, Russia is still responsible for everything by the Grand Duke, I am not Think you are wise to do this.”

“Russia is Russia under the tsar.” Fristoa said coldly: “I never knew that Russia was the Grand Duke of Russia.”

At this time, Prandi also said: “Mr. King Walker, I should not interfere with your internal affairs, but I think that the continuous failure of the Russian army on the battlefield should cause the government to be seriously vigilant. The US government is also very Concerns, the most serious thing is that we want to know what the US aid is actually using, and it is very opaque to this Russian government. I have reason to question this.”

Kim Walker didn’t know what he should say.

Fristoa suddenly said: “Now, the Grand Duke should not be concerned with any news reports, but those who are close to Kursk!” (To be continued. Please search h astronomical W, the novel is better Update faster!)

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