The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 888. Big day, floating astronomy

The treasures owned by the Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, really opened the eyes of even people like Wang Weizhen.

Perhaps the treasures collected by the entire Russian tsars have almost to let this greedy Grand Duke empty. In particular, the treasures of the Ekaterina II era are dazzling and beautiful.

Fortunately, the father is more greedy, and the more stupid Ilya is blinded by money. Otherwise, even if Gregory loses everything else, he still has such a huge fortune.

To revenge, you must let your own enemy not even have a pair of bottoms!

The equally surprised Eliot, who lends a loan at a super low price of $100 million, of course, due to the “respect” of the Grand Duke of Berstokka and the “friendship” with Mr. Ilya, Eliot Even the interest on the loan is exempted.

And this also makes Ilya grateful.

Now, the Russian treasure house has completely belonged to Wang Weizhen. . . . . .

The wave of the great era is coming in a wave of waves, no one can stop it. The only thing a wise person can do is to push the waves.

And Wang Weizhen and his “New York Alliance” are the ones who have helped the audience behind the scenes. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Wednesday, May 11, 1966.

Today is a nice weather.

New York was still raining a few days ago, but the weather has cleared since the early morning.

This seems to indicate some good things, such as the New York stock market, which has temporarily stopped rising, will continue to rise again, such as the housing contract market can reach a new peak.

All of this makes people feel so beautiful.

“Alice, are you dressed?” Alisya hurriedly turned a simple makeup into the mirror and shouted loudly at her daughter’s bedroom.

“Ah, Mom, I am fine.” Put on the new clothes that Mother bought for herself yesterday, Alice jumped out and said: “Mom, can I wear this look?”

“Good-looking, of course, good-looking.” Alisya kissed her daughter: “Ah, we have to hurry, or it will be late.”

With her daughter left her room, she saw that the landlord Murray was already waiting for herself. Mr. Murray first gave them their greetings: “Oh, your daughter Alice is beautiful, and I will be with you in the future.” It’s a big beauty… Alisya, you haven’t paid rent for two months, and I have to rely on this life… or, change a little house? After all, you only have two personal.”

“Ah, Mr. Murray, I will give you rent tomorrow night.” Alisya didn’t seem to care at all: “I am rich, you know, I made a fortune, I will throw away my hand today. The house contract, and then there is money for you.”

“Ah, then I am relieved.” Mr. Murray seems to be so polite forever: “If I have anything offensive, please forgive me, who will make me profitable without you.” How much money is there?”

Alisya’s face showed a smug smile: “Mr. Murray, you see, you can make a fortune like me, why don’t you enter the housing contract market?”

Mr. Murray shrugged his shoulders: “Oh, to be honest, I am not as courageous as you are. I am a very cautious person. I would rather live a quiet life now.”

“That’s a pity.” Alisya actually despised the people like Mr. Murray. They didn’t have any courage at all. They didn’t dare to move. They only wanted to guard their own places and have some so-called stable days. What is the future of such a person?

She restrained her inner disdain, and politely said goodbye to Mr. Murray. . . . . .

Looking at the back of Alisya, Mr. Murray shook his head. Although the whole of New York, the entire United States was there for the so-called securities market, for the so-called housing contract market, Mr. Murray did not believe this.

He had experienced the terrible stock market crash of the 1940s, and saw someone jumping from the building, and in the house he rented out.

These things are illusory, the most illusory, especially the housing contract market. Those people are really crazy, they don’t have to go to the house at all. Can they be so high with a contract? Are these really true?

No, anyway, Mr. Murray is absolutely not convinced. Nothing is more reassuring than being able to live through your own life. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“The Marquis of Ilia, your clothes.”

Dressed in the mirror Ilya carefully, he is very satisfied with his status today. After a while, his wealth will increase by geometric figures, which is what he most wants to see.

After he determined that there was nothing in his dress, he went out without hesitation.

In order to successfully merge into the upper class of the United States, you must make yourself look very calm all the time, just like Mr. Eliot.

Ah, hell, why should you learn Eliot? Your wealth will sooner or later surpass this guy, and he will let him bow in front of him sooner or later.

You know, Eliot is just a rich man, but he is a real Marquis. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Wednesday at 8:00 am.

There is still an hour before the opening of the securities market. A large number of people have gathered at the door. They are discussing the current market in a lively discussion, and they are busy discussing what kind of high point the stock market will hit today.

The Marquis of Ilya entered from the side door. A big customer like him is a VIP-level character. He doesn’t have to wait with the poor guys to open the door.

When he entered, he saw that Mr. Eliot had arrived, and beside Mr. Elliot, he was surprised to see Mr. Gates Morgan and Mr. Lawrence Rockefeller.

Ah, this is the three heavyweights in the United States. For Mr. Morgan and Mr. Rockefeller, they have only seen them once or twice.

Ilya became excited. He walked quickly to the three tycoons: “It is a great honour to see you. Mr. Wittgenstein, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Rockefeller, are you also coming to witness the miracle in the history of world securities? ?”

“It depends on your understanding of the miracle.” Gates smiled and said: “Maybe your understanding is somewhat different from ours.”

Ilya didn’t quite understand what he meant by the words. These tycoons, can’t they talk straightforwardly?

Of course, no matter what the other party said, he did not dare to argue too much. Although he is a Marquis in Russia, but here is New York, the place where these American tycoons are. . . . . .

As people waited anxiously for the opening of the securities market, they were already full of people in the nearby New York City’s largest housing contract exchange.

Their mood at this moment is more tense than the speculators in the stock market.

Alisya clasped her daughter’s hand and looked at the time anxiously. Be aware that this can be related to the happiness of her and her daughter’s life.

The price of the house contract has reached an incredible level, and Alisya feels that it is time to empty the contract and his dream is one step closer. . . . . .

“Alice, what do you want?” Looking at her daughter’s bored look around, Alisya asked softly: “Beautiful clothes? Is it a beautiful doll?”

“I want to be with my mother all the time…” Alice looked at her mother with beautiful eyes: “Mom, don’t we have to come here so early every day?”

“Yes, we will never come here again every day in the future, because we will have a lot of money soon.” Alisya’s words are filled with happiness: “A lot of money can even pile up your bedroom. You can sleep late every day. When you wake up, the servant will bring a cup of hot milk to you. If you have someone else, you will have it. No, you will definitely be better than everyone else. …..”

Alice became happy: “Do you guarantee, mother?”

“Yes, I promise!” Alisya made her most solemn commitment to her daughter.

“Oh, Mom, who are you looking at? That’s Mr. Moyol.” Alice suddenly pointed at a person who had just stopped the car and said.

Ah, really young and handsome Mr. Moyol. There are two people next to him.

“Alisya, Alice, how are you.” Wang Weizhen smiled and came to them: “So early, have you had breakfast?”

“No.” Alice honestly returned: “Mom took me out early in the morning.”

Alisya had no time to stop her daughter. She blushed: “Oh, we are getting up late today, I am worried that I will be late, I know, today is a big day.”

“Yeah, today is a big day…” Wang Weizhen sighed softly and then said to his companions: “Mr. Frost, Mr. Casanović, you have something to eat. ?”

“I should have some cookies.” Cassanovovic found the biscuit from his body and handed it to Alice.

Casanovich? Alisya is a little dazed. She knows who this person is, the famous gangster godfather in New York. When that man was cheap, Alice’s biological father worked under Mr. Casanović.

But how can a gentleman like Mr. Moyol be related to the gangsters? And it seems that Cassanovich is also very respectful to Mr. Moyol.

“This is Mr. Casanović, and this is Mr. Frost, the president of Frost Brokers.”

With the introduction of Mr. Moyol, Alisya was even more surprised. In the days when the housing contract market continued to rise, the “Froost Brokerage Company” was probably the most prosperous. They seemed to have inexhaustible in their hands and the best houses in the lot.

They have become the focus of discussion and become the most dazzling star in the New York housing contract market. . . . . .

God, this is actually a friend of Mr. Moyol.

Alisya asked awkwardly: “Mr. Frost, do you say that today will be a new high?”

“I can’t say these…” Frost’s answer was a bit surprising: “But Mrs. Alisya, from my personal point of view, when you open the disc, you still have all the handles as soon as possible. The house contract has been thrown away.”

Alisya perfunctored the “en” sound, but what she thought in her heart was that she was not so stupid, she had to wait until the highest point was thrown.

This is the last chance for Wang Weizhen to give Alisya, whether she can catch it. But people are always blinded by greed. . . . . .

At this time, at nine o’clock, the New York Stock Exchange and the Housing Exchange exchange both blew the horn. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Everyone was there shouting loudly and shouting. Everyone’s face is full of madness.

Prices rose again in that liter, whether in the stock market or on the housing contract exchange.

Elliot, Gates, Lawrence looked at it all coldly. . . . . . Wang Weizhen, Frost, and Casanovich are watching this all coldly. . . . . .

Ilya is screaming in madness, Alisya is also crying wildly, everyone is madly calling. . . . . .

The housing contract in a remote area of ​​Manhattan Avenue has been fired into an astronomical number, but no one cares about it at all. In their view, as long as they can grab the contract, it means that the money is coming to them.

This is a big day, this is the craziest big day. . . . . .

Alisya tried to throw out the two house contracts she had in her hand several times, but she hesitated to see the rising price.

Wait a second, and then wait, there will be a new price.

At that time, you can live the happiest and happiest life with Alice. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Like the housing contract, the stock price is constantly climbing to new heights. Ilya is full of redness and excitement is already incoherent.

God, money, this is money! I will soon become a rich man, what Wittgenstein family, what Morgan family, what Rockefeller family, all have to be stepped on their feet.

Self is the real king of wealth. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“A crazy world.” Wang Weizhen shook his head slightly: “All the people are lost. They forget the danger, forget the fear, and there is only money in their eyes. Mr. Frost, How was the first domino of the Dutch Tulip event being overthrown?”

Frost certainly knows how this terrible thing happened.

1637 2 Month 4 Day, what happened on this day is the biggest unsolved case in the history of the world’s finance, and no one. On the morning of the morning, in Amsterdam and around the exchange, the sale of tulips went smoothly as usual. The merchants stretched their necks and asked for the price. The buyers walked down from the luxurious carriages, which seemed to be no different from usual. When various transactions were going on, God knew what was going on, and someone started dumping his tulip contract. At this moment, the first domino of the tulip bubble was pushed down. What followed was that everyone was scrambling to start selling their own tulip contracts because no one wanted to be the last fool. The price of the Dutch tulip market suddenly fell to the freezing point. There were all kinds of hysterical noises in the exchange. The whole Amsterdam was immersed in a doomsday atmosphere, and the tulip bubble was shattered. On the 27 day in April of the same year, the Dutch government finally came forward with a sorrowful sorrow and ordered the termination of the sale of all tulip contracts.

Wang Weizhen doesn’t have to answer himself with Frost: “So let the first dominoes fall in our hands!”

Frost stood up from his seat. . . . . . This is 10 am on May 11, 1966. . . . . .

“Manhattan Third Avenue 210 to 226… Manhattan Fifth Avenue 19 to 28… Brooklyn Brighton Beach Business District…”

Just as the New York housing securities market was at its peak, some people suddenly began selling large-scale housing contracts in their most valuable areas. God, these are all prime locations, and they are hard to find. What’s even more mysterious is that all the house contracts sold out are only two-thirds of the current market value. . . . . .

Crazy, who is doing such crazy things? Who is so frustrated that the house that is so valuable is sold at such a low price? Some people began to regret that if these housing contracts are in their own hands, how good? However, some people quickly found out that something was wrong. . . . . .

This should not be the case, absolutely should not be like this. . . . . . There must be something wrong with this. . . . . . A huge sense of crisis is quietly approaching those guys who are smart and calm.

This is the first domino, the first overthrown domino. Like the Dutch Tulip event, the first domino was overthrown on Wednesday, May 11. . . . . .

The big day is just a big day that can be remembered by everyone!

“It’s really a day.” Wang Weizhen suddenly said: “A big day worth remembering by all of us, is it, Mr. Casanović?”

“Yes, it will be remembered by every one of us.” Cassanovich also smiled there: “When everyone is insane, it is when you get the most benefit, congratulations. , Baron, you won again.”

Wang Weizhen said faintly: “It should be congratulations to all of us!” (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better and faster!)

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