Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1032

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, I can't release it now. Once I release it, the toxin channel will open again, my heart will be paralyzed by the toxin, and I will die soon."

The hammer said quickly: "Then don't worry, when the toxin is removed, when you can take it out again, anyway...cough cough, anyway, we are brothers."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes, I touched my conscience and said, I really treat you as a brother."

The Hammer blushed and said, "You should touch your own conscience, not mine."

Xufeng grinned and said: "I'm not afraid of toxins numb the heart, or else, you can touch my conscience, so that we are even."

The Hammer thought for a while, "...don't."

That scene would make her more shy than it is now.

At this time, Xu Feng couldn't help but squeezed again.

The hammer flushed, "Are you... getting better?"

Xu Feng was startled, "Why do you ask? Could it be that you felt it just now?"

Before the hammer could answer, Xu Feng sighed, "Oh, my hands are completely insensible, I can't feel anything."

The hammer said in surprise: "Can't you feel anything?"

Xufeng said with a pained face, "Yes, I can't feel anything, no matter what I am like this or this... I don't feel anything with my fingers!"

Xufeng squeezed and squeezed, refreshing and refreshing.

The hammer frowned slightly, and his teeth were almost biting his lips.

Xufeng squeezed, and finally sighed, "It's over, this arm is useless."

The Hammer quickly comforted: "It doesn't matter Xufeng, we are just in the plot plane. As long as we can complete the task and return to the plane of survival, no matter what injuries you suffer, you will be healed.

Xufeng sighed and said, "I'm afraid that my state will drag you down. Otherwise, you can leave me alone, you can leave you."

The hammer said sternly, "Xufeng, how can you say that! First of all, we are a team, even if we don’t have the relationship of teammates, don’t we two have... brotherhood? You didn’t abandon me, how can I Will you abandon you at such a time?"

Xufeng grinned and said, "You scolded me before, saying that I abandon you."

The hammer pouted, "What? I know you won't really abandon me. You did that to distract the giant spider, and then you burst its chrysanthemum."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, you understand this, even if my arm is scrapped, it doesn't matter."

The Hammer blushed and said, "I won't let your arm be destroyed like this, and I won't let the crystallized toxin hurt your heart. Just keep your hand here, anyway...you She didn’t feel her hands either.” Sanjiu Xufeng looked at her blushing little face and the shy girl expression all over her face. She suddenly felt irritated, not right, suddenly became interested, and kneaded back and forth again, passing her hands well. addiction.

After the hand addiction, this guy still sighed to the sky: "It's over, it's over, it really doesn't feel at all."

The Hammer comforted: "It's okay, don't worry, the most important thing now is that it's important to save our lives first-it's better to go back now, find Gandalf to send us back to the town, and wait for the Snow Emperor and the others to meet us."

Upon hearing Xuedi's name, Xu Feng shrank his fingers subconsciously.

Good guy, if Xue Di saw such a scene, he would definitely cut him off.

Let alone Snow Emperor, if Iron Hammer knew the truth and knew that he was actually teasing her on purpose, Xu Feng would not even want to leave the story world completely.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't, don't worry! Our mission has not been completed yet, we have to continue to explore the ogre territory."

The hammer said eagerly: "You are like this, how do you explore?"

Xufeng said: "It's okay. It's okay for the two of us to be closer. Now, the crystallized venom on the ground has basically disappeared. Let's go to the giant spider's corpse to see if it has fallen. "

The hammer nodded slightly, "Also."

Elite monsters at level 55 are essentially the same as the Necromancer in the tomb of the Ring Spirit King Kamel, and they are all likely to drop top-quality equipment.

Xufeng and the hammer walked to the body of the giant spider like a Siamese baby.

The hammer looked at the spider slime all over the floor and couldn't help but wrinkle his nose, "It smells really bad."

Xufeng squatted down while pulling the hammer, and at the same time took out the sword of Boromir with his left hand, and picked up the chitin shell of the giant spider with the tip of the sword.

This shell is harder than steel, but lighter than steel.

Xufeng suddenly had a bold idea-if he could bring the chitin shell back, wouldn't he have the opportunity to find a leatherworker to make a decent leather armor?

The hammer seemed to see Xu Feng's thoughts, then shook his head and said, "Neither you nor I are professional skinning professionals, nor do you have a professional skinning knife. It is impossible to take away the complete chitin shell."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course we can't take away the chitin shell, but we can chop off the legs and feet of this giant spider, and also hollow out the internal organs, leaving only a spider skin. Take it away, and then return to the plane of survival, ask Li Hongwei to peel and make leather."

Li Hongwei is a businessman in a leather shop, and he certainly has no problem in this regard.

The hammer frowned and said: "But if we don't peel off the chitin shell, this thing won't be an extraordinary item. If it's not an extraordinary item, it won't bring out the plot plane."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, I have my own way."

It took so much mental energy for sister Qi Luo to make a crystal cage for him. How could he put on more decorations before going home.

The crystal cage also ignores the rules of plane travel, as long as the things in the crystal cage can cross the plane.

Of course, every time you cross over, you will lose one layer, until after ten layers are consumed, the crystal cage is completely useless.

But so far, the crystal cage has not crossed back once.

The hammer said helplessly: "Well, you have the final say."

Xufeng handed the sword of Borromir to the hammer, "You use this sword to chop the legs and feet over there, and I use this sword to chop the legs and feet here."

"I don't want it!" The hammer said disgustingly: "I like to hit with a hammer!"

Chapter 141 What Are You Waiting For? Come!

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you hit the internal organs of a giant spider with a hammer for a while."

The hammer hesitated, "Forget it, give me the Bomilo sword."

Xu Feng corrected and said: "It's the sword of Boromir."

The hammer said indifferently: "Who can remember such a long foreign name, anyway, you know what I'm talking about."

Xufeng laughed and handed the sword of Boromir to the hammer, and he took out the sword of Triton and slashed at the spider's legs and feet on this side.

The hammer slashed at the spider's legs and feet on the other side.

And Xu Feng's left hand was still stuck in the heart of the hammer, holding it firmly.

Such a posture is really awkward, but Xu Feng doesn't think so.

It's so cool!

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