Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1036

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "You."

The Hammer grinned, "Then are we going to see it upstream now."

Xufeng put away the parchment map, "I'm here, of course I want to check it out."

There is always a worry in his heart, he must see the ogre camp with his own eyes before he can be sure whether his worry will happen.

The two marched upstream along the quiet river.

On the way, I encountered a group of murloc monsters. These murlocs run very fast, and in groups, if one is attacked, they will inevitably summon their surrounding companions.

Fortunately, Xufeng and the hammer cooperate very well. Both of them are powerful output type survivors, so it takes less than two or three moves to lose a murloc in a second.

After killing a few waves of murlocs in this way, Xu Feng saw billowing black smoke not far away.

The smoky place is a cave, and outside the cave, there is a fortress-level building under construction.

Xu Feng's heart sank.

What he was worried about might happen in all likelihood.

Ogres like to live in damp caves, and ogres are lazy. They will not build military-grade outposts, let alone assemble into an army.

There are only two forces that can assemble an army in a place like the dark dense forest.

One is King Thrandil's Kingdom of the Dark Forest Elves. The Dark Forest was originally the territory of these agile elves, and they came and went freely here.

The second is the half-orcs led by the half-orc leader Asog.

The headquarters of Asog is in the dangerous misty mountains, and the misty mountains are closely connected to the dark dense forest.

Generally speaking, half-orcs would not build a military-grade outpost in the hinterland of a dense forest so far. However, thinking of the fact that half-orc scouts once went to explore areas outside the Shire before, Xufeng has reason to suspect that half-orcs’ The troops are ready to move.

In that case, the trouble will be great!

This position is really a blind spot for the league!

It now appears that Canyon Town was attacked by four ogres, but the real danger was not the ogres, but the half-orcs who drove the ogres away from their nests and set up military outposts!

The location of this post is extremely concealed. Once it has formed a scale, the Orcs' troops can penetrate directly into the Kingdom of Jarno, and can instantly break through the gates of Canyon Town, and then in only half a day, they can rush into the military fortress of Neenhan!

The Nernhaen military fortress is the last military barrier of the capital of Jarno!

Once Neenhan is breached, then the kingdom of Jarno will face the bloodbath of half-orcs madness!

Even if the Orcs' army does not intend to destroy the Kingdom of Jarno, they can still attack the Kingdom of Rohan and the Kingdom of Gondor towards the south!

Even if they don't attack the kingdoms of Rohan and Gondor, the orcs can still turn around and attack the elven territory of King Thrandil of King Elrond!

Xu Feng took a breath, cold sweat on his back!

Fortunately, I insisted to come and take a look!


The consequences are really unimaginable.

The hammer whispered from the side: "Xufeng, I smelled the smell of coking coal in the air. Although it is far away, with my years of forging experience, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it-there is a blacksmith shop in that camp. They are building weapons. I am a little confused, I remember that ogres are very lazy, they are actually building weapons?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Obviously, that camp is no longer an ogre camp, but a half-orc camp."

The hammer said in surprise: "Half orcs? Half orcs are actually building outposts here? This..."

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "This trick is really clever. Although it is quite laborious to build the outpost, as long as the scale is formed, Asog's large forces can ambush here, and then when necessary, attack the alliance. All countries, launch a fatal blow."

The Hammer said quickly: "No! We have to tell Gandalf the news quickly, so that he can find the Holy White Council as soon as possible and hold an alliance meeting!"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, things have not reached the point of being irreversible. According to the mayor of Canyon Town Kelan, the four ogres harassed Canyon Town five days ago, from this end of the Canyon. , It takes at least two days to get to Canyon Town, which means that these half-orc forward scouts only came here a week ago and took away the territory where the ogres lived. They are based on fighting and plundering. Construction is not their strong point. One week of fortifications, they may not be able to scale."

The Hammer looked at the black smoke floating in the dark dense forest, and nodded slightly, "So, the big troop of orcs has not come yet, there is only a group of scouts here."

Xufeng analyzed: "This should be a military stronghold. The scouts here are sent to investigate every area. The two orc scouts we met in the Brandy Mountains outside the Shire area should have come from here. They did not go to villages and towns, but through the dark and dense forests and directly reached the Brandy Mountains. I estimate that there should be hundreds of such scouts in this post, but most of them should be sent out. The scouts in the post are on duty. In addition to working, there are only a dozen people at most."

Hammer's eyes lit up, "If there are one hundred, we have no chance of winning, but if ten, we should have a great chance! So, Xu Feng, do you want to destroy this outpost?".

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "Yes, this outpost is the painstaking effort of Asog. After destroying this outpost, Asog knew that we had guarded against him, so he didn't dare to risk a huge loss again. Go deep into the hinterland of the jungle to build such a post."

"I don't have so many ideas, as long as I can do them!" Hammer said happily: "I am so happy to act with you."

Chapter 145

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend."

The hammer took a sip and took out two of his forging hammers, "Hurry up and let's start, I can't wait."

Xufeng said: "Don't worry, we can't just rush in and fight the orc scout like this. We have to look at the inside first. What if my judgment is wrong?"

Hammer smiled and said: "I believe you, your judgment has never been missed. It's so worry-free to act with you."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "You have to sneak in and take a look."

"Okay." The hammer shrugged, "I listen to you."


Xufeng immediately took the hammer and walked in the direction of the orc camp.

After reaching a small hill near the camp, Xufeng motioned for the hammer to get down.

A hundred meters away from them is the camp gate.

There are two tall and fierce orc soldiers standing there with spears in their hands.

A dozen fat heads were also worn on the spiked fence of the camp.

Those heads are the heads of ogres.

This was originally the cave of the ogres. The half-orcs snatched the cave of the ogres and slaughtered these ogres.

In this way, the four ogres that attacked Canyon Town really escaped from here. If the orcs hadn't taken their territory, they wouldn't have rushed through the canyon jungle to reach human territory. In town.

Xufeng's judgment was indeed correct.

"Just two guys, it should be easy to kill." The hammer was a little unbearable.

In the previous duel with the giant spider, she was crushed and beaten by the giant spider. After all, the level of the giant spider was too high. Faced with the 55-level giant spider, the hammer had no power to fight back.

But the orc scouts are not so powerful. The level of the orc scouts is around 50. With the strength of the hammer, it is no problem to single out a half-orc by one person, plus Xu Feng is beside him. There is no problem.

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