Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1043

In the beginning, the ogres relied on their quantitative advantages to play a very sharp rhythm, but unfortunately, the ogres were not an army, and they did not have a unified command. Some ogres wanted to expand their battle results. It is necessary to kill all the half-orcs in one go and regain their territories. Some ogres just want to leave this place of right and wrong when the half-orcs can't beat them, and find other caves. Just rebuild a home.

Therefore, when they encounter a life-threatening crisis, they can still fight with the enemy and show a decent momentum, but when they are in an advantage, they will not fight.

Their formation began to disperse, some ogres ran east, some ogres west, some ran to the door, and some ran to the wolf stable.

Those who ran to the door wanted to take the opportunity to escape, while those who ran to the wolf stable were starving and want to eat some wolf pads first.

However, what the ogres did not expect was that the half-orcs were also very fierce. The ogres rushed into the wolf stable before they could start eating, they were swarmed up by the wolves, and were eaten by them.

The great advantage of the ogre was lost.

This is a good hand, but it was played in a mess.

This battle can last another three to five minutes at most, so Xufeng and the others must hurry up and leave here.

Seeing that Xufeng came out from the armory, the hammer quickly asked, "Xufeng, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, I searched for extraordinary items." Xu Feng grinned.

The hammer sneered, "What good things can there be in such a broken place."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "You must not have thought of it-but now is not the time to talk about this, let's leave here quickly."

"Okay." The iron hammer showed its forging hammer, poured its strength on the hammer, and then knocked against each other. A spark spattered on the material spilled with wine, and the flame bounced with a bang. The fire expanded immediately.

"Go!" Xu Feng pulled up the hammer and rushed out of the cave.

The Hammer asked: "Where do we go from?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "At this time, you don't need to worry about the guards and eyes, just rush out from the front door."

"But, there are many ogres and half-orcs at the front door!" The Hammer frowned.

As a human race, whether it is an ogre or a half-orc, it is an enemy.

It is easy to talk about if you want to pass between enemies.

Xu Feng yelled loudly in the orc language, "It's not good! The damn ogre has burned our material warehouse! Go and put out the fire!" As soon as Huaxia Chinese said this, the half-orcs present suddenly All became nervous.

The leader of a half-orc quickly yelled and ordered the scouts to rush into the cave to put out the fire, while the remaining scouts continued to encircle and suppress the ogres.

As soon as the fire-fighting scouts rushed into the cave, the whole cave exploded with a bang, and half of the mountain collapsed!Half of the scouts were buried alive in the cave!

Xu Feng shouted again in the language of the ogre: "The half-orcs are dead! Now the ground is full of their corpses! Come and cook all the half-orcs together!"

The ogres originally wanted to escape, but when they heard this, they immediately stopped and looked for the corpse of the orc.

As a result, the remaining scouts couldn't save their companions, and had to fight the ogres first.

Seeing that the number of half-orcs had dropped sharply, the ogres immediately regained their morale and regained their advantage.

Xufeng took the opportunity to pull the hammer and ran out from the front.

There were no guards at the front gate, and their way out was much smoother than the way in.

The Hammer couldn't help laughing while following Xufeng, "Xufeng, you are so cunning! You actually let the orcs and the ogres kill each other with your three-inch tongue."

Xufeng smiled and said: "The half-orcs and the ogres already have hatred, I just expanded their hatred at the right opportunity."

Hammer laughed a few times, and suddenly frowned, "Wait, you are such a ghost, have you lied to me?"

Xufeng said quickly: "Hammer, don't think about it, you are my brother, how can I lie to you?"

The Hammer asked: "You said that your hand was crystallized before, didn't you lie to me?"

Xu Feng quickly said: "Of course not! My hands are indeed crystallized, and you feel it when you are! Don't say you didn't feel it at the time!

Hammer's face flushed, "I... did feel it."

At that time, when Xufeng's crystal toxin broke out, his entire arm was cold and biting, and of course the hammer felt sensible.

"It seems that you really didn't lie to me, I blamed you." Hammer said sorry.

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's okay, we are brothers."

Fortunately, the hammer didn't ask him how to get rid of the crystallized toxins, otherwise, it would really show up.

At this time, Xufeng suddenly felt heavy footsteps chasing behind him.

He grabbed the hammer and hid behind a thick old tree.

Half a minute later, two chubby ogres ran over.

Xu Feng coldly appeared in front of them, "Are you following us?"

The two ogres were shocked immediately. One of them said quickly: "No, no, my lord, a scout troop has returned. Those ogres can't beat the scout troop at all. The two of us are first. Escaped!"

Another ogre also said quickly: "Yes, my lord, please save us and take us out of here."

When the two talked, their blood-red eyes looked straight at Xufeng and Iron Hammer, who was hungry, looking at the delicious food.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Oh, it turned out to be like this, OK, let's go together."

The two ogres were overjoyed, and as soon as they were about to bend down to say thank you, Xu Feng rushed forward at a thunderous speed. The sword of Triton and the sword of Borromir in his hand were cut in a whirlwind, first to their knees. Cut off, and when they were forced to kneel down, they cut off their heads directly!


Chapter 152 You Just Trust Me

The hammer on the side was taken aback by Xufeng's sudden behavior.

She thought that Xufeng would not let these two ogres go, but she didn't expect that Xufeng would shoot so quickly and so harshly.

Before her mysterious iron forging hammer was taken out, the battle was over.

Xu Feng returned the sword into its sheath, and explained to the hammer lightly: "These two guys are not good stubble, they want to take the opportunity to eat us."

The hammer nodded, "I know, you don't need to explain this to me."

If it is a hammer, the hammer will kill these two ogres. The ogres themselves are monsters and there is nothing to pity them.

Xufeng looked back at the outpost filled with gunpowder. The outpost had been ruined for a long time. It was impossible to rebuild it. The half orcs in the outpost were also seriously injured, but outside There are still close to two hundred half-orc scouts who escaped this disaster.

However, even if they escaped, the scout troops of these two hundred people could hardly survive in places like the dark dense forest. Their outposts were destroyed and there were no supplies and no safe places to rest. They insisted on two more days at most. , They must return to their orcs nest in the Misty Mountains.

Xufeng's strategic goal this time is basically completed.

At the gate of the outpost, there were two teams of scouts who had just returned. One team directly joined the battle with the ogres, and the other team chased in Xufeng's direction.

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