Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1054

The guards below are all eager to try.

Thomas quickly grabbed the spear, and said with a serious face: "Master Diego, you said it will punish me! Let me come! I must accept the punishment!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Well, hurry up and hang up so that you can have time to attend the dinner at night."

"Yes!" Thomas slammed his heel, and solemnly gave Xufeng a military salute, and then hurried away with his spear.

The square was very lively, almost everyone was singing and dancing, even the great gray-robed mage Gandalf, surrounded by a few dwarves, danced cheerfully.

After the sun went down, a blazing bonfire was lit in the square, and Gandalf also took out the magic fireworks hidden in the carriage and set off magic fireworks for Canyon Town.

The magical fireworks are so bright that everyone is fascinated by it.

Bilbo said with emotion: "The last time I saw such a grand firework was when I was very young, so my impression of Gandalf has always been that of a firework vendor, but in fact, he is a great man. Magician."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, Lao Gan is indeed a great magician, especially compared to the other magicians of the Holy White Council. By the way, Bilbo, do you want to learn some skills?"

Bilbo blinked, "How to make instant noodles? I have always wanted to learn that technique, but unfortunately, you have already given the noodle maker to Prince Arsson."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That thing is not technical at all."

Bilbo asked: "Then you are teaching me a new board game?"

Xufeng shook his head, "No, what I want to teach you is a kind of body technique."

Bilbo said in surprise: "Shen Fa? What is Shen Fa."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Did you see the chicken leg in Ouli's hand?"

Bilbo looked down where Xu Feng was pointing, and he saw a fat short man with red hair and red beard, holding a chicken leg in his hand, stupidly looking up at the night sky, watching the fireworks with all his attention.

Oli was at least thirty meters away from them. Without careful identification, it would be really difficult to tell which dwarf he was from.

Bilbo nodded and said, "Yes, I saw it-what's wrong?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Keep your eyes open to see clearly."

After speaking, Xu Feng activated the crane-shaped body technique. With one move, the crane rides the wind, and instantly rushed to Ouli's side, and then another move back to the boat to release the crane, and quickly moved back.

The whole process was dazzled, and Bilbo did not see clearly.

When he reacted, Xufeng had already stood in front of him with a smile, still holding a chicken leg that had been bitten.

Chapter 164

Seeing Bilbo's shocked expression, Xu Feng was still a little proud.

It's not just showing off. It's just that, of course, it's cool to show such awesome technology.

Oli the dwarf in the distance, still looking up at the fireworks in the sky, didn't seem to notice that the chicken legs in his hand were gone.

Xufeng smiled and said to Billbo: "How about? Do you want to learn?"

Bilbo was startled, and then shook his head vigorously, "Do you steal chicken legs? No, no, no, I'm a master anyway, I don't learn to steal chicken legs!"

Xufeng helplessly said: "It is not to teach you to steal chicken legs, but to teach you how to move quickly-you have the good conditions innate, and there is no sound when walking. If your body speed can be increased, then it is true. You can come and go freely in Wanjun."

Bilbo asked in surprise: "Can I learn such advanced skills?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "If you want to reach a level like mine, I'm afraid it won't work, but as long as you work hard--"

Bilbo asked excitedly: "Can you reach your level?"

Xufeng said: "As long as you work hard, you can reach half of my level."

Bilbo blinked, "Even if it's half of your level, that's amazing."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, do you want to learn?"

Bilbo hesitated, "If I want to learn, I want to learn, but I'm afraid I'm stupid and can't learn. On the contrary, it will waste your time and energy."

Xufeng smiled and said: "If you can't learn, fifty percent of the reason lies with you, and the other fifty percent lies with the teacher who taught you. I don't know if you can do it yourself, but from me On the one hand, I can at least give you 50% understanding."

Bilbo quickly said: "If this is the case, then you can teach me. By the way, do I need to be a teacher or something, what do I need to prepare?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Originally, according to our door rules, you did want to apprentice a teacher, but for some special reasons, you don’t have to apprentice a teacher. I don’t count as your master, I teach you. The body technique is just three of them. Let’s just communicate with each other."

Xufeng is a member of the Hong Clan, and "Tiger Crane Double Fist" was passed on to Xu Feng by Huang Feihong. If Xufeng wants to teach others the crane body method in "Tiger Crane Double Fist", then You must ask Huang Feihong for instructions.

Of course, this plane is not Huang Feihong's plane, but a completely different magic plane.

Therefore, the rules in the plane of Huang Feihong can not be followed here.

However, in order to show respect for the master in his heart, even in different planes, Xufeng does not intend to completely abandon the rules of the master. Therefore, he does not intend to teach Bilbo the basic tiger-crane double boxing, just teach He has the quickest three strokes.

In this way, he is indeed not regarded as Bilbo's master, but at the same time he can help Bilbo improve to the greatest extent.

Bilbo said excitedly: "Thank you Diego! You are so kind!"

Xufeng felt a warm current surge in his heart.

Immersive performance is recognized!

The total shadow energy points have increased to 24655 points!

Bilbo's recognition has reached 25%!

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Now, I will teach you the first trick, the crane rides the wind."

Xufeng corrected Bilbo’s stance, and then pressed Bilbo’s back and said: "I will infuse you with a little body energy and let you feel the effect of the crane riding the wind. You must keep in mind. With this effect, when your impression deepens, you will know how to use it."

Bilbo smiled and said: "This teaching method is really great! This is the so-called experiential teaching, right?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, be it, let me take the chicken drumstick first, and I will give you strength-remember, you must experience it wholeheartedly! The deeper your experience, the more thorough your understanding."

Bilbo took the chicken thigh and nodded heavily, "Okay! Don't worry Didi, I will not let down your teaching to me."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, get ready!"

Bilbo took a deep breath.

Xufeng pushed hard behind Bilbo and directly pushed Bilbo into the air. Bilbo's body was like an arrow from the string, slamming into the dwarves without his own control!

——Actually, Xufeng didn't infuse any body energy, but pushed Bilbo out with real strength, so that Bilbo could adapt to this super high movement speed.

If you don't adapt to this super high speed, then with the condition that Bilbo is completely absent from the [Book Flag] method, it is absolutely impossible to learn the three strokes of the crane shape in a short time.

And just as Bilbo was being pushed away, Ouli over there raised his hand subconsciously, took a strong bite, and then screamed out.

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