Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1058

"Report boss! We were in the direction of the dense forest and found a group of people coming here!"

The bandit leader was startled, "Is it that person's team? Are there dwarves and women, or archmages in gray robes?"

The robber hurriedly said, "No, no! Speaking of which, the team is a bit strange. There are two or two men on a sleigh pulled by a rabbit, a woman with a silver mask riding on a wild horse, and one The embarrassed man also rode on a wild horse."

The bandit leader asked, "That's it?"

The robber promised: "That's true!"

"No one else?" the bandit leader asked cautiously.

"No one else," the robber said with certainty.

The bandit leader asked again: "Which direction did they come from?"

The robber raised his hand and pointed to the direction of the dense forest, completely opposite to the direction of Canyon Town.

The bandit leader finally smiled happily, "Brothers, we finally started to open business! Although the target of this robbery will not be too rich, but let's open the door first! Rule everyone and prepare to ambush at the entrance of the town!"


The robbers gathered one after another, and in less than ten minutes, they were hidden outside the dense forest at the entrance of the town, waiting for their "prey" to step into the trap.

After a while, a rabbit sleigh rushed out in the direction of the jungle. Eighteen rabbits were pulling a sleigh cart. Standing on the sleigh cart was the brown-robed archmage Rui Dagast standing in Ridagas. Next to him was Uncle Lin Hai.

And behind the sled cart were Xue Di and the embarrassed Yang Gongzai.

"Slow down! Slow down!" Duke Yang wailed again: "This wild horse is about to break my waist! I really can't do it!"

Lin Hai smiled and turned around and said, "Duke Yang, stick to it. The villages and towns are ahead."

Yang Gong immediately regained his energy, "Village? Great! Oh! I can finally sleep with foxes without being in the woods! The body odor makes me unable to sleep all night. Feel it!"

Xuedi said coldly: "Okay, stop complaining, go ahead."

After walking a few steps, Xuedi suddenly frowned.

As an experienced captain, she has a keen sense of danger.

She immediately turned on Lingshi and scanned the surroundings.

The robbers with more than one hundred numbers hidden behind the rocks were immediately exposed to her spiritual vision.

"There is an ambush," Xuedi said in a deep voice.

Lin Hai was startled, "What?"

Xuedi grabbed the horse's mane and said in a deep voice, "There is an ambush ahead."

Radagast quickly tightened the reins and stopped the rabbit sleigh.

"What ambush? Is it a half-orc? Or some other monster?" Radagast said nervously.

They went all the way from the green forest through the dark and dense forest. During the period, they encountered a lot of monsters. Fortunately, Snow Emperor and the others were there, and Rida Gast could help summon the power of Thunder to attach to the Snow Emperor’s weapons, so this way Since then, although it has been a little harder, there is no danger.

Xuedi shook his head, "No, it's not a monster or a half-orc, but a human."

"Human?" Radagast's eyes widened in surprise.

Shouldn't humans be allies?

How could they ambush them?

Ruidagast was about to stand up to make sense, but Xuedi urged the horse to go to the front of the rabbit sled.

"Let me take care of it, you will be waiting later."

"Okay." Ruidagast nodded. As the brown-robed great mage of the Holy White Council, he is really not good at fighting. This kind of thing is more appropriate for the Snow Emperor.

Xuedi urged the horse to come forward and said loudly: "Friends hiding behind the rocks, let's come out and talk."

The bandit leader suddenly felt guilty and couldn't help asking: "How does this woman know we are hiding here? Is there a ghost?"

The other robbers all shook their heads.

Xuedi said coldly: "You have so many people, are you still afraid that I won't succeed?"

The bandit leader swallowed his heart and jumped out from behind the rock.

Xuedi asked coldly: "Who are you? Why are you lying in wait here?"

The bandit leader grinned and said with a grin: "Little girl, telling you to scare you to death, we are bandits!"

"Oh." Xuedi nodded slightly, "Then I can rest assured."

The bandit leader asked wonderingly: "What makes you relieved?"

Emperor Xue said coldly: "I was worried just now that you are the militia organization of this town. If you are from the town and you really fight for a while, I won't be able to hurt you, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. But since you guys It’s a robber, then I can’t be polite."

With that said, Xuedi revealed his Thunder Sword and Belief Barrier Shield.

The bandit leader was startled at first, and then he burst into laughter, "I have seen many people bragging in front of me in my life, but this is the first time I have seen a woman bragging! You are alone, and I, my subordinate There are a hundred people! Even if you cut one sword, you need a hundred swords! And I only need to cut you with one sword, and you're done! What are you going to fight with me?"

Xuedi smiled coldly, "You're right. If I cut with one sword and one sword, it will indeed take a lot of time. So, you should go together, and I will solve you all with one sword."

The bandit leader grinned and said, "I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick! Come on! Get me arrested!"

"Yes!" The robbers rushed towards Xue Di with a grin, and Xue Di calmly raised her Thunder Sword.

The brown-robed great mage Ruida Gast chanted a spell in silence, and the sky suddenly changed, and a thick lightning fell without warning, directly poured on the Snow Emperor's Thunder Sword.

Snow Emperor roared, the whole person jumped up from the horseback, and smashed the Thunder Sword in his hand to the ground!

The huge arc effect centered on her and spread out instantly!

Those robbers who rushed up were counted as one, and they were all directly penetrated by this powerful current!

Those who are weak are directly electrocuted by electric current!

The stronger body also fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and twitching constantly!!

In less than a few tens of seconds, this hundred robbers were all wiped out!

Of course, this is also their level is too low, they simply can't bear such magical lightning damage!

Chapter 169 The Peak of Robber Leader's Life

The bandit leader looked at Xuedi with horror.

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