Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1060

"You!" The bandit leader was about to vomit blood.

He thought that he finally got rid of the clutches of fate, but he did not expect that he would be critically hit by fate in the end.

Xuedi coldly raised the Thunder Sword, "Okay, you have lived long enough, since you are a robber, then accept your fate calmly."

With that said, Xuedi relentlessly slashed the Thunder Sword and directly cut off the head of the bandit leader.

The bandit leader escaped three times in Xu Feng's hands, but in the end he couldn't escape Xuedi's harsh hands.

The dwarves present all looked at Xuedi in amazement, wondering what the origin of this cruel woman was.

Chapter 170 Is This What You Called Big Event?

After the robber leader died, Emperor Xue put away the sword of thunder and turned back to Duke Yang and said: "Come on, clean up."

Yang Gong said with a sad face: "Yes, the eldest sister is big."

The Hammer smiled and said, "Duke Yang, do you miss the days of working under me?"

Gong Yang shook his head quickly again, "No, even though I was very tired following Sister Xuedi, at least he hasn't been treated as an animal."

Iron Hammer roared angrily: "Huh, you fellow, you mean I'm not as good as Xuedi? I'll fall into my hand next time and see how I can clean you up."

Gong Yang stuck out his tongue again and hurried to deal with the corpse.

Thorin frowned and asked, "You...know?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Let me introduce it, this is Ms. Xuedi, she is my captain."

Thorin asked in surprise: "Captain? Do you still have a team?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes, we are a mercenary team."

Thorin exclaimed: "Swordsman, it's a shame for someone like you to be a mercenary, but you actually told me that you are not only a mercenary, but you also have a mercenary captain? Your mercenary captain. Still a woman? You didn't even work as a mercenary captain?"

Sooner or later they will do it... Xu Feng smiled badly in his heart.

Of course, you can't say this, otherwise Xue Di must kill him.

Xu Feng said solemnly: "That's because I'm not strong enough."

Thorin asked in astonishment: "Is there anyone stronger than you?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, it's the Captain Xuedi. Didn't you see that she killed most of the robbers in one shot just now?"

Thorin looked at Xuedi with a shocked face, but Xuedi was completely calm.

These robbers were indeed killed by her with a single sword, but in fact they used the electric magic power of Radagast.

Ruidagast himself has no offensive power, but the power of his magical assistance is quite powerful.

Therefore, these robbers were killed by Emperor Xue.

Thorin leaned slightly towards Emperor Xue, "Ms. Xuedi, it is nice to meet you."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Yeah."

Really arrogant!

Thorin couldn't help taking a breath of air in his heart. He originally thought that he was cold and arrogant enough, but compared to the woman in front of Ms. Xuedi, he was nothing at all.

Xufeng asked, "How did you come here?"

Xuedi said lightly: "We rode over from the green forest."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly.

This is really hard to answer.

Radagast held Gandalf nervously, "Gandalf, something has happened!"

Gandalf nodded, "I also have a big thing to tell you."

Ruidagast frowned and said, "Can your major matter be the same as mine?"

Gandalf said, "That's for sure."

"Well, you can tell me first," said Radagast.

Gandalf said: "In the ancient cemetery, there is a necromancer who spread the plague, and wants to use this highly contagious black blood plague to trick Arno Prince Arsson into the ancient cemetery so that he can take it. The blood of Prince Arsson."

"Is he... a vampire?" Rydagast asked.

Gandalf shook his head, "No, he wants Prince Arsson's blood, because Prince Arsson is the descendant of Esidor, and Essidor’s blood is the blood of the king. With the blood of the king, you can forcibly wake up. Ring spirit."

"Ring Spirit!" Radagast said nervously, "Angmar Witch King!"

Gandalf said: "Yes, the Angmar Witch King is indeed one of the Ring Spirit Kings, but the Ring Spirit King in the ancient tomb is not the Angmar Witch King, but Kamel."

Ruidagast took a deep breath, "Yes, the Angmar Witch King is indeed not in the tomb..."

Gandalf said in a deep voice: "Okay, Didi killed the Necromancer and stopped the spread of the plague. The Kamel Ring Spirit King is still sleeping and can't make any big waves. You said, this one Is it a big deal?"

Ruidagast shook his head and said, "No, no, I mean, the Kamel Ring Spirit King's matter and the plague matter are terrible, but compared to my side, they are not a big deal at all."

Gandalf frowned slightly, "Well, then I'll just say one more thing. You know Canyon Town, right?"

"Um, I probably know." Radagast said ambiguously.

Gandalf said: "The town of Canyon is next to the dark dense forest. On the other side of the canyon, there is an ogre cave that has existed for a long time. A week ago, four ogres crossed the canyon and attacked the canyon town. Di discovered the clues, followed the vines, and found the original residence of the ogre to check, and found that it had been occupied by the orcs' scout troops! That's right, where did the orcs set up a outpost and are still expanding the outpost The size of the station is to upgrade the outpost to a military fortress. Once the military fortress is built, there can be at least five thousand orcs soldiers! By then, the entire Middle-earth world will be attacked by orcs! Regarding the safety of the Middle-Earth Alliance, Diedi and Ms. Hammer, regardless of the danger, sneaked into the orcs’ outpost, and burned down the orcs’ material warehouse, allowing the orcs and ogres to fight against the entire outpost. It was wiped out just like that. If curing the plague only saved a country in Arno, then burning the Orc Outpost would save the entire Middle-earth Alliance."

Ruidagast leaned slightly towards Xufeng, showing respect.

Xu Feng also hurriedly owed his body to repay.

Gandalf said triumphantly: "How is it? This matter is bigger than the need for you?"

Ruidagast said: "The two things you are talking about are indeed very big events, but they are still not big compared to the one I want to talk about."

Gandalf wrinkled and said: "It seems that our criteria for evaluating major events are not the same. Perhaps, if one of your rabbits is sick, you will also think that it is a big deal."

Ruidagast said: "It was! My rabbits grew up eating magical plants every day. Under normal circumstances, they won't get sick. If they get sick, it means there is something wrong with the green forest. , And the green forest did have a problem. The land began to be polluted, the plants began to wither, and the animals were all infected."

Gandalf shrugged. "Is this what you call the big thing?"

Ridagas said in a deep voice, "No, Gandalf, Green Forest is sick, it's just a sign, and the real reason, Ms. Xuedi and her friends, have helped me find out, that is-Togo Dole."

The dwarves looked at each other, they had no impression of the name.

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