Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1069

Xufeng immediately took out a precious orb bursting with dark light from the inventory of the Lingtai.

This orb was only the size of a pigeon egg, but the dark energy it released caused everyone present to take a breath.

Lin Hai couldn't wait to scan it with his spiritual vision, and suddenly the whole person became excited!

Xufeng smiled and said: "This bead, called the Shadow Energy Orb, is an extraordinary item of level 50. It has no attributes and only one special effect. After attaching it to the weapon, it can add 50 black magic points to the weapon. Damage. Moreover, this Shadow Energy Orb can be removed and replaced with other weapons. Of course, the weapons to be replaced must also be weapons bound to the soul of the original owner."

"Good stuff!" Xuedi couldn't help but said in admiration.

Although she doesn't need any black magic damage, this kind of orb can be attached to a weapon and it is definitely very popular.

Uncle Lin Hai asked cautiously: "If this kind of thing is put on auction, how many shadow power points will it likely be?"

Xuedi pondered slightly, "At this level of orb, the starting price is estimated to be eight thousand shadow power points. After all, +50 black magic damage is still very powerful."

Uncle Lin Hai murmured: "Outside shooting starts with eight thousand shadow energy points, then we start with 4000 shadow energy points..."

It's cheap!

But... the meat hurts!

Uncle Lin Hai sighed quietly.

Chapter 179 Can I Repent?

Xu Feng saw Uncle Lin Hai's mind, and then said with a faint smile: "Since Duke Yang can repay the debt with remuneration for the same kind of goods, then everyone else is the same. If you want, just give it a bid."

Gong Yang shook his head again and said: "I don't want it! Don't be forcing me! If you forcing me again, I, I, I will eat instant noodles and die!"

The Hammer sneered, "It's so beautiful that you are bubbling! Want to eat instant noodles? I can't see you starving to death!"

Gong Yang said with a tragic look again: "Am I just going to be starved to death by you?"

"Hey, you have to figure it out. You said that instant noodles were bad at first!" Tie Hammer sneered.

"I didn't..." Gong Yang retorted in aggrieved defense.

"Okay, enough!" Xuedi said in a deep voice: "You two, don't waste everyone's time. You don't want Duke Yang, do you want the hammer?"

The hammer said simply and neatly: "No!"

Xuedi asked Xufeng again, "How about you Xufeng?"

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, "I am not very interested in magic, especially black magic. I still like to poke chrysanthemums."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "I don't need this kind of thing either, so the rest is Uncle Lin Hai."

Uncle Lin Hai asked excitedly: "This, can I really ask for it? But now, I can't get so many shadow power points at once."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Didn't I just say it, I owe it first."

Lin Hai quickly said, "That's good! I want it! I want it!"

Xufeng directly handed the Shadow Energy Orb to Lin Hai.

Lin Hai took the orb with trembling fingers—this was the most valuable treasure he had bought.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Uncle Lin Hai, I have a suggestion."

Lin Hai said humbly, "Brother Xufeng, please advise."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't put this gem on your walking stick first."

Lin Hai blinked in confusion, "Why is this?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You have to get a good relationship with Ruidagast first, so that Ruidagast can trust you, so that, in case he sends his Ruidagast rod Give it to you and you will earn it."

Lin Hai asked in astonishment: "Can it still be like this?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Aren't both the sword of Boromir and the Ring of Smurfs good examples?"

Lin Hai suddenly realized, "Trust is so critical! Fortunately, I have been with Ruidagast recently, and the communication between us is also very smooth. His trust in me has reached 35%."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Very good, keep it going. When you can break through 50% of your trust, your chances of getting his staff will be greatly increased. During this time, you'd better not use shadow energy. Here comes the Orb, so that he doesn't have any suspicions for you.

Uncle Lin Hai nodded quickly and said: "You are right, I know what to do."

With that, Uncle Lin Hai bound the orb of shadow energy with his soul, and then put the orb into his own inventory of the platform.

"I owe everyone 800 shadow power points each." Lin Hai said.

Gong Yang grinned again: "I owed you 500 shadow power points before. Now, you owe me 300 shadow power points."

Xuedi said lightly, "I don't have to worry about it."

The hammer also said, "I don't have to worry about giving it to mine."

Xufeng said: "My account will be calculated with you later. Now, I still have the last two extraordinary items in my hand."

With that, Xu Feng took out the crystal-clear crystalline energy orb.

Xu Feng briefly introduced: "This orb is similar to the shadow energy orb, except that one increases the damage of dark magic by 50 points, and the other increases the damage of poison by 50 points, and it has a certain chance of hitting the target. When the time, the target is fixed for one second."

"Good stuff!" Xuedi sighed.

Why is this guy always able to hit such superb items!

It seems that in the next action, we should follow him all the way.

No, no, I want to keep a distance from him!

Otherwise, I will fall deeper and deeper!

Xuedi couldn't control his thoughts.

What is a young girl Huaichun, what is a heart-warming horse, that's it.

Of course, fortunately, she still wears a Medusa mask on her face, so no one else knows how her expression has changed.

Otherwise, she really has no place to show herself.

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Xue Di? What are you thinking? Tell me the reserve price?"

Xuedi quickly said: "Oh... I'm thinking... This Crystallized Energy Orb, although similar to the Shadow Energy Orb, is functionally more than the Shadow Energy Orb with a special effect for fixing the body, so the starting price is natural. It will also be higher. The starting price of the external auction will probably be 10,000 movie power points, if we are internal, it will be 5,000 movie power points."

Gong Yang said in astonishment, "So expensive? It's even more expensive than the Demon Cavern Sword? Is it even as valuable as your Borromir Sword?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Yes, don't think this is just a gem, but its threatening power is not worse than the sword of Borromir. Why, again, Yang Gong, do you want to participate in the auction?"

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