Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1076

From this, Xu Feng can also roughly guess Peris' combat effectiveness.

With Xufeng's current strength, it was obviously too early to rip off her face directly with Peris and the mysterious person behind her.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and added all 50 attributes to his strength attributes.

His original strength attribute was 608 points. After this round of upgrades, it became 658 points.

Moreover, this is not his current final strength attribute-enemy fencing comes with 55 strength and 55 agility, 50 spirit on the Smurf ring, and Xufeng’s total attributes become: strength 713 points, agility 360 points, Endurance 79 points, armor 230 points, and spirit 120 points.

The health attributes and recovery attributes are still 0.

After upgrading to level 45, Xufeng's first thing is to bind the enemy's fencing to his soul.

In this way, the enemy fencing belongs to him completely.

Xufeng wanted to pull out the enemy's fencing very much and try the power of the enemy's fencing, but at this time, everyone was sleeping, and it didn't make much sense to pull out the enemy's fencing by himself.

What's more, awesome swords are not always used to watch and pretend, but to kill the enemy.

Anyway, the enemy's fencing is already his own, and sooner or later he will be out of the sheath.

Xu Feng relaxed and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Bilbo went out to find the townspeople to help repair the pot, but the townspeople were very cautious, and none of them was willing to open the door for Bilbo.

When Bilbo asked for help from house to house, Duke Yang followed him all the time. Although Duke Yang yawned again and again, Bilbo still stayed on.

Xu Feng was already very angry about what happened yesterday. He didn't dare to leave Bilbo for a half step.

Bilbo wandered around most of the town, but did not find a pot repairer. In desperation, he could only return to the house with the broken pot and ask for a hammer to repair it.

The hammer did not use other metal to patch up, but remade the bottom of the pot. With the bottom of the pot thinned, the damaged area was repaired perfectly and seamlessly.

Bilbo exclaimed: "Ms. Hammer, your forging technology is really amazing!"

Iron Hammer smiled triumphantly, "Haha, it's just a pot, you haven't seen me build it. I am really better than Xuedi."

Bilbo asked in surprise: "What is that? It sounds like a ship."

"Wrong!" The Hammer said proudly, "That is a submarine."

"What is a submarine?" Bilbo asked curiously.

"The submarine is..." The Hammer thought for a while, "Anyway, it's a very powerful thing."

Yang Gong whispered next to him again, "I also helped build it."

Bilbo nodded blankly. Although he didn't know what Hammer and Duke Yang were talking about, since they said that, it must be very powerful.

"Well, it's time to eat!"

Gong Yang picked up the repaired cauldron again and said with a smile, "I'm going to wash the pot and make water! Bilbo, you just stay here."

Bilbo said quickly, "How embarrassed then."

"It's okay!" Gong Yang ran out happily again.

Chapter 186

After breakfast, before Xufeng went to find Thorin, Suolin took the initiative to find Xufeng.

"Mr. Swordsman." Thorin hesitated slightly, not knowing how to speak for a while.

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Sorin, you came to me for my teammates, didn't you?"

Thorin quickly said: "Yes, our expedition team is about to set off. I wonder if Master Swordsman and your team have any arrangements?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I joined your expedition team. Naturally, I have to accompany you to enter the Gushan Palace to complete the task. As for my teammates, they have nothing to do anyway, so they will follow me. Accompanying the expedition team."

Thorin's eyes brightened. On this issue, he certainly hoped that Xuedi team could advance and retreat with the expedition team. After all, Xuedi's move last night was extremely powerful and killed most of the robbers in seconds. His strength is really brilliant. The eyes of all dwarves!

"Diedi" is already very strong, and his teammates are naturally indispensable!

If the Xuedi team can escort the expedition team, then this trip to the Lonely Mountain will have a very high success rate!

Of course, Thorin was not entirely without worries.

He must first consider what the real purpose of this group of humans is.

In the Gushan Palace, it is all gold and silver treasures!

That is the treasury of a country!

Moreover, it is a treasure trove of the richest country in Middle-earth!

With this treasure house, you can basically look down upon the entire Middle-earth!

And the heart of the mountain...

That is where Thorin will establish his country in the future!

If the Xuedi team came for the treasure house and the heart of the mountains, then Thorin would rather not escort them.

In addition, although the number of Xuedi team is not as large as that of the expedition team, the strength of the Xuedi team is higher than that of the expedition team. If there is a difference between the two sides in the future, who will lead the two teams?

This is also an issue that Thorin urgently wants to clarify.

Xu Feng glanced at Thorin faintly, and immediately saw through his consideration.

"Are you worried that we will divide your treasure?" Xu Feng smiled.

Thorin blushed and said, "No, I didn't mean that, I just..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You just don't trust humans very much, right?"

Thorin opened his mouth, trying to explain, but in the end he realized that he couldn't explain anything.

"I'm sorry." Thorin could only apologize with a blushing face.

Xufeng waved his hand, "It's okay, I'm not angry. In fact, we humans also have a saying, called: non-self race, their hearts must be different, we humans will not easily believe in other races, other races. It’s normal not to believe us easily."

Thorin said with shame, "Thank the swordsman for your understanding, but, anyway, I believe in you. You have proven many times that you are a trustworthy friend. If it weren't for you, we dwarves I'm afraid that the ogres have been killed in the cauldron long ago. As long as you promise me that your teammates are absolutely fine, then we can accept and trust them with confidence."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I won't make this guarantee to you."

Thorin was startled, "What?"

He thought that "Diedi" would be very happy to guarantee that as long as Xufeng's guarantee was given, the other dwarves would feel at ease, and the problem would be solved.

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