Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1078

"You!" Qi Li suddenly clenched his fists.

Along the way, Kellett has experienced many big scenes, but has never encountered such arrogant human townspeople!

He dare to despise the prince of the dwarves!

The other dwarves also put down their work one after another, and gradually moved closer to this side.

The townspeople said pretentiously: "Why, do you want to do it? I can tell you that we are protected by Twilight Star! If you dare to move us, Twilight Star will not let you go!"

Kellie said grimly: "I care about you Morning Star and Evening Star! If you dare to discriminate against our dwarves, you will have to pay for it!"

As he said, Kili pulled out the short blade on his waist.

Other dwarves immediately showed their weapons and surrounded the three arrogant humans.

The complexion of the three humans suddenly changed.

The tactics of flaunting the military and prestige are obviously not easy to use, but they couldn't hold back their faces to beg for mercy for a while, and the situation suddenly became a bit rigid.

"Stop it all." Thorin stepped out with a poker face, hands behind his back.

He is indeed very kingly demeanor, just a simple three words, and without a strong drink, so that all the dwarves present bow their heads and put down their weapons.

As soon as the headed human saw that all the dwarves had flinched, he immediately became proud again.

"Huh, finally there's someone in charge." The man said in a weird manner: "I thought dwarves are all vulgar things."

"You!" Kellie clenched his fists.

Thorin was also extremely angry, but he considered that he was about to leave here to continue the journey of expedition, so he didn't want to have extra branches.

He pressed the palm of his hand against Kili and the others, signaled them not to be impulsive, and then said coldly to the arrogant human: "I am the dwarf prince Thorin, may I ask you who?"

It stands to reason that once he reports his status as a prince, even if he is an idiot, he will be respectful.

However, the human said with a sneer on his face: "The dwarf prince? There are so many people who bluff and deceive these days. Any cat and dog dare to call themselves a prince."

The other dwarves are all going crazy, and they want to go up and tear this guy to pieces.

Thorin said coldly: "You don't recognize me as a prince, then why did you come to us? Just to ridicule and humiliate us?"

The human shrugged, "We didn't humiliate you, I mean, we are not against you, but against all of you."

The man's gaze crossed Thorin, towards Xu Feng and others, as well as Gandalf and Rydagast.

The others were about to explode, but Xu Feng couldn't help laughing.

The hammer asked strangely: "What are you laughing at, he is scolding us."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Importer, don't you find it funny? It's like a rabbit standing in front of a group of tigers, saying that you are all rubbish.

Hammer thought for a while, "Yeah, thinking about it this way, these guys are stupid and funny."

"What did you say?" The human headed frowned suddenly, looking viciously at Xufeng.

Chapter 188

Xu Feng smiled calmly and said, "I said you are stupid."

The headed person was startled, "What is the silly beep?"

In Middle-earth, there is no such "civilized" term.

Especially these elegantly dressed people, naturally they have never heard of such words.

However, when they heard the word "silly", they realized that it was definitely not a good word.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Silly beep is nothing."

Another human crossed his eyebrows and said coldly, "You! You dare to say that we are not things!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Oh, so, do you admit that you are stupid?"


The three of them immediately turned red, and couldn't think of anything to refute Xu Feng.

The hammer on the side leaned forward with a smile, and kept patting his thigh.

The dwarves laughed happily.

The situation where these three humans despised everyone just now suddenly turned into a situation where everyone laughed at these three humans.

The headed human gritted his teeth, "You, you are insulting us, and insulting us is tantamount to insulting Evening Star!"

"Is Twilight Star something?" Kili asked, raising an eyebrow.

Philip smiled and replied: "No, Evening Star is not a thing."

All the dwarves laughed loudly.

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous!" The human headed roared angrily: "You dare to say that Evening Star is not a thing! Evening Star is obviously a thing! No, Evening Star is obviously...you damn bastards!"

Thorin frowned and waved his hand. He didn't want to have any argument with these human beings. In his opinion, it didn't make any sense for whoever took advantage and who suffered. The truly meaningful thing was to pass here as soon as possible.

Thorin asked in a deep voice, "What is it that you are looking for us? If there is nothing else, then don't stop us, we will leave Zeitlin now."

The headed person smiled contemptuously and introduced himself: "I am the Archon of Caitrin Town. My name is Yahai. These two are my assistants. We are here to talk to you on behalf of the entire Caitrin Town. Negotiated."

"Consultant?" Thorin couldn't help frowning. "A human border town, does it use such a high-standard official position?"

The human named Yahai said proudly, "Although our bodies are still humans, our souls have evolved into the elves. Therefore, in essence, we are no longer humans, but elves- The Archon is the official position of the elves."

The dwarves present were all dumbfounded!

This is absolutely unimaginable among the dwarves!Compared to humans, dwarves are much shorter and not as civilized as humans, but dwarves have never thought about becoming humans!

And these human beings even dislike their own race and want to be elves!

Indeed, elves are a very powerful race, and they are also blessed by the Lord God. The lifespan of elves can live for tens of thousands of years, and the weapons created by elves are also supernatural...

However, the dwarves have never envied the elves!Let alone want to be an elf!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yahai thought that his "elf" status had shocked them, so he became even more proud.

"Yes, we call ourselves the elves, we are sheltered by the evening star! Insulting us is equivalent to insulting the evening star."

Thorin frowned and said, "Well, I don't care if you are humans or sub-elves. After talking for a long time, what do you want to do?"

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