Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1101

"After the victory, my father did not directly become the king of Rivendell, because from a political perspective, he is a half-elf. Although he has the support of the residents of Rivendell, he does not belong to the entire elven race. How many friends."

"At this time, Gandalf stood up, and he introduced a marriage to my father. This marriage was to marry the princess Celebrian of the Golden Forest Elves, which is my mother."

Speaking of his mother, Yawen said with a little sadness: "My mother is the only daughter of Celeborn in the Golden Forest and the Elf Queen Galadriel. This elven bloodline in the Golden Forest is known as the purest elven bloodline. It is also the most authoritative of the three great elven kingdoms. My mother married my father. That is a true marriage."

"It is precisely because of this marriage that my father's political position has been consolidated, and he can justifiably become the king of Rivendell."

"Because my mother is the only daughter of the Golden Forest Elf royal family, and the Golden Forest has always been ruled by the queen, so my mother or I will inherit the Golden Forest Elf royal family in the future, and my father will naturally So the status is elevated."

Princess Arvin shrugged, "Of course, this is all imaginary. I think a real good king depends on ability, but in this world, the people recognize this."

Bilbo asked, "What about your mother? Is it still in Rivendell now?"

Yawen sighed in a daze, "No, it's not there anymore."

"She returned to the Golden Forest?" Bilbo asked curiously.

"No." Yawen smiled bitterly. "She was ambushed by a monster during a journey. Although she was rescued by my two brothers later, she lost interest in everything in the world..."

Bilbo took a deep breath, "...Sorrow and change, Your Royal Highness."

Yawen opened his mouth, "She is not dead. She left Middle-earth and went to find the fairyland in the legend."

Chapter 212 This is also called music?

"Uh! I'm sorry!"

Bilbo quickly apologized.

His mother just traveled far away, but he thought that his mother was dead, and said that it was too impolite to change the mourning.

Princess Yavin smiled softly, "It’s nothing, let’s speed up, and we will be in the Silvermoon Hall ahead, where my father and king should entertain you, oh yes, by the way, you saved me, we Raven Dell will definitely entertain you with the best banquet. I hope you will like it."

Thorin sneered, "We can eat our own food."

Such as instant noodles made by Xufeng.

After the battle in the Mengshui Swamp, the dwarves have been hungry for a long time, and can't wait to eat the fragrant instant noodles.

"How can it be!" Princess Yavin said angrily: "You are the guests, and you are the guests who have saved my life. If you are allowed to eat the food you brought and spread it, others will say that the elves of Rivendell are all It's a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know what kind of gratitude it wants!

Thorin frowned helplessly.

Indeed, when guests come to the host’s house, but do not eat the host’s food, this is clearly a look down on the host’s family.

Although Thorin had a prejudice against the elves in his heart, King Thranduil was not from Rivendell, but from the dark and dense forest. What's more, Thorin also wanted to ask Elrond to help King Elrond after passing Rivendell this time. Of knowledge.

Eating is also a matter of face.

If Thorin didn't even give this face, then the key thing would be difficult to handle.

Thorin frowned and said, "Since we are here, let's taste the characteristics of the elves."

The other dwarves shrugged helplessly.

After arriving at the Silvermoon Hall, King Elrond greeted everyone to sit down in the order of the guest of honor.

There are two big tables arranged in the huge hall, one is a round table and the other is a long table.

The members of the Snow Emperor team, Thorin and Bilbo, were all arranged on the round table, sitting with Princess Yavin, King Elrond and Gandalf.

The remaining noisy dwarves were placed on the long table.

King Elrond raised his hand gracefully, "Everyone, please sit down, presumably everyone is already hungry, I have ordered the royal cook, and the food will be delivered soon. At this time, please enjoy our Rivendell. Music."

After speaking, four elven musicians walked in, playing the harp and flute.

The tune is very melodious and quiet, and if you listen carefully, it has the effect of restoring mental strength.

Rivendell is worthy of being the magic shrine of the Elves.

Xu Feng sighed heartily.

He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the spirit music, the speed of recovery of his spiritual power was greatly increased.

Xuedi and the others reacted half a beat slower than Xufeng's, but when they saw that Xufeng closed his eyes, they all understood.

Although Thorin did not feel the recovery of his mental strength, he also heard that this tune was coming.

However, he didn't want to close his eyes in front of King Elrond. He was the king of Lone Mountain Dwarves, and he wanted to maintain the dignity of the king at all times.

As for Gandalf, he naturally laughed and said nothing.

He is an old friend of King Elrond, and naturally he knew the mystery of this song.

He was smoking Shire tobacco while he was enjoying the beautiful music of the elves, and he tapped the tabletop made of moon wood with his fingers, feeling extremely relaxed.

On this road, although it is hard to say, it is thrilling enough.

Now that I finally reach Rivendell, I can relax completely.

There can be no danger here, absolutely impossible.

At another long table, the other dwarves were very impatient.

For them, this melodious little tune is simply the noise of mosquitoes.

Groyin frowned and said coarsely, "Huh, is this also called music?"

Bahrain smiled and said, "For the elves, this is obviously called music."

The other dwarves also laughed sarcastically.

To the dwarves, unassuming music is not music at all, and music that cannot be beaten on the table is not music.

Qi Li whispered: "Although I think the elves are very weird, there are indeed a few beautiful ones, such as the elven lady playing the harp behind me."

Bahrain couldn't help smiling and said, "Kili, take a good look, the fairy lady behind you... is actually a big fairy brother!"

Kili looked back in amazement, and sure enough, that long hair and elegant luthier was really a male elf!

Kellie flushed and said, "Elf men don't have beards! What's the difference between this and women!"

The other dwarves laughed loudly.

Sitting on the round table, Thorin frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that in such a grand occasion, the dwarves shouldn't make a loud noise, but Thorin is now more willing to sit with the loud dwarves.

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