Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1106

Xu Feng blinked, "She is a wolf."

"That's also a maternity wolf!" Xuedi said angrily.

Xufeng smiled and said: "That's right, but she is just a monster of Middle-earth after all. To put it bluntly, Middle-earth is just equivalent to a large game world. Everything here is composed of data characters. , It’s not true. If you have sympathy for a ferocious wolf, then there will be too many things in Middle-earth that deserve your sympathy."

Xuedi was silent.

She knew that Xu Feng was right.

Many things, if defined by moral standards, are definitely cruel, but cruelty does not necessarily mean wrong.

This female wolf must know the location of the dark fortress, so as long as you force this female wolf to carry them to the dark fortress, you can quickly find the dark!

Sure enough, from the very beginning, Xufeng had planned all this!

Xuedi was angry and funny in his heart.

Looking at the female wolf again, the blood-red wolf's eyes were full of untamable viciousness, but she had a chance to escape, but she still stayed in place.

Her cub was just born shortly after, no matter how vicious she was, she didn't want to abandon her cub for her own survival.

Xufeng hooked her finger at the mother wolf, "Come here."

The mother wolf roared with grinning teeth. Obviously, she felt that Xufeng's gestures and attitude were a great insult to her.

Xufeng said coldly: "You and I were originally hostile parties. I killed your male wolf, but did not kill you because you were pregnant. And during this period, I have been feeding you with good meat, so you In order to give birth to five healthy little wolf pups, even if I threaten you now, even if you want to know the gratitude, you must do one thing for me."

The mother wolf seemed to understand Xu Feng's words, and her irritable temper was also reduced a lot.

Xufeng was right. They were originally enemies. Even if Xufeng killed her, it would be justified. Now, not only is she still alive, but she has also given birth to five wolf babies, although she feels a bit humiliated. But this is nothing compared to survival.

Chapter 217

Xufeng said coldly to the female wolf: "What I want you to do is very simple. That is to drive us to the dark fortress. As long as you lead us to the dark fortress, I will release you and your four. A wolf pup."

The mother wolf was startled, and then let out an angry growl.

Although she can't speak, she still knows how to count. There are five zodiac wolf cubs in total instead of four!

Xufeng sneered and said, "I didn't expect that you are quite smart. That's right, you have five children, but I must keep one, lest you turn around and bite me."

The wolf growled low.

Xufeng said coldly: "I know you are scolding me, but it's useless to scold me. This is my decision-either you can't take a wolf cub, or even your own life. Don’t try to keep it, or you can keep your life and you can take away four children at the same time. You choose."

The expression on the female wolf's face became extremely distorted and painful.

Even Xuedi, who is a human, feels that Xufeng is a bit too cruel and ruthless at this time, but Xuedi also understands in his heart that he cannot have any kindness at all when he treats enemies, especially the monster wolf. The benevolence of the enemy is cruel to his own people.

Moreover, if the Dark Fortress cannot be found as soon as possible, then the entire Rivendell is in danger of being destroyed.

Although the reward mission this time is only to protect the safety of Bilbo and Thorin, if only Bilbo and Thorin survive, and the whole situation becomes chaotic, then the difficulty will be when the reward mission in the next stage Too big to be done!

Thinking of this, Xuedi gradually hardened his heart.

The mother wolf hissed several times in low voices, but to no avail.

Xu Feng's heart is as solid as a rock, completely ignoring the howling of the mother wolf. Seeing that the mother wolf refuses to give in, he opens the crystal cage and pulls out a screaming wolf cub from it and raises it high. .

Xufeng said coldly: "If you don't do what I said, your cub will be killed by me. Remember, it was me who killed him, but it was You are the mother."

The mother wolf suddenly screamed, and her body was trembling constantly, completely devoid of the posture that she was going to confront with Xufeng just now.

She could kill a human baby madly and cruelly, and even gnaw a human corpse, but she could not accept her cub being thrown to death by a human.

Her forelimbs fell to the ground, and the wolf's head was lowered, expressing submission.

Xufeng sneered, "It's pretty much the same, don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I will definitely return all of your four wolf cubs."

The mother wolf cried out and agreed.

Only then did Xu Feng put the wolf cub back into the crystal cage, and then put the crystal cage into his spiritual table inventory.

"Mother wolf, you'd better not play tricks." Xu Feng warned in a deep voice: "Your wolf cubs are in my mind. Once I have an accident, they will never be able to come back to you. I understand. ?"

The mother wolf cried out and nodded.

Xu Feng turned his head and said to Xuedi: "You go up and sit first."

Xuedi nodded slightly, took a deep breath, lifted his leg, and sat on the back of the mother wolf.

There was a specially made leather saddle on the back of the female wolf. This was originally for the Orc Scout to sit on. The Orc Scout was of a larger size, so after the Snow Emperor sat on it, there was more than half a gap behind him.

After Xuedi sat down firmly, Xufeng grabbed the mother wolf's mane and turned and rode behind Xuedi.

Xuedi suddenly felt suffocated.

Too close!

Almost completely squeezed together!Xuedi can feel the solid and powerful muscles on Xufeng's thighs!

Xuedi even felt that her buttocks were being pushed by a hard object!

Xuedi suddenly blushed to the base of his neck, and his body trembled slightly.

Xufeng asked, "Are you comfortable?"


Xuedi’s heart was beating, she had never thought that Xu Feng would use this method to take advantage of her!

Xu Feng asked strangely: "Xue Di, what's wrong with you? What should I ask you? Uncomfortable?"

Xuedi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly, not wanting to talk to a guy like Xufeng.

She only hopes to find the Dark Fortress sooner, so that she can stay away from the "disgusting" fellow Xufeng.

Xufeng scratched his head, "Why don't you speak! It should be your first time?"

This bastard!It's so easy to talk about topics like "the first time"!

Xuedi was going crazy.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Ah, looking at your nervousness, it must be the first time, and I am also the first time, but I am not nervous at all, do you know why?"

Because you are a gangster!

Xuedi roared in his heart.

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