Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1108

If you don't search carefully, you can't find it at all.

Moreover, such a fortress is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is basically only a narrow cliff road in and out, and the rocky towers are full of orc patrols.

The Emperor Xue said in a deep voice, "It's not easy to handle, Xufeng, it is impossible for us to fight against the orcs of a military fortress only with our two people's strength. We might as well return the same way and tell King Elrond about this information. They, let King Elrond send an elven army to destroy these half-orcs."

Xu Feng nodded, "Yes, this is indeed a relatively safe method, but if you look at the terrain here, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although Rivendell’s elves are very brave, they are only suitable for flat ground combat. They haven't really experienced a war for thousands of years. Letting the Elves fight this battle will probably ruin Rivendell's strategic advantage."

Xuedi said in surprise: "You mean, Rivendell's elven cavalry is only suitable for defense, not for attack?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Yes. Take a step back and say, even if the elven cavalry are really capable of taking down this fortress, but with such a large group of troops, as long as they enter the dark dense forest, they will definitely be discovered by the orc scouts. At that time, it is possible for the orcs to set up a trap in the dark forest."

Xuedi took a deep breath, "...Well, what you said makes sense, but if even the elven cavalry can't attack here, what should you do? Can't ask the Holy White Council for help?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You don't have to ask for help, we two can do it."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "I hate it! You are talking about meat again."

Xufeng laughed, "Not this time! I mean, we can handle it with the two of us."

Xuedi said in astonishment: "How is this possible? I know that you have settled an outpost under construction with the hammer, but at that time, there were ogres in the outpost. You can use ogres and half-orcs. The confrontation between them is to get rid of the outpost, and now the two of us are facing a military fortress that has been built for ten years! The force of the half-orcs here is at least one legion, that is, thousands of people. ! How can we kill the two of us alone?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "We don't need to kill all those half-orcs, we just need to destroy this fortress, Azog's wonderful move will be destroyed by us."

Xuedi looked at the fortress, shook his head and said, "This fortress is too big. It is almost impossible for you to destroy such a big fortress."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then let's make a bet? If I can't destroy it, leave it to your disposal, but if I can destroy it, then you have to kiss me."

Xuedi was startled slightly, then said in embarrassment, "Will you die if you don't take advantage of me?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Is it illegal to let my future wife kiss?"

Xuedi said in embarrassment, "I'm not your eldest wife! You can be more serious!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Then we are settled. If I can destroy it, you have to kiss me."

Xuedi quickly said, "I didn't agree!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "So, do you still think I can destroy a fortress? Haha, it turns out that you are so optimistic about me."

Xuedi gritted his teeth, "Okay, then I'll bet with you! I don't believe you can destroy this fortress! If you really do it... then I'll... just do what you say!"

Chapter 219: Infiltrating the Dark Fortress

"Deal!" Xu Feng smiled badly.

Xuedi suddenly regretted it.

To be honest, she trusts Xufeng very much in her heart. Xufeng never says anything that is uncertain, and never does anything that is uncertain.

Whenever Xufeng says it can be done, the probability of 99.99999999 can be done.

What's more, Emperor Xue also hoped that Xufeng could do it. If the two of them combined their efforts to destroy a ten-year-old fortress, then the hammer would be mad.

Xuedi didn't know what was going on, so he promised to bet with Xufeng.

If Xufeng really did it in the end, wouldn't she want to...

The thought of this made Xuedi's heart flustered.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Xuedi, you can't deliberately disagree with me just to make me lose."

Emperor Xue said angrily: "I am not that kind of person! Let's talk, what are you going to do?"

Xufeng pointed to the entrance and said, "Did you see the narrow path?"

Xuedi nodded and said, "Naturally saw it."

Xufeng said: "There is the only way out of the dark fortress, because it is the only way out, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Basically, a team of elite scouts can block all the enemies in this narrow small On the road, when Azog designed this place, he must have moved a lot of thoughts, and this place can definitely withstand the repeated attacks of the Alliance forces."

Emperor Xue said in a deep voice: "Yes, the Alliance army can't get it, so it's even more difficult for us."

Xufeng smiled and shook his head, “No, it’s the opposite. It’s not easy to fight if there are too many people. When Azog designed this place, he didn’t expect anyone to break into the fortress alone. We find their material warehouse, burn their materials, and then cut off the only path, the orcs in this fortress are finished."

Xuedi was startled slightly, and then realized that Xufeng’s tactical intentions were correct. However, although she was convinced in her heart, her mouth was not soft. "Huh, we are alone? We are two people. How can we be alone?"

Xu Feng gave a smirk, "I have a gun, do you have one?"

Xuedi was shocked, "Do you have a gun? Where is it?"

If there are modern weapons, the battle will be much easier.

Xu Feng grinned and said, "Do you really want to see it?"

The Emperor Xue said of course: "Of course! I want to use such a good gun!"

Xu Feng laughed and said: "Xue Di, your pure appearance makes me a little embarrassed."

Xuedi was shocked for a while, and then he reacted, "Xu Feng! You..."

Xuedi drew out the sword of Boromir with a sigh.

This is the first time he has been teased like this when he grows up.

Xufeng said quickly: "Don't, don't, let's talk about it when we go back, it's important to do business first!"

Xuedi stomped angrily, "I hate me! Xufeng! Don't take advantage of me anymore!"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "I want to do business!"

Xuedi adjusted his breathing and mood, and asked in a deep voice, "What are you going to do? The path is very narrow. Even if we two pass, we will be spotted by the orc scout in charge of guarding."

Xufeng smiled and said, "So, let's not take that path, we two, climb down from above."

Xuedi asked in surprise: "From above? You mean, from the cliff?"

"Yes." Xu Feng smiled faintly. "The cliff above the Dark Fortress is a vertical cliff. The half-orcs feel that no one can climb down from there with bare hands. It is true that most people can never do it, but we are not ordinary people. "

Xuedi nodded slightly, "This is a good idea, but, even if we can sneak into the fortress safely, what should we do next?"

Xufeng said: "We can catch a half-orc and torture the location of their material warehouse and kitchen."

Xuedi asked: "I can understand you asking the material warehouse, but why do you ask the kitchen? Could it be that you can't eat in Rivendell?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Even if it is not addictive, I don't want to eat monsters! Let's talk one step at a time, then you will understand.

"Good." Xuedi nodded slightly.

The two immediately circled the cliff, and then stepped down from the top of the cliff with their bare hands.

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