Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1114

But if you have lived a whole life.

Xu Feng slowly let go of the Snow Emperor, his whole consciousness floating.

And Xuedi was even shy and couldn't raise her head, her hands were clinging randomly, searching for it.

She has to put on her mask as soon as possible, otherwise, she will really collapse completely.

Xufeng didn't want Xuedi to leave a painful impression when he first kissed, and quickly helped Xuedi put on a Medusa mask.

After putting on the mask, Xuedi's body was still trembling uncontrollably, and his whole body was soft and weak.

But at any rate, her emotions are not so tense, and her physical state is slowly recovering.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Big wife, do we want to do it again?"

Xuedi roared in embarrassment: "Xufeng! You bastard! You fucked me...Bah, you got me...Bah, baah! Forget it! I won't say anything!"

Her legs were bent until this time, she couldn't straighten up, and her whole body didn't have any strength.

Xu Feng grinned, "It's okay, I'm here, big wife."

Xuedi sighed. She didn't want to worry about the name anymore. The first kiss was taken away by this unscrupulous bastard. What was the scream of "Big Wife"?

She suddenly felt something in her heart, and when she looked down, it was Xufeng's hand.

The Snow Emperor suddenly exclaimed, "Asshole! Take your hands away!"

Xufeng said quickly: "Oh, your body was shaking badly just now. I was afraid that you might have a problem, so I held you down."

Xuedi roared: "Who wants to listen to your explanation! Take your hand away first!"

Xu Feng smiled, then took his hand away.

However, he didn't relax the arm that held Xuedi's waist. After all, Xuedi couldn't stand still and needed his support.

"This matter..." Xuedi said viciously: "You must never tell anyone! Don't even talk about dreams! Otherwise! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Xu Feng said in a serious tone: "Don't worry, this is the secret of our husband and wife. How can I tell others. It's just..."

"Just what?!" Xuedi asked fiercely.

Xufeng grinned, "It's just that, how can I control it when I talk in my sleep, unless, unless I sleep, you sleep next to me, so that once I say something that shouldn't be said in my sleep, you You can kill me with a single sword."

"You!" Emperor Xue was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xufeng laughed and said: "Okay, okay, I'm not teasing you, now the sky is already bright, we must hurry back to Rivendell and find Gandalf and King Elrond to put out the fire, otherwise the entire dark forest will It was ignited. Although there are many monsters in the dark dense forest, if the dark dense forest is burned out, it will also be a great catastrophe for Middle-earth."

Xuedi nodded, raised his foot and took a step, but his feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Xufeng hugged Xuedi quickly, but this didn't make her fall.

Emperor Xue said bitterly, "I blame you!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Blame me, blame me, come, come, I will hold you and go."

With that said, Xu Feng hugged Xuedi sideways.

The Snow Emperor originally wanted to struggle twice, but after another thought, what's the point of struggling?The back is also back, the kiss is kissed, the touch is touched, and the wife is called by him. Is there a third person here? What else are you struggling with?

Xuedi sighed, and did not resist any more.

Xu Feng returned to the woods before holding the Snow Emperor, and blew a loud whistle towards the mother wolf hiding place.

The mother wolf drooped its tail, and walked out vigilantly.

She is not as irritable as she was before, because the scene of the destruction of the dark fortress was completely in her eyes.

If she had only been full of hatred for Xufeng before, now, all these hatreds have turned into fear.

This is a real sense of fear.

The cruel human in front of her was really amazing.

The half-orcs of the entire fortress were killed by this pair of "dog men and women"!

If you can not provoke them, it is better not to provoke them.

The female wolf's tail is drooping on the ground, and the wolf's head is almost on the ground. This is a sign of obedience and non-attack.

Of course, she had already moved his two cubs to another safe place, and she didn't want her cubs to be captured by Xufeng.

Xufeng nodded with satisfaction to the mother wolf, "Very well, you did not do anything to us, then according to the agreement, I will give you the remaining two cubs. As for the last cub, I still have something to say first. , I will not return it to you-although I will leave one of your cubs, you just saved your own life, and you also saved most of your wolf cubs. You know it."

The mother wolf whimpered and could only admit his fate.

Xufeng was too powerful, so powerful that the enemy had to give in.

The mother wolf has no ability to fight against Xufeng at all. If she rashly fights against Xufeng, she will even kill her four other wolf cubs.

Xu Feng said lightly: "Oh, there is one more thing, that is, you have to send us back to Rivendell first, and when we get to Rivendell, I will return the two wolf cubs to you."

Does the mother wolf dare to say a word?

She squatted down obediently, waiting for Xu Feng and Xuedi to ride up.

Xufeng immediately put the Xuedi with soft legs on the saddle, and then got up.

Xuedi softly leaned on Xufeng's body and said quietly, "Xufeng, your sword hilt has reached me again."

Xu Feng said quickly: "Oh, it's okay, cough, cough, so we can keep our distance."

Xuedi murmured, "You are holding me, what distance do you keep?"

However, Xuedi didn't care too much.

The mother wolf neighed, and then hurried to Rivendell's direction.

On this road, bumps, ups and downs, the bodies of the two people inadvertently touched each other.

Xuedi simply closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, so that it would not be too embarrassing.

In less than half an hour, the female wolf stopped.

Not far in front is Rivendell, the mother wolf dare not approach, after all, once Rivendell's elven guard finds her, she will be shot.

Xufeng held Xuedi and jumped from the saddle of the mother wolf.

At this time, Xuedi had recovered part of his stamina. Although he was still weak, he could stand and walk on his own.

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