Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1164

Radagast nodded and said, "It's really amazing. I feel that my magical energy has basically been restored."

Lin Hai said: "Okay, then let's start acting."

Ruidagast said in surprise: "Now? Don't you prepare more?"

Lin Hai smiled and said, "What can I prepare? It's over."

Ruidagast said admiringly: "The style of the Xuedi team is really too strong. Okay, let's go now."

The two immediately left the cave, boarded the rabbit sleigh, and hurried toward the forest hut.

The speed of the rabbit sleigh was still very fast. After ten minutes, they reached the extension of the forest hut, and they could already see the spider silk wall outside the forest hut.

Radagast asked the rabbits to pull the empty sled away, so as not to spread to the innocent rabbits for a while.

After a brief preparation, Radagast stood on a high place and began to chant a long magic spell.

Immediately afterwards, the two distant loose soil openings were covered by a three-foot-thick layer of ice, and the temperature of the entire area dropped several degrees!

At the opening of the hole that was not sealed by ice, a ferocious spider came out immediately, and the spider rushed in the direction of Radagast, while charging, it also spewed sticky stickiness towards Radagast. Spider silk.

Once stuck by the spider silk, then the big spider will spray a venom, so that the unavoidable Ridagast will be directly killed by the big spider!

Of course, Ruidagast was also the great magician of the Holy White Council anyway, and he was a sub-god Maya, and he was relatively confident in the face of a big spider whose level was much lower than him.

The reason why he was so embarrassed before was because three spiders attacked him together.

Now that there is only one, he is not so embarrassed.

He first condensed a light blue magic shield for himself, and then flashed another move, avoiding the spit of the big spider silk.

The big spider screamed in annoyance, and then spewed a venom into Ridagath.

Ruidagast quickly dodged and dodged, the venom rubbed him and the magic shield passed by, almost breaking his magic shield.

Seeing that Big Spider had used up two attack skills, and after it was impossible to reuse them in a short time, Lin Hai jumped out from the other side, showing the Ruidagast Staff, condensing his mind, and combining his magical energy with Rui The magical energy of Dagast's Staff gathers together

The sapphire light on the Ruidagast staff burst, and a huge fireball was condensed immediately!

Lin Hai concentrated his thoughts and drank suddenly, the magical fireball fell like a meteorite, and slammed into the abdomen of the big spider who was chasing Ridagast.


The ground shakes and the mountains shook, and the temperature of the whole area rose immediately!

The big spider couldn't withstand the magic fireball damage at all, and was instantly vaporized by the high temperature, leaving only a pool of sticky blood on the ground.

"Cool!" Lin Hai clenched his fists excitedly.

Ruida Gast also said in surprise: "Not bad! Brother Lin Hai! I used to underestimate your strength! It seems that the Xuedi team is really not just as strong as Didi and Ms. Xuedi, it is your entire team. Strong!"

Lin Hai laughed, "That is, our Xuedi team is very strong as a whole. Okay, now the temperature is rising, we have to prepare for the second round as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Ruidagast took a deep breath, concentrated his thoughts, and once again used an ice seal technique.

The remaining two soft-soil caves, the one slightly farther away, was immediately sealed, and the ice seal on the remaining soft-soil cave was forcefully broken by the second big spider.

The No. 2 big spider rushed to Radagast ferociously, while rushing, spewing spider silk at Radagast.

Ruidagast was already familiar with this routine, and he calmly avoided the spider silk with flashing, and avoided the venom spray.

At this time, Lin Hai's magical fireball ruthlessly slammed into the abdomen of No. 2 Spider.

Immediately afterwards, Big Spider No. 2 was easily killed in seconds.

After the two of them took a rest, Big Spider No. 3 angrily broke through the ice and rushed out.

It took a lot of effort to deal with the third big spider. This third big spider is more cunning than the previous two. He has been chasing Rydagast for a long time without using spider silk.

However, Lin Hai finally solved the No. 3 spider.

"It's great!" Ruidagast looked at the mucus remaining on the ground, and said happily: "Finally got rid of these three nasty things! Brother Lin Hai! Thank you!"

Lin Hai said: "Don't worry about the things you are grateful for. We have to open all the spider cocoons here and release all the animals that should be released."

"it is good!"

The two immediately began to clean the spider cocoons.

Some of the animals in the cocoons were still alive, but they were scared, while some of the animals in the cocoons died because they were trapped for a long time.

Radagast was extremely heartbroken.

When they finished all the spider cocoons, only the last female spider in the forest hut was left.

Lin Hai said: "Get some oil, we have to burn this hut."

Ruidagast said quickly: "Wait, what if your analysis is wrong? Then I lost a house in vain? This is my most beloved house! It is a pity that it burned down like this. Up."

Lin Hai shrugged, "Well, then, I can agree with you to go in and take a look, but before you go in, you still have to prepare oil and hay for me."

Radagast said: "Good!"

He immediately found grease and hay, and Lin Hai piled the grease and hay beside the forest hut.

"Okay, you can go in." Lin Hai said.

Ruidagast said, "Don't light the fire!"

"Don't worry." Lin Hai laughed.

Radagast walked to the door, took a deep breath, and then opened the door of the room he was familiar with.

A fishy smell came out, and there was a female spider who was bigger than the male spider entrenched in the room. The female spider's belly was bulging and almost filled the room!

Under the legs and feet of the mother spider, there are all the bones of animals that have been eaten!

Radagast exclaimed and immediately closed the door.

"How is the situation?" Lin Hai asked.

Ruidagast shouted: "Quick! Ignite! Ignite!"

Chapter 278 Going to Griffon Peak

The fire was blazing, and the entire forest hut was swallowed by fierce flames.

Lin Hai and Ruidagast had to step back thirty meters to avoid being burned by the flame's temperature.

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