Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1166

Lin Hai smiled and said, "I know, so I want you to help me. You don't need to ask the Griffin King to send the Griffin to escort us. You just have to let the Griffin King meet me.

Radagast opened his mouth, "...Well, although I think it doesn't make any sense at all."

He turned around and spoke to Lin Hai's request to the letter Gryphon.

It is believed that Griffin stared at Lin Hai coldly, and Lin Hai deliberately lighted the Ruidagast staff, the top of the staff was still surrounded by shadow energy.

The griffin screamed, and then it flew high.

Lin Hai frowned and asked, "What does he mean by yelling at me just now?"

Rydagast said, "He asked you to wait."

"Okay." Lin Hai shrugged.

While waiting, Lin Hai focused his thoughts and secretly communicated with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng immediately responded to Lin Hai's thoughts, and Lin Hai roughly talked about what happened here.

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "I see, it seems that Griffin is indeed a difficult point here-but Uncle Lin Hai, you have done a very good job, you have won a chance for all of us."

Lin Hai said with thought: "I can only make this move, but I don't know how to persuade the Griffin King, so you have to keep communicating with me."

Xufeng replied: "Okay, leave it to me."

Lin Hai's heart was immediately stabilized, and the whole person became more confident.

After waiting for another five minutes, dozens of griffins flew from the direction of the main peak. Behind these griffins, a larger golden griffin flew over.

Ruidagast whispered: "Look down to salute, that is the Griffin King."

Just as Lin Hai was about to bow his head, Xu Feng said to him with thoughts: "You don't have to bow your head, just look directly at the Griffin King."

Lin Hai brows and decides to implement Xufeng's arrangement.

Others have looked down on you, and you are still inferior, so even if you talk about it, it is meaningless. It is better to straighten up and be more confident.

Ruidagast said quickly: "Brother Lin Hai, bow your head to salute!"

Lin Hai said lightly: "He is not my king, why should I bow my head in salute?"

As he was talking, dozens of griffins landed down and arranged in two neat rows.

Immediately afterwards, the golden griffin, which was twice the size, slowly landed, using his golden eagle eyes to look at Lin Hai coldly.

Lin Hai also raised his head and looked at him arrogantly.

In fact, Lin Hai panicked.

A few seconds later, the Griffin King took the lead to break the deadlock and screamed to Lin Hai coldly.

Ruidagast quickly translated to Lin Hai: "The Griffin King said that he has already faced you face to face. If you have anything, just say it, but if it is to support the dwarves, then forget it. The Griffins just want to Stay neutral and don't want to get involved in any war."

"Really?" Lin Hai smiled coldly.

Of course, he said this according to what Xufeng conveyed to him through thoughts.

Xufeng had taken a smart pill and could understand any language, so when Ruidagast translated Lin Hai, Xufeng had already used his mind to tell Lin Hai what to say.

Therefore, the rhythm of Lin Hai's conversation is completely normal and seamless.

Lin Hai said coldly: "Your Majesty Griffin King, do you know that something happened in the Black Fort not long ago that almost changed the entire Middle-earth world? Angmar Witch King wanted to use the Black Fortress The remaining ancient magic springs in the castle came to revive the Dark Lord Sauron. At that time, the captain of our Snow Emperor team, Xuedi, the Archmage Rydagast, and two Griffin sisters, together stopped the Angmar Witch The king’s resurrection ceremony has also brought the dark lord Sauron back to life, at least 50 years later!"

"Do you think you can really stay out of the matter? No, your two hero Griffins stopped the Dark Lord Sauron. The Dark Lord Sauron will not let you off because of your neutrality. He is very vengeful. , You should be clear about this."

"Of course, you should never blame your two hero Griffins for this. They are the heroes of the entire Middle-earth world. If you blame the heroes of Middle-earth, it is with all the countries and nations of the Middle-earth Alliance. The race is on the opposite side."

"Do you want to remain neutral? Do you think that neutrality is the fairest? No, when the two forces of justice and evil in the Middle-earth world are fighting, you choose to remain neutral, in fact, you are indulging in evil! You are not helping Middle-earth now, Then wait for the dark power to eat away all the countries in Middle-earth a little bit, and when the balance of Middle-earth is broken and darkness covers the light, do you still want to be neutral? With whom are you neutral? With the Dark Lord Sauron? When he attacked Griffon Peak with an army of countless orcs, you could still despise the demon Lord Sauron just like you did today, and then tell him that you have been neutral before. He can't hurt your Griffin family?"

"No, he will not be polite to you. He will be happy to find that you are a bunch of idiots. He will bring you chains and force your people to become his filthy orcs mounts! You don't help the Middle-earth Alliance! , Then after the Middle-Earth Alliance is killed by the Dark Lord, you want to find someone to help you, there is no one!"

Lin Haiyi spoke all the words that Xufeng had passed to him, and the whole person felt very happy.

Ruidagast quickly translated Lin Hai's words to the Griffin King. Of course, the phrase "idiot" in it was replaced by a softer word by Ruidagast.

After the Griffin King listened, the expression on the bird's face was suddenly a little surprised.

He didn't seem to have considered this level, he just didn't want to be regarded as a mount by the people of the China-Turkey Alliance.

However, if the Middle-Earth Alliance is really defeated by the Dark Lord, then his Griffin family will naturally perish.

The Griffin King thought for a while, then yelled at Lin Hai a few times.

This time, his tone seemed to soften a lot.

Ruidagast said quickly: "The Griffin King said that at a critical time, he must support the China-Turkey Alliance."

Lin Hai immediately said according to Xufeng’s ideas: "Now is the critical time! This dwarf expedition team is going to retake Gushan. Gushan is the most important frontline fortress of the China-Earth Alliance. If there is no Gushan, the Sauron army You can directly attack Rivendell through the Misty Mountains! With Lonely Mountain, the China-Earth Alliance can connect the wood elves in the dark dense forest with Rivendell and the Golden Forest. It will be very convenient for everyone to support each other. The Griffin King! Now is the most critical time!"

Ruidagast hurriedly told the Griffin King what Lin Hai said.

Chapter 280 Protect Xu Feng!

After the Griffin King listened, he fell into a long contemplation.

Obviously, these words conveyed by Xu Feng with thoughts deeply hit the key point of Griffin King.

In fact, Xu Feng could understand what Griffin King was considering.

The Griffin King was too arrogant. He felt that he was the most perfect race, and he could never be ridden under the crotch by human dwarves or elves.

Of course he will help the China-Turkey Alliance, but he definitely does not want to be a mount for the China-Turkey Alliance.

Once he starts this head, all countries in the China-Turkey Alliance will come and ask him to act as a mount.

Over time, the Griffin will really become an advanced mount.

This is something that Griffin King never wants to see.

From this perspective alone, Griffin King’s worries make sense.

However, now is really the critical time. If this dwarf expedition team cannot be kept, then the core hinterland of the entire Middle-earth Alliance will be exposed to the demon Lord Sauron.

Demon Lord Sauron has been preparing for the rain for half a century, and the China-Turkey Alliance's current response speed is already a lot slower. If something goes wrong with Gushan again, then the next battle will be impossible to fight.

After the Griffin King pondered for a long time, he finally called to Lin Hai a few times.

This time, the tone became softer, and there was no cold arrogance at all.

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