Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1168

To be honest, Xuedi was very reluctant to let Xufeng go.

Xufeng is the pillar of the Xuedi team. Without Xufeng's Xuedi team, the overall strength is more than a step down?It was more than ten stories down!

However, Xufeng is not an iron man.

Even if you are an iron man, you have to clean it up, let alone a living person.

Xufeng needs to rest, very, very much.

Others can't see Xufeng's fatigue, but Xuedi can.

Xuedi felt sorry for Xufeng.

If possible, Xuedi wanted to accompany and protect Xufeng by himself.

However, the dwarf team cannot be left unattended. If she and Xufeng are not in the team, if you run into the trouble of the Goblin Dungeon again, this rewarding mission will really be a waste.

The resulting chain reaction will be extremely fatal.

Therefore, Xuedi can only entrust Xufeng to someone who can trust him-that is the hammer.

Even if the two of them often quarrel with each other and scold each other as idiots, but Xuedi knows that their two feelings for Xufeng are true, and Iron Hammer will use his own life to protect Xufeng’s thoughtfulness. .

Handing Xufeng to the hammer, Xuedi was relieved.

As for whether the two of them will develop... Emperor Xue didn't care anymore.

All she wants is that both of them are safe.

After the hammer pulled Xu Feng away, Xue Di retracted his stunned eyes and continued to march west with the dwarf team.

The speed of the dwarf team gradually slowed down.

Bahrain looked at the back of the team suspiciously, then lowered his voice and said to Thorin, "Sorin, Lord Didi and Ms. Hammer are gone."

Thorin said indifferently, "Isn't this normal? They may have gone to ambush."

Bahrain shook his head, "But I don't see it. There are not a few people left in the Snow Emperor Team. Will they... leave us alone."

Thorin's heart sank.

In fact, he was also worried about this issue. He still couldn't understand what method "Diedi" would use to take them to Gushan quickly.

In Thorin's view, this is simply impossible.

Now that Xufeng is gone again, will he really feel that he can't fulfill his promise and escape?

Thorin frowned and thought for a while, "...No, go ahead."

He promised in front of Xufeng that he believed that Xufeng would resolutely implement Xufeng's orders.

Therefore, even though he had a lot of doubts and uncertainties in his heart, in the end he chose to trust Xufeng.

Xufeng rescued their dwarf team more than once. Based on this alone, even if the dwarf team is really abandoned by Xufeng, they have nothing to say.

What's more, Ms. Xuedi is still there.

Bahrain nodded, "Actually, I also think Lord Diego will not abandon us, but I am still a little worried."

Thorin said lightly: "It's normal to be worried, but we should all trust him and move on."


The dwarf expedition continued to follow the route of Xufeng's previous plan.

At the same time, the hammer pulled Xufeng and left the path, advancing on the rugged and difficult route that even birds and beasts would not take.

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Iron Hammer, where are you taking me?"

The hammer said without looking back: "Of course it is to go to the most inaccessible place! The less people are, the safer it is."

Xufeng said weakly: "I am very sleepy now. I just want to lie down and sleep, but I still have to cheer up and tell you that it makes no sense for you to walk like this. If the wolf cavalry catches up, , The wolf will recognize our residual smell, and then no matter where you and I hide, they may find it, so it is meaningless for you to go blind, and the more you go blind, the easier it is to get lost. In the end, we are all I don't know where we ourselves are, so how can we go back to Emperor Xue and the others?"

The hammer was startled, "Uh, that's what I said, I feel like I'm lost now."

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "When we walked all the way just now, we stepped on a lot of weeds. If you walk back along this trail, you won't get lost. However, you have to go as fast as possible or wait for the weeds to be crazy If you mess up, you really can't find your way back."

The Hammer said quickly: "Wait, I brought you out just to find a place where no one can find it so that you can sleep well! How can I bring you back?"

Xufeng sighed and said with a tired face: "Sister, this place you are looking for doesn't even have a shelter from the wind and rain. Moreover, let's not say whether others can find the place you are looking for. You may not be able to find it. You have to go back to the original place, make a mark that only you can see, and then find a place with a water source, remove the smell from us, and then look for a cave near the water source."

The hammer blinked, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xufeng said: "I didn't expect that you would be so stupid. I need to teach you even this."

Iron Hammer's face flushed, and he hit Xufeng's shoulder with a punch, "Hate! Don't call me stupid! I'm much smarter than Xuedi!"

Xu Feng was exhausted physically and mentally, so he didn't even hide.

Of course, with his strength, it is completely easy to avoid the hammer’s powder punch, but because his mental energy has been extremely tired, it is difficult to concentrate, even if he wants to avoid the hammer. The fist, the body will be noticeably slow.

This is also the reason why Xuedi must let him go to rest.

In Xufeng's state, if the delay continues, it will get worse and worse. Once the wolf cavalry chases up, Xufeng will be unable to fight back.

The significance of Xufeng to the entire team is self-evident, so Xufeng must restore his spiritual energy as soon as possible.

After being punched with a hammer, Xu Feng fell to the ground.

The hammer was shocked, "You, why don't you hide."

Xu Feng sighed, "...I'm tired."

The hammer hurriedly helped Xufeng up apologetically, "Sorry, I thought you could avoid it. I will take you out of here now and find a new place as you said."

Chapter 282 Surprise Gift Package

The hammer lifted Xufeng up, and according to Xufeng’s instructions, first returned to the original road, and then left a mark with fireworks that could only be seen by the spiritual vision, and then found a stream along the road, and then took Xufeng to jump down the stream. Follow the stream all the way forward.

It was only when I saw a low mountain peak that Iron Hammer climbed ashore with exhausted Xufeng.

After covering up his trail, the hammer helped Xufeng to find a cave hanging on the mountainside.

The cave is not big, but the cave is relatively dry, and the view is very good. If there are enemies, the hammer can be seen for the first time.

"Xu Feng, how is this place?" The Hammer asked breathlessly.

When climbing the mountain just now, she almost came up with Xufeng on her back, and she took a lot of effort.

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