Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1170

Chapter 283 I...

Xu Feng smiled, "Okay, I should go to the big army, you can slowly scold me here."

With that, Xu Feng grabbed the clothes of the hammer and prepared to leave.

"Xu Feng! You bastard!" The Hammer cursed: "You dare to take away Lao Tzu's clothes, Lao Tzu will fight you hard!"

Xufeng grinned and said: "Okay, let's fight it."

"You!" The Hammer was ashamed and annoyed, but there was nothing to do.

Falling into the hands of men like Xufeng, it is impossible not to be taken advantage of.

In the end, the hammer sighed helplessly, "Xu Feng, we are still not good brothers."

Xufeng shook his head, "No more."

"What? You don't consider me a good brother anymore?" Tie Hammer asked in shock.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, since you stripped off my clothes and looked at my body, we can't get back to brotherhood."

"You..." The hammer stomped annoyedly, "Obviously I was at a disadvantage, okay!"

Xufeng shrugged, "I didn't feel at all at the time. When I woke up, I found that you were pressing on me and our clothes were thrown aside. You let others judge, who is the one who suffers?"

The Hammer is going crazy, "Why do you want others to judge? This kind of thing... how can you tell others and let others judge!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Look, you have a guilty conscience? Don't you admit that you are trying to do me?"

The hammer said helplessly: "Brother, let me go! The Xuedi is still waiting for us to rush back."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Hey, at this time, do you remember to care about Snow Emperor?"

"I don't care about her! I just...just, it's only related to the other members of the Xuedi team!" Tie Hammer said with a blushing face.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Oh? Other members? Uncle Lin Hai is not here, and you and I are here again. Is it possible that you are concerned about Duke Yang?"

The hammer said angrily: "Xufeng, what are you going to do!"

Xu Feng smiled, "You put me to sleep and asked me what I want?"

"I didn't..." The Hammer really wanted to cry without tears.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, don't explain, the explanation is to cover up, so, anyway, I will be taken advantage of by you, and then I will call you a little wife."

The hammer said angrily, "Why! Who is your eldest wife?"

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Snow Emperor."

The hammer said bitterly: "The beauty you want! I don't want to be your little wife!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, then I will leave first."

With that said, Xu Feng took the clothes of the hammer and turned and walked out of the cave.

"Hey, wait! Xufeng! Come back!" The Hammer said eagerly, "Further, discuss it again!"

Xufeng smiled back and said: "I have no discussion, I am short of time, and I don't want to be muddled. I just want to be my little wife, just one sentence!"

"You!" Iron Hammer said angrily, "You're such a bastard Xufeng!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Then do you want to be my bastard's wife?"

The hammer flushed and said, "I...can consider, but you have to return the clothes to me first. If you don't give me the clothes, I can't think."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yeah, will you still bargain with me? No, you have to tell me the answer first before I can give you clothes."

The hammer gritted his teeth and whispered softly: "Xufeng, you big bad guy, you know to bully me, okay, now in this situation, I'll be wronged and promise you, huh, I will find a chance in the future and watch me How to clean up you!"

After the muttering, the hammer sighed and said, "Well, I... agreed."

Xufeng laughed, "You have to clarify, what did you promise!"

The Hammer said in embarrassment, "I promised to be your little wife!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's a good wife. By the way, can you stop calling yourself Laozi in the future?"

The hammer nodded and said, "Oh, I know."

Xufeng was a little bit dumbfounded.

The hammer asked: "Can you give me the clothes back?"

Xufeng grinned and said: "Not yet, you just agreed verbally, and you have to show it in action."

The Hammer blushed and said, "How do you express it in action?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Originally, it should be something, but now we are short of time, we still have very important things to do, so you just kiss me."

The hammer was startled and blushed and said, "How can it work!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Wow, you are willing to be my little wife, but you are not willing to kiss me. Is it possible that you deliberately fooled me?"

The hammer said quickly: "Of course not, but...I'm shy!"

Xufeng laughed and said, "Hammer, you are so cute."

The hammer said angrily: "I'm not cute!"

Xufeng shook the clothes in his hands, "Do you want to wear clothes?"

The hammer sighed helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you! Isn't it just a kiss, I haven't kissed before. Hey, come here by yourself! I don't have anything on your body, and you will be able to walk. It's gone!"

Xufeng grinned, walked to the hammer, and moved the smirking face to him.

The hammer blushed, closed his eyes, and tapped Xu Feng's lips.

"All right?" the hammer asked.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "That's it."

The Hammer was a little surprised, "That's it? I thought you would take the opportunity to do something else."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course I think so, but now we have to hurry back to Xuedi and the others, so let's save together and wait for the next time."

The hammer said angrily: "There is no next time!"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Don't stand up FLAG lightly, okay, put on your clothes quickly."

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