Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1175

Soon, the dwarf expedition team became two teams, one team stayed at the col, and the second team quickly retreated to the top of the mountain.

A few minutes later, the wolf cavalry came like a tide, and the whole ground was rumbling and shaking.

Standing on a high place, Gandalf showed Naya, the ring of fire in his hand, and silently recited an ancient and lengthy mantra.

This is also the first time he has used the Ring of Fire in nearly a thousand years.

He was a little worried, if he didn't use it, there would really be no chance.

His shot this time is also extremely critical, after all, the first wave of the wolf cavalry charge is the strongest, as long as the first wave of charge can be suppressed, the pressure behind will be much smaller.

After Gandalf finished chanting the mantra, orange flames glowed in his hands.

Immediately after that, a three-meter-high wall of fire rose into the sky, directly blocking the front of the wolf cavalry!

Bahrain was overjoyed and said: "Gandalf! You have such magical power, why don't you use it early!"

Gandalf held his hands, "It's not too late to use it now!"

He is the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council anyway, even if his strength is partially divided by the white-robed mage Saruman, he is still a very powerful mage.

As soon as the wall of fire came out, the wolf cavalry who rushed to the front had no time to hold the reins, and rammed straight into the burning wall of fire.

Suddenly, the leading troops of the wolf cavalry were in chaos, and there were screams of wolf howling and the screams of wolf cavalry everywhere.

The fire of the wall of fire, but the fire of magic, cannot be extinguished at all.

The wolf cavalry behind saw this and quickly slowed down.

Seeing that the situation was almost complete, Xu Feng jumped out from behind the rock first, revealed the enemy's fencing sword in his hand, and rushed directly to the wall of fire.

The other players also rushed over.

Gandalf quickly put away the wall of fire to prevent the flame magic from hurting himself.

Xufeng rushed into the still-burning fire field. The enemy fencing sword and Triton's sword in his hand formed a vortex of sword blades, tearing a long blood hole in the formation of the wolf cavalry.

The wolf cavalry, who was still in order, instantly became chaotic.

They had been frightened by the news of Xufeng, but now that they experienced the horror of Xufeng, no one dared to get closer.

And Xuedi Thorin and the others took the opportunity to harvest later.

After killing for more than five minutes, Xu Feng immediately withdrew when the Orcs' follow-up troops arrived.

Xuedi, Thorin and others also naturally retreated.

They always keep in mind that the core of their tactics this time is to retreat, not to be tough.

Therefore, they attacked quickly, withdrew quickly, and executed very decisively.

After everyone had withdrawn, the wolf cavalry regrouped in a dazed expression, but when they were about to chase, Gandalf, who was standing on the heights, used another wall of fire technique.

At this time, the half-orc archer rushed over, and hundreds of black long arrows shot at Gandalf.

Emperor Xue showed out the barrier of faith, jumped in front of Gandalf, and with the armor bonus she had obtained when fighting just now, blocked all the long arrow attacks for Gandalf.

Gandalf said quickly, "Thank you!"

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Go away."

The two jumped from a high place together, and then retreated in the direction of the second line.

After they passed the second line of defense, the effect of the fire wall completely faded, and the wolf cavalry bit their heads and pursued.

In the previous wave of battle, the wolf cavalry killed at least two hundred people.

If it were not for the formation of the wolf cavalry to maintain a good formation, coupled with the emergency support of half-orc archers, they would die more.

Of course, the army of half-orcs is endless, and it is absolutely impossible to destroy all the half-orcs by this wave.

Allocating retreat means delaying time as much as possible.

As long as daybreak, hope will come.

Soon, the battle for the second line of defense began.

Both Kili and Fili were assigned to the second team. Both of them were long-range archers, and they were very vigorous, especially Kili, and every arrow was shot.

When the wolf cavalry rushed to the second line of defense, Duke Yang grabbed his magic cave sword and jumped into the wolf cavalry formation.

This is the death order Xufeng gave him. If he doesn't jump out to attract firepower, then Xufeng will find someone to kick him in to attract firepower.

Anyway, it's all about attracting firepower, so it's better to take the initiative.

Duke Yang jumped into the wolf cavalry pile again and shouted loudly: "Don't move me! Otherwise you will die miserably!"

The wolf cavalry were shocked at first, thinking what kind of ruthless goods came, but after a closer look, they were a guy who didn't even hold a sword in a standard posture.

The wolf cavalry immediately surrounded him and slashed at Duke Yang again.

Gong Yang held the Demon Cave Sword again and fell into a pool of blood.

The Hammer, Kellett and others rushed out and met with the wolf cavalry.

Gong Yang held the Demon Cave Sword again and stood up from the pool of blood.

Chapter 288 Who is that person?

When the wolf cavalry saw that Duke Yang had stood up again, they were shocked and quickly turned around to deal with Duke Yang.

As a result, Duke Yang once again grabbed the Demon Cavern Sword and fell into a pool of blood.

The Hammers had another short tactical opportunity.

Although it was short, it was enough for them to take the opportunity to kill several wolf cavalry.

At this moment, more than three hundred half-orc archers came in urgently for reinforcements. If the archers entered the battlefield, the Hammer and their line of defense would probably not be able to support them.

When the orc archers were about to cut into the battlefield, a figure jumped out from behind the rock on the side. The two long swords in his hand formed a dazzling vortex of sword blades. In an instant, it was in the archer’s There was a long blood hole in the team!

That's right!This person is Xufeng!

When the first team retreated to the second line of defense, he did not follow the retreat. Instead, he hid behind a rock while Xuedi was helping Gandalf with his arrows!

He let go of the wolf cavalry unit, and only waited for the support of the archer unit.

And what he wants to kill is these archers who can easily output in the back row!

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