Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1183

This is still very good for the Xuedi team, which is in desperate need of shadow energy points.

After the dwarves paid tribute, Gandalf walked up to Xufeng, smoking the pleasantly fragrant Shire tobacco, looking at Xufeng with deep eyes.

Xufeng smiled and said, "What's wrong with Lao Gan?"

Gandalf threw up big eyes and said solemnly: "Diedi, sometimes, I really suspect that you are not from Middle-earth."

Xu Feng's heart sank, and he quickly concealed with a big laugh: "Lao Gan, are you complimenting me? This kind of compliment is really ingenious!"

Gandalf shook his head, "No, as a secondary god Maya, of course I know that this universe is infinite, and I also know that there is not only Middle-earth in the universe. Judging from your miraculous performances, I think that you are from another world, and it is not impossible. You are another world, sent to save our world, right?"

Xufeng scratched his head embarrassedly, "No, no, Lao Gan, you slap me like this, a shameless person like me is almost embarrassed."

In fact, Gandalf guessed a little, but it was not accurate.

Gandalf believes that Xufeng and the others are like angels or saviors, who are here to save this precarious Middle-earth world.

But in fact, Xu Feng knew in his heart that the real purpose of their coming here was to offer a reward and to survive.

In Middle-earth, they can completely treat this as a large-scale multiplayer role-playing game, and they don't have any mental burdens, and they don't need to be responsible for any behavior.

As long as they can successfully complete the task, the game is even won.

Then they will leave for the next game.

There is nothing to do with justice or salvation. Although they will help Middle-earth in the process of surviving, it is just by the way.

If the task requires, if necessary, Xufeng will definitely abandon Middle-earth world without hesitation, and even destroy Middle-earth world.

Xufeng will not have any hesitation.

He will not be responsible for any plane world, he will only be responsible for one thing, that is the safety of Xuedi team.

Therefore, when Gandalf said that Xufeng was the savior sent by another world, Xufeng waved his hand quickly.

He is not humble, but he is really not.

Gandalf sighed with a smile, "Diedi, you are so noble. You are the savior, but you refuse to admit that the brilliance of human nature is vividly performed on you. You are simply a perfect great man."

"I rely on..." Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't don't, Lao Gan, it's too numb! My goose bumps are almost falling to the ground."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Whether you admit it or not, I already have a scale in my heart. Anyway, thank you, Diego, thank you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Lao Gan, you are welcome, I will help you, but in fact, I am only helping myself."

This has been said very truthfully.

Gandalf said with tears in his eyes: "That's great. I understand what you mean. You have regarded us as yourself! You protect us and help us are like protecting yourself and helping yourself. same!"

Xufeng opened his mouth, "...Well, if you think so, I can't stop you, am I?"

Gandalf said with a smile: "I will find an opportunity to bring this up to the Holy White Council. I believe that White-robed Mage Saruman will also reconsider your status in Middle-earth."

"The old man can't wait for me to die." Xu Feng shook his head helplessly.

Gandalf said quickly: "No, Saruman is... a man of noble character."

When Saruman puts you in the enchantment, you don't think so.

Xu Feng murmured inwardly.

However, this involves the main story behind, and Xu Feng naturally cannot disclose it.

Xufeng just smiled and said to Gandalf: "Old Gan, some things and some people will change. You will change, I will change, and Saruman will change. In short, you have to be careful. ."

Gandalf smiled and said: "We are all sub-god Maya. Our purpose in Middle-earth is to protect this place and establish a civilized order. Maybe we are not doing well enough, but we certainly have nothing wrong with it. "

No crooked mind?Explain the story of Dark Lord Sauron?

Forget it...

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "All right, in short, you must pay attention to safety along the way, we will come back to you soon."

"Okay, we look forward to it." Gandalf nodded to Xufeng.

He just turned around, then turned back, and took out a handful of magic fireworks from his magic pocket.

"These are for you." Gandalf chuckled. "Last time you asked me for a firework and said it was going to pick up girls, but after my two days of observation, you seem to need two, and I do anyway If you don’t need this stuff, just give it to you."

Xufeng opened his mouth suddenly.

I rely on!

Isn't this stabbing me before leaving?

I said "Pick a girl" at the time, just to perfuse you!

Do I need to use props for picking up girls?

Isn't my face handsome enough?

The hammer frowned and asked at Xuedi: "Did he let you off the magical fireworks?"

Xuedi snorted coldly, "We haven't seen that advanced thing."

The hammer frowned and said, "This is wrong, because I haven't seen it either."

Xuedi said coldly: "This shows that people are going to pick other girls."

The hammer showed the mysterious iron forging hammer in his hand, "Oh, so it seems, we have to do something."

She only wants to share it with Xuedi. Any other woman who wants to get involved is absolutely impossible.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Indeed, we really have to do something, otherwise, someone would think that he can open the harem."

Xu Feng said quickly: "You two, you have misunderstood, my fireworks are actually... ahem, Lao Gan! Look at the trouble you caused me!"

Gandalf quickly pretended to be confused and said: "Oh, I don't know anything! What about the dwarves have already gone down the mountain, I have to catch up with them, otherwise they should get lost! Bilbo, let's go!"

Bilbo hurriedly bowed to Xufeng and the others, and then hurried away following Gandalf.

In fact, Bilbo also has a lot of thanks to say to Xufeng, but, as far as the current situation is concerned, he thinks it is better to take it so as not to be splashed with blood.

Chapter 296


Xufeng shouted loudly: "Old Gan! You are not righteous! Just now I kept saying that I am the savior, what a perfect man! You sold me in a blink of an eye! You ran away by yourself!"

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