Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1186

At this time, You Xiaoxi came out with two cups of fragrant tea with enthusiasm, "The missing person is called Zhang Tieqiang. He hasn't found it yet, at least, five hours ago. Just a few guests came in to buy moon sleep tea. I heard from them that your envoy has already issued a reward for finding someone. If you live to see people, you must see the corpse, and those who provide accurate clues will be rewarded with 2000 shadow energy points. "

Su Xiaoyue said in surprise: "2000 Shadow Energy points, that old lady...cough cough, I mean, your envoy is so generous this time?"

"Yes!" You Xiaoxi brought the fragrant tea to Xu Feng and Su Xiaoyue, and said, "The first time I saw the envoy, it was so generous. It seems that that person must be very important."

Su Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Yes, the guards of the castle must know some things inside the castle, so the envoy is so anxious - but these 2000 shadow power points sound a lot, but it is definitely not easy to earn. "

Xufeng brought the fragrant tea, took a sip, then smiled lightly and said, "Ah, every time I drink the tea made by Xiaoxi, I feel very happy."

You Xiaoxi blushed and said: "Brother Feng, you really boast, you don't look like some people at all, you will only use your light to force you."

Su Xiaoyue said indifferently: "It is also an ability to borrow the light of Brother Feng, I am proud!"

You Xiaoxi grinned and said, "Yes! You are the best! Have tea!"

Su Xiaoyue grinned happily.

Xu Feng nodded with satisfaction, "Seeing that everything is normal here, I'm relieved. Okay, let's talk about other things later. I have to go to the alchemy laboratory in a hurry."

Su Xiaoyue said quickly: "Brother Feng, the alchemy laboratory is terrifying at night. Why don't you take a rest and go tomorrow."

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, I have something to give to Uncle Mi Xiu, or else, Xiaoyue, would you run a leg for me?"

Su Xiaoyue almost squirted out a sip of hot tea. He coughed heavily, then blushed and said, "Brother Feng, I, I, I, I don’t want to help you, but...I’m afraid this task is too important. Clumsy, if you mess up again, that’s not good."

Xufeng smiled and said: "You! You! Okay, I was joking with you. You two should rest early, too. I drank this cup of tea and left."

You Xiaoxi said quickly: "Brother Feng, have a few more drinks before leaving."

Xufeng smiled and said, "There will be time in the future. Okay, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Xu Feng drank the fragrant tea in the cup, and then pushed the door vigorously to leave.

Su Xiaoyue and You Xiaoxi kept chasing them out of the door.

Su Xiaoyue also specifically shouted loudly: "Brother Feng! You have just returned from the reward mission of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". Be sure to take more rest! I will give it to Xiaoxi tomorrow. You report your profit this month!"

Not to mention Xufeng, Su Xiaoyue's howling can be heard all over the street.

Many people poked their heads out of the window and saw the existence of Xufeng as expected.

Su Xiaoyue immediately became complacent.

He didn't want to miss the news that everyone in the trading city knew that his boss was back.

Xu Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, and could only turn around and waved to Su Xiaoyue, "Okay, you guys go back too."

"Yes! Feng Ge! Thank you Feng Ge for your concern!" Su Xiaoyue shouted.

Xufeng shook his head helplessly.

I really don’t know if he should be happy or should he be happy when he is on the stall.

"Wow! It's really Xufeng."

"Xufeng is back?"

"The Xuedi team is too fierce, right? Even the first stage of the Lord of the Rings has passed?"

"Yeah! This is hard to imagine! Before we traded the city, the only one who passed the first stage of the Lord of the Rings was the God Killing Squad, right?"

"The God Killing Squad is backed by the strongest guild! But what does the Snow Emperor Squad have?"

"...Xuedi team has Xufeng."

"It really is!"

The various whispering sounds from the houses on the street, the eyes of everyone secretly looking at Xu Feng, became extremely reverent.

Xu Feng didn't have time to pay attention to these eyes, and walked through this long street with a cold face and walked towards the abandoned area.

Ten minutes later, the broken alchemy laboratory appeared in front of Xu Feng.

Who can imagine that this was once the territory of the strongest guild, the God-killing Guild.

Xu Feng sighed faintly, and took out the gas mask and gas gloves from the inventory of the spirit table. After wearing them all, he opened the door of the alchemy laboratory.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, a burst of colorful gas gushed out of the laboratory.

Still carrying a scorching temperature.

Needless to say, Mi Xiu is doing dangerous experiments again.

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Uncle Mi Xiu, I'm back."

"Huh?" A person wearing the same gas mask walked out of the colorful smoke and said happily: "Haha! Xufeng? Is that you? Are you back?"

Xufeng smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's me, Uncle Mi Xiu, what are you...what else?"

Mi Xiu said triumphantly: "I will experiment with a new universal antidote."

"So, this colorful smoke is detoxifying?" Xufeng wanted to take off the sultry mask.

Mi Xiu said: "No, I haven't done the detoxification step yet, now it is the first step to make the poison."

"..." Xu Feng quickly corrected the dull gas mask on his face. He felt that it was much safer.

After a while, the colorful poisonous smoke in the laboratory finally dissipated, and Mi Xiu took the lead in removing the gas mask from his face.

Seeing that Mi Xiu was okay, Xufeng took off the gas mask.

Mi Xiu said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come back so soon. I thought you would die in the first stage of the Lord of the Rings."

Xu Feng said irritably, "Thank you!"

Mi Xiu smiled and said, "No thanks, no thanks!"

Xufeng said, "Uncle Mi Xiu, is there a finished product? Turn around and get me some."

"What? The universal antidote pill?" Mi Xiu shook his head and said, "Didn't I tell you just now? I haven't made it yet."

Xufeng said, "No, it's this colorful poisonous smoke pill."

Mi Xiu said in surprise: "What do you want this thing for? Sell it?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Of course not, I will use him to deal with the tougher enemies in the reward mission.".

Mi Xiu hesitated, "But, I haven't made an antidote for this kind of thing. When using it, if I get caught, there is no solution."

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