Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1192

And then, Peris would go back to clean up the other three guilds, and then, clean up Xufeng.

This step by step is linked together!

To prevent this from happening, you must prevent Peris from making excuses to attack the Dawn Guild.

Only by delaying Peris's plan can Xufeng buy more time to become bigger and stronger.

But what should I do?

It's definitely not enough to come out on his own, after all, his identity is really too eye-catching.

However, I can't believe it if I find an outsider.

This is really tangled.

After thinking about it, I really have to do it myself.

But how can we conceal her whereabouts and accomplish this without revealing anything?

A figure suddenly appeared in Xu Feng's mind.

Yes indeed!

Find her!

Xu Feng immediately stopped and turned to head to the castle again.

The person he was looking for was of course not Peris, but another special envoy-the second dimension special envoy, Cheng Fang.

Cheng Fang is a "spy" hidden by the two-dimensional main god in the trading city. His ability is greater than that of Peris, and the hidden depth is extremely deep. At present, the only people who know Cheng Fang's identity are Xu Feng, Xiao Hua, and Xueying. Even if the other people have been paid attention to by Cheng Fang, they have completely forgotten the existence of Cheng Fang because of the Nirvana wine, and only regard her as a charming tavern proprietress.

Theoretically speaking, this woman Cheng Fang is not simple. She is absolutely loyal to the main god of the second dimension. Her purpose is to help the main god of the second dimension, find a new trading city city lord, and then control this. The new city lord, challenge the one-dimensional main god of the trading city, blood shadow, so as to achieve the purpose of helping the two-dimensional main god to advance.

Therefore, if Xu Feng returned to Cheng Fang, he would immediately become the new owner of the trading city, and the likes of Peris and Xiao Hua would be wiped out instantly.

However, next, Xu Feng will become Cheng Fang's puppet and will fight against Blood Shadow.

And the blood shadow, that is, the man in the rubber raincoat that looks terrifying, is the brother of Xuedi and the elder brother of Xufeng!

If Xufeng agreed to Cheng Fang, then Emperor Xue would be very angry.

Therefore, from the perspective of family harmony alone, Xu Feng would never agree to Cheng Fang. What's more, Cheng Fang's method of controlling him is to let him be poisoned by "nirvana".

However, at this time, Xu Feng could still "use" Cheng Fang.

Anyway, he didn't refuse Cheng Fang, and Cheng Fang also gave him a two-month consideration period, and now only one week has passed.

Therefore, at this time, it is natural to take advantage of Cheng Fang.

However, Xu Feng could not go directly to Cheng Fang.

This is easily associated with Peris and Xiao Hua.

If you want to find Cheng Fang, you have to find a reason.

Fortunately, Cheng Fang's identity is the owner of Zuixianju Restaurant, so going to Zuixianju for a drink is the most appropriate reason.

Of course, Xu Feng couldn't drink by himself. He had to find a reasonable drinking buddy. Then Ji Ming and Sui Long were the most suitable candidates.

First of all, these two people are Xu Feng's "brothers."

Secondly, these two are the guards of the castle, and Xu Feng will find them to go to Zui Xianju together, and Peris will definitely not be suspicious.

So, Xu Feng quickly turned back to the castle.

The guard at the door was taken aback as soon as he saw Xufeng going and returning.

"Master Xufeng? Why are you back again? Did you forget to bring something? If so, you don't have to run errands. We can get it for you."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "I have fallen my heart to the envoy sister, can you help me get it back?"

The guard at the door was startled, then smiled admiringly.

"As expected of Master Xu Feng!"

"Master Xufeng, you are so romantic!"

"If your envoy hears these words, you will be very happy."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Okay, okay, no kidding, how can an ordinary person like me be in the eyes of the envoy sister — I came back to find my two brothers to go out for a drink."

One of the guards smiled and said, "Master Ji Ming and Master Sui Long are so lucky! We envy them both by our real names."

"Yes, yeah, it stands to reason that you cannot go out during the duty period, let alone go out for a drink. However, Master Xufeng, you are also our honorary captain. Your words are naturally also orders. You let them go out to accompany you. If you drink, then they are doing a task."

"Tsk tsk, it is so enviable, jealous, and hateful to be able to perform tasks and sit at a table with Master Xufeng for a drink!"

Xu Feng laughed, "It's a pity that a few officials are here, and I can't take everyone to drink, let's make another day! Another day!"

The guards hurriedly saluted, "Thank you, Master Xufeng!"

Everyone understands that this is just a polite remark, so everyone is not too serious.

Xufeng stepped into the castle and quickly walked to the inner courtyard.

Ji Ming and Sui Long happened to be on patrol, and they were surprised when they saw Xu Feng go and return.

Ji Ming asked strangely: "Brother Feng, why are you back again?"

Sui Long also quickly said: "Yes, your envoy seems to have just fallen asleep, and the lights in the side hall are all off. If you want to see the special envoy, I am afraid that you will have to pass the message first."

Xu Feng grinned, "Two brothers, I came back this time, not for a special envoy, but for the two brothers on a special trip."

"Look for us?" Ji Ming looked at each other with Sui Long, and then smiled: "Feng brother, if you have anything to do, please tell us, even if we go through fire and water, we are obliged!"

Sui Long also said with a serious face: "Yes, Brother Feng, just tell me."

Xu Feng smiled, "It's nothing serious, but I can't sleep after I go back. I want to invite the two brothers to have a drink together."

The expressions of Ji Ming and Sui Long relaxed obviously.

Ji Ming laughed, "It turns out that Brother Feng wants to drink!"

Sui Long also smiled and said: "To be honest, if I get through the first stage of the Lord of the Rings, I will be too excited to sleep, and I want to find friends to drink with."

Ji Ming frowned slightly, "It's just...I'm on duty now."

Xufeng smiled and said: "The castle is so invaluable, what can happen? I will carry it around if something goes wrong. After all, I am still the honorary captain, so you should take it as my mission."

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