Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1205

He Gao laughed, and said again and again: "Ashamed, ashamed."

This is a big bug.

Now, this big bug has taken the initiative to stand up, which shows that Peris has really done it.

Xu Feng pretended not to know and asked, "Sister, why are you calling so many guards back today?"

Peris smiled and said, "Brother, do you remember what you rejected me yesterday?"

Xufeng sighed helplessly, "Sister, look at what you said, you didn't refuse me last night. I clearly offered the price, but you refused me."

Peris smiled and said: "Your asking price is too high, it is no different from rejecting me directly."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Sister, your brother, I am also through the first stage of the Lord of the Rings. If you ask for a higher price, you can meet your status. Besides, if you think your brother is asking for a higher price, then you can pay the price. , Even if you counter-offer to 2,000 shadow energy points, I think my brother will agree to our relationship for such a long time."

Peris smiled: "You said it earlier, but... I don't need it now."

Xu Feng pretended to be surprised and said, "So, my sister has found Zhang Tieqiang? Where is he?"

Peris smiled and said, "Although I haven't found it directly, there are clear clues."

Xufeng said in surprise: "So fast?"

As he was talking, there was a report from the Guards outside the door: "Your Special Envoy, Chairman Marin and Director Wendell of the Dawn Guild are here."

"Well," Peris folded her legs gracefully, straightened her waist proudly, and said coldly, "Let them come in."


As soon as the words fell, Marin in silver armor and Wendell in black armor stepped in.

Marin's face is as sharp as a sword, full of traces of time, his eyes are heavy, his steps are heavy, and he is born with a heroic temperament.

And the manager Wendell who followed him was also very heroic, and he didn't flinch from entering the castle.

Just as Marin was about to speak, he suddenly saw two people beside Peris.

When seeing Xufeng, Ma Lin only frowned slightly.

It has long been rumored in the trading city that Xufeng had a leg with Special Envoy Peris, so Ma Lin was not surprised to see Xufeng here, but felt a little pity.

However, when Malin saw the other person next to Peris, his whole person was as if he had been struck by lightning.

"He Gao?" Ma Lin asked sharply, "Why are you here?"

He Gao looked away, and did not answer Marin's question.

Peris sneered and said: "President Marin, I am the special envoy of Trading City. Lord City Lord has given me all the privileges. You should see me as if you see the City Lord. Why, in your eyes Here, the city lord of Trading City, isn’t it worth your first question?"

Ma Linqiang endured the doubts and anger in his heart, and calmly leaned towards Peris slightly, "His envoy, hello. Excuse me, why did you call me this early morning?"

Peris smiled faintly: "President Marin, there was a guard missing in our castle a few days ago. Do you know about this?"

Marin snorted coldly, "This matter is full of ups and downs in the city, even if I don't know, I can't do it, but what does it have to do with me."

Peris smiled faintly: "This one next to me, President Marin must be familiar to you, right?"

Marin said coldly: "I just wanted to ask, how did my senior members get to you? What did you do to him?"

He Gao immediately stood up and said coldly to Marin: "Marin, pay attention to your identity, and you must not speak to your envoy like this!"

Wendell shouted angrily: "He Gao! What are you talking about!"

As a member of the Dawn Guild, he stood beside the envoy to speak for the envoy!

And also rebuked his own president!

This is simply a rebellion!

Marin realized that something was wrong. He stretched out his hand to stop Wendell, and said to He Gao in a deep voice, "So, you are a special envoy?"

He Gao raised his head and said coldly: "No, I'm just on the side of justice."

Xu Feng watched He Gao coldly, wishing to kick him to Marin's side to see if he dared to act like this.

However, this good show has just begun, and it is not yet time for Xufeng to take action.

Xu Feng came to bear with her temper and continued to watch.

Chapter 316


Wendell roared angrily, "I think you are just a guy who eats inside and out!"

He Gao said coldly: "I am responsible for the stability and unity of the entire trading city, not just confined to the Dawn Guild. I saw the Dawn Guild doing illegal things. My conscience can't get through, of course I have to come and find someone. The justice is upheld. Your envoy is the person who can uphold justice the best."

Ma Lin said in a deep voice: "He Gao! You want to climb Gaozhi, I won't stop you, but when you climbed Gaozhi, you took the opportunity to step on our foot, which is wrong! You kept saying that our Dawn Guild did something illegal. What happened, then you just tell me, what wrongdoing my Dawn Guild did?"

Although He Gao was a senior member of the Dawn Guild, the core secrets of the Dawn Guild were in the hands of Marin and Wendell. Therefore, Marin was not worried that He Gao would say anything unfavorable to them.

He Gao said coldly: "You want to rebel!"

Wendell shouted angrily: "He Gao, don't spit people! The evidence!"

He Gao said triumphantly: "I am the evidence myself! A few days ago, the Dawn Guild had a high-level meeting and discussed how to deal with your special envoy. Dare you say there is no such thing?"

Marin and Wendell are both upright people, and they don't know how to turn. When He Gao asked, their complexions flushed and they were speechless.

In fact, they did have a meeting.

However, the content of the discussion is how to defend against attacks that the special envoy might launch against them.

At that time, Xufeng was in the private room of the auction house and had a secret meeting with Marin. Although Ma Lin did not agree to cooperate with Xufeng, he still took Xufeng’s words to heart. Xufeng reminded him to be careful of further targeting by the envoy. Therefore, he went back and held such a meeting, ordered and arranged to strengthen the defense of the entire Dawn Guild.

This meeting is actually a defense meeting to deal with the special envoy, not for discussing how to overthrow the special envoy.

Although Malin could not understand the special envoy, he still knew that he would not take the initiative to put the entire Dawn Guild in a very dangerous situation.

As a senior member of the Dawn Guild, He Gao naturally participated in this meeting, and He Gao naturally understood that this meeting was a defense meeting.

However, He Gao deliberately said that the Liming Guild was deliberately targeting the special envoy.

This makes it difficult for Marin and Wendell to explain.

If you want them to kill a hundred enemies, they can do it, but if you want them to play tricks with an ulterior treacherous man, they can't win anymore and they can only be led into a ditch.

Wendell glanced at Xufeng with a look of help.

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