Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1217

Xufeng smiled and said: "Since you want it, that's fine. I'll put the corpse here for you. Oh, by the way, to remind you, this guy is a sensitive person. Don't take him out for a walk."

Mi Xiu smiled helplessly: "Am I that abnormal?"

Xufeng nodded and said, "Yes."

The little white wolf next to him also sighed and agreed.

Mi Xiu said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I see, I won't take the corpse out of the house-I promise."

Xu Feng nodded in relief, and after playing with the little white wolf for a while, he left the alchemy laboratory and went to Qiluo's Arcane Manor.

Although the sky has started to darken now, Qi Luo must be worried about Xufeng because of such a big event in the Trade City today. If Xu Feng does not go to see Qi Luo sister again, it would be unreasonable.

What's more, Xu Feng is very hungry now, Sister Qiluo must have prepared a sumptuous dinner long ago.

At the same time, in the castle.

The guards served Peris a sumptuous dinner.

As soon as the dinner was brought to the table, Peris angrily overturned the table.

All kinds of precious dishes were spread on the ground in an instant, and the surrounding guards all backed away in fright, not even daring to breathe.

You know, in their memory, Peris has never been so angry!

There were things that made Peris angry before, but they weren't to the point where they were almost out of control.

It is conceivable that the blow of this incident was so severe for Peris.

"He Gao, bastard!"

Peris screamed: "Check it out! No one has been in or out of Guild of Dawn these days! I don't believe that such a conspicuous corpse would have disappeared out of thin air! Check it out for me!"


Chapter 327

In a short while, the information that had been in and out of the Dawn Guild for the past few days was placed in front of Peris.

Peris also calmed down a little at this time.

She realized that there should be no problem in the first few days.

After all, He Gao didn't dare to make jokes about this kind of thing.

He Gao once said that after eating last night, he went to Xinshu and strolled around to make sure there was no problem.

With that said, the problem should have been last night.

That is, this night when Xu Feng came back.

Periss felt a little uneasy when she thought of this.

She knew that she would fight Xufeng sooner or later.

However, if she confronts Xufeng now, it is obviously not in line with her strategic plan. She still needs Xufeng to bring him a few more mission items from Middle-earth.

However, as soon as Xufeng came back, her planting plan was aborted, which had to arouse her association.

May I ask, in the entire trading city, who is so capable of sabotaging her plan?

The most capable person is Xufeng.

Then the biggest suspicion is naturally Xufeng.

Peris stared at the thick information materials in front of her, and she was silent.

The other guards dared not breathe, for fear that even the slightest movement would make Peris angry.

Peris thought for a while, then waved to the guards, "Just leave the information about the entry and exit of last night, and all other information should be removed."

The guards quickly removed the rest of the information on the table, leaving a copy of the information from last night.

Peris reached out and picked up the information, and read it carefully.

This report is very short, only half a page.

During the period from evening to dinner, Dawn Guild had no records of entering and leaving.

As it approached midnight, the intelligence recorded that there were four waiters from Drunk Xianju, carrying two jars of newly brewed wine, and entered the Dawn Guild. About 35 minutes later, these four waiters were sent out. And he didn't carry any items, including wine jars.

Peris couldn't help frowning.

Wine delivery in the middle of the night?

This behavior is very weird!

Peris then asked in a deep voice: "Did the Zui Xianju only give the Dawn Guild?"

"No," a guard replied quickly: "According to intelligence, Zui Xianju delivered wine to the four major guilds, and it was all at midnight. They said that this wine can...cough cough, maintain the midnight wind, So it’s best to drink it at night, so the wine is naturally delivered at night."

"Humph." Peris snorted coldly, "I'm afraid it's not a cover-up--are you sure that only four waiters from Drunken Xianju entered the Dawn Guild?"

"Yes!" a guard said quickly: "Report to your envoy that it was the subordinate who was in charge of monitoring the Dawn Guild that day. The subordinates have carefully looked at each waiter and confirmed that they are ordinary waiters who deliver wine. Any problems-and when they came out, they didn't carry anything with them. If they wanted to remove the dead body, it would be impossible."

Peris was silent for a while, and then asked faintly: "What was Xufeng doing at midnight?"

The guards looked at each other, and then another guard whispered: "Master Xufeng, it should be the two adults, Ji Ming and Sui Long, drinking."

Peris asked: "Where to drink?"

"...Drunk Xianju," the guard replied.

Peris took a slight breath, then rubbed her temples.

She felt an ominous premonition more and more now.

"You all go down, besides, summon Ji Ming and Sui Long to me." Peris said in a deep voice.


The guards in charge of the intelligence collection work were relieved and quickly left the side hall.

After a while, Ji Ming and Sui Long came to Peris with nervous expressions.

"Your Special Envoy, Ji Ming and Sui Long, come to report."

Peris nodded slightly, "Jianming Sui Long, what do you think I do to you two?"

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