Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1229

His face immediately turned red, and the wound in his heart healed quickly.

After half a minute, Duke Yang stood up again, moved his body, and said in surprise: "It's a good medicine!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "You're welcome, just give me 500 shadow power points."

Gong Yang was stunned again, "Isn't it, Brother Feng...you still want to count the shadow energy!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Isn't that nonsense, I saved your life, and now heal your injuries, can't I give you the powerful recovery pills for free?"

Gong Yang said helplessly, "Well, can that be cheaper?"

Xu Feng said angrily: "The cost price is given to you, are you still bargaining with me? If you don't want it, then spit it out!"

With that, Xu Feng pinched Yang Gongzai's neck and shook it.

"Don't don't! I give it! I give it!"

Duke Yang hurriedly begged for mercy, and obediently gave Xufeng 500 Shadow Energy points.

In this way, Xu Feng's total power points have become 55,755 points, and he is also a well-deserved rich man in the team.

Chapter 338

After Duke Yang finished transferring his shadow energy points, Xuedi looked around and asked faintly: "Everyone has recovered, right?"

Lin Hai smiled and said, "I have recovered long ago."

The hammer also nodded, "Well, I'm fine."

The sequelae of the vertigo has disappeared, and their combat effectiveness has been fully restored.

This time, thanks to You Xufeng, who had led the big spider away in advance, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"By the way," said Hammer, frowning, "Where are we? Why can't we see the sun here, and there are so many spiders! I hate spiders!"

Xufeng took out the map of Middle-earth World and focused his eyes on the east side of the Misty Mountains. There was a large dark dense forest. The place name label on the dense forest read several swashes of "Woodland Kingdom".

Xu Feng said in a deep voice: "If the estimate is correct, we should be on the edge of the woodland kingdom. Unfortunately, the woodland kingdom is full of ancient trees that obscure the sky, and there is no path marked on the map. Therefore, we It is impossible to determine where we are in the Woodland Kingdom."

The Hammer couldn't help asking: "Then how should we find Bilbo and the others!"

Xu Feng thought for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid we have to climb the ancient trees and see the position of the sun, so that we can distinguish the direction. The woodland kingdom is on the east side of the Misty Valley. Going to the Lonely Mountain, then the Woodland Kingdom is the only safe way. Therefore, as long as we find the Woodland Kingdom of the Wood Elves, we can find the Dwarf Expedition Team."

The hammer said immediately: "Okay, I'll go up and take a look."

As she said, she grabbed the uneven tree trunk and quickly climbed up.

She has a lot of strength and her limbs are also very vigorous, but her agility is still not high enough, and she is trapped in the middle of her crawl.

Xuedi sighed helplessly, then looked back at Xufeng, "What are you waiting for? Go and save her."

"Okay." Xu Feng gave a wry smile and quickly climbed up.

In less than a minute, Xufeng climbed to the side of the hammer. At this time, the hammer was in a dilemma. He was too anxious to know what to do. When Xufeng came, he immediately took a breath, "Xufeng ,You finally came."

Xufeng grinned and said, "Do you want me to send it down to you, or do you want me to take you up together?"

Hammer's face flushed, "It's so shameless to go down now, you take me to climb it together."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Okay, but you have to think about how to thank me."

With that, Xu Feng turned his back to the hammer.

The hammer bit his lip slightly and jumped onto Xufeng's back.

"Ah!" Xu Feng screamed deliberately.

The hammer quickly asked: "What's the matter? Did it hurt you?"

Xu Feng grinned, "No, it's quite soft."

The hammer was startled, and then angrily punched Xufeng's shoulder, "Climb!"


Using both hands and feet, Xu Feng kept crawling on the huge tall tree trunk.

After climbing more than 100 meters, Xufeng saw a thick spider web on the canopy.

The Hammer frowned and said, "Damn it, this is the kingdom of monster spiders. I even think that this is not a woodland kingdom at all, but a kingdom of monster spiders."

Xufeng nodded and said, "I have this feeling too, but this should be the Woodland Kingdom."

He continued to climb upward with the hammer, and when he reached the spider web, he drew out the enemy's fencing sword and cut the spider web.

After all the thick webs were cleared, Xu Feng continued to climb upward.

After climbing for about 20 meters, I finally reached the top of the canopy.

The dazzling sunlight immediately shone on Xufeng and Iron Hammer. Although it was the afterglow of the setting sun, Xufeng and Iron Hammer still couldn't open their eyes.

From here, the entire dense forest is like a huge sea of ​​flowers, and the leaves of the ancient trees are particularly colorful under the rays of the setting sun.

The hammer sighed, "It's so beautiful here."

Xufeng looked back and smiled, "Yes, but it's not as beautiful as you."

The hammer was startled, then blushed like fire, "You... hate it."

Xu Feng smiled and took the opportunity to kiss the hammer.

The hammer moved a bit slower and didn't avoid it—or rather, she didn't even want to avoid it at all.

"Xu Feng! You are so annoying! We, we are here to see the direction!" Iron Hammer said angrily.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Well, after reading it, the sun is setting west, and that is the west. We have to go east, so we are heading in that direction."

"It's that simple?" Hammer asked in surprise.

Xufeng smiled and said: "The general direction is right. By the way, I saved you from the tree just now and carried you here to see the beautiful scenery. How do you plan to thank me?"

The Hammer blushed and said, "You have taken advantage of it just now, what else do you want to thank?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I took advantage of that advantage by my own ability, and you didn't give it to me for nothing, so you still have to thank me."

The hammer was startled, and then said angrily: "You! How can you be so shameless!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "This is not shameless, it is reasonable."

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