Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1239


Pang Bo yelled, and jumped up, covering his mouth.

Before the other dwarves could react, Xu Feng suddenly drew the rope, and all the dwarves fell to the ground in exclamation, even Thorin was no exception.

The light in the hall was very dim, no one could see who attacked them, and the entire dwarven expedition team was in a mess.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly, "Look at what you look like, it really disappoints me."

Thorin was annoyed, drew out his dagger, cut the rope swiftly, and slashed in the direction of the sound with his battle axe.

Gandalf was the first to react, "Sorin stop! That might be—"


After a clear metal crowing, Thorin's Lone Mountain Tomahawk was shaken out, and he himself was shaken back several steps.

Gandalf was afraid of the impulse of other dwarves, and quickly used fire magic to light up the torches in the entire living room.

The embarrassed dwarves saw that what they were facing was not an enemy, but the "Diedi" adults they were thinking about!

After a brief consternation, Bilbo exclaimed excitedly: "Diedi! Diedi! Is it really you?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Yes, I'm back."

The dwarves cheered happily, and the five-meter-high roof of the huge stone house was almost overturned.

Thorin looked at the weapon in Xufeng's hand-the enemy fencing sword was still in the scabbard, and it was not out of the sheath.

This means that when he confronted Xufeng just now, Xufeng did not rely on the special effects of the enemy's fencing at all, but only used the scabbard of the enemy's fencing to hit the Turin tomahawk in his hand.

This strength... is too strong.

Thorin's face became a little ugly.

He respected Xufeng very much, but when he found that he couldn't even handle Xufeng's move, he was very disappointed in himself.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Sorin, do you know where you are wrong?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "I shouldn't fight you, swordsman."

Xufeng shook his head, "You thought I was an enemy at the time, and there was nothing wrong with fighting the enemy. Your mistake was that you should not only arrange a night watchman in a completely unfamiliar place, and, moreover, it's still a bad one. A reliable night watchman."

Pang Bo covered his mouth and lowered his head in shame.

Chapter 347

Xufeng said unceremoniously: "Not only Pangbo, all of your dwarves are not sufficiently vigilant. I have already coughed, except for Thorin, when the rest of you wake up, the first time I’m stupefied! If I were really the enemy, you would all die better than knowing how you died."

Bahrain said with a smile, "How can Lord Diego be an enemy."

Xufeng said coldly: "After entering the woodland kingdom, we will be surrounded by enemies. At that time, I still have many important things to deal with. You must learn to be alone. Otherwise, it is impossible for you. We arrived at Lonely Mountain smoothly."

The dwarves nodded solemnly.

Xu Feng looked around and said lightly: "Well, we finally have joined together. In short, everyone should take this as a warning in the future and be more vigilant."

"Yes!" the dwarves all responded respectfully.

Bahrain looked around, "Master Diego, why didn't you see your teammates?"

The Xuedi mercenary team is still very powerful.

In the previous Battle of the Misty Mountains, thanks to the help of the Xuedi mercenary team, otherwise, the dwarf team would be dead.

Therefore, the dwarves also very much hope to see the members of the Xuedi mercenary team.

Xu Feng said faintly: "They are just outside-we don't know what's going on inside, so I will explore it step by step."

Bahrain smiled and said, "That's great. Now that we are together, they can come in! Let me tell you, Lord Diego, the food here is rich! There are eggs, goat's milk, brown bread! Even And bacon! Enough for us to eat here for a whole month! Of course, if you can eat the instant noodles you make, it would be even better."

When Xu Feng heard it, he quickly looked at the dining table in the living room.

On the dining table, the cups and plates were messy, and the ground was full of chicken bones.

"You..." Xu Feng suddenly had a headache.

"What's the matter? Lord Diego?" Bahrain asked suspiciously.

Xufeng sighed, "Have you ever thought that there is a master here?"

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, coughed and said, "Ahem, yes, judging from the situation here, there is indeed a master here, but we also have no choice. After all, we walked in the dense forest. It’s been a week. There’s nothing to eat in the dense forest. There are big spiders everywhere. We don’t have a good rest. If we can find such a house, we naturally can’t control it. But it doesn’t matter, we are all decent people. They are all people with identities, and they also carry gold coins commonly used by the alliance. We can compensate for all consumption such as food and drink."

The dwarves nodded.

Speaking of identities, these dwarves are indeed members of the royal family of Lone Mountain Dwarves with noble blood, plus Thorin’s prince of Lone Mountain, as well as Gandalf’s gray-robed grandmaster of the Holy White Council, and Bilbo as a hobbit The identity of the richest man, combined with these identities, will make the house flourish by being a guest in any home of the China-Turkey Alliance.

However, the owner of this house is not considered a member of the alliance.

Xufeng reluctantly said: "This matter is more difficult, so let's clean up the room first, and then wait for my signal, I will go out and explain to the owner, if the owner's mood eases, I will send you a signal , You will come out and apologize to the owner."

"Apologize?" Kili said proudly, "Why!"

Xufeng said in a deep voice: "Your behavior can be regarded as an invasion. If the master initiates a surge, let alone you, even me, it may not be able to catch it."

Thorin said in astonishment: "Who is the owner of this house?"

Xu Feng said in a deep voice, "Beorn."

"...Beorn?" Thorin shook his head, "I don't know."

Xu Feng continued: "He is a druid."

Gandalf was taken aback, while the dwarves looked at each other, seemingly the first time they heard the name Druid.

And Bilbo was even more confused, "What druid? What is druid?"

Gandalf asked, "Diedi, the druid you are talking about, is it the kind of Rhidagast, or..."

Xu Feng said: "No, it's not like Ruidagast, it's a real transformation. I once witnessed him turning into a four-meter-high giant bear, killing more than a dozen special wolf cavalry in a few minutes!

All the dwarves present took a breath.

Thorin frowned and said, "You said Druid, is it possible to change the skin?"

When the dwarves heard the word "skin changer", they immediately realized.

Gandalf murmured: "...Slave Hill, well, I remember that after the end of the second era, a tribe of skin-changers escaped from Modo, passed through the territory of the Lone Mountain dwarves, After passing the woodland kingdom, I finally arrived here, I almost forgot, this is called Slave Ridge, and this name is for the skin changer."

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