Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1254

Xufeng shook his head, "No, you have to rebuild your home, you just need to tell us where the specific location is."

Chapter 362 Every battle will make Xufeng stronger!


Beorn immediately grabbed a branch and drew a sketch on the ground.

As soon as Xufeng saw the sketch, he roughly understood the location of the tomb.

Xufeng turned his head and said to Gandalf: "If we want to get here quickly, we probably need a helper."

Gandalf asked, "What helper?"

Just now Xufeng also rejected Beorn, and now he said he wanted to help, which made Gandalf very puzzled.

Xu Feng said faintly: "The terrain there is very complicated. If we two walked there, it would take a whole month to walk, but without us, the Dwarf Expedition would last less than a month."

Gandalf nodded slightly, sighed and said, "What you said is not wrong, then who should we call for help?"

"Naturally I found another druid." Xu Feng smiled faintly.

"Another druid?" Beorn asked with a look of surprise: "Human, do you know another druid? I thought I was the only druid here?"

Xufeng laughed: "Yes, you are indeed the only druid here. The druid I am talking about is not a real druid, but a mage who thinks he is a druid."

Speaking of this, Gandalf understood, and Gandalf laughed, "I'm afraid it is, so you are talking about the brown-robed mage Rida Gast-but how can you help him?"

Suifeng smiled faintly: "If you can contact him, you can ask him to ask Griffin for help. With Griffin, we will be able to reach the tomb soon."

Gandalf said immediately: "Okay, I'll find a way to contact Ridagasta."

Talking about Gandalf, he stepped aside, muttered a magic spell silently in his mouth, and communicated with Radagast with his mind.

This is a basic communication ability between their magicians, of course, this kind of communication ability also needs to consume mind and spiritual energy.

After a while, Gandalf sighed tiredly, and said to Xufeng: "Okay, I have already contacted Ruidagast, and he said he will go to the Griffin King immediately, we can Take a break here and wait for his reply."

Xufeng looked around and smiled faintly: "We still don't bother Beorn here."

There are corpses all over the ground, and Xu Feng doesn't want to stay here to help Berne clean the wolf cavalry corpses.

Gandalf immediately understood, "Let's go in the direction of the tomb first, so that if Rydagast can't get in touch with the Griffin King, we can at least depart."

"Okay." Xufeng turned to Beorn and said, "Old Bei, we are leaving, you have to be extra careful yourself."

Beln nodded heavily, held Xufeng's hand, and said sincerely: "Thank you, man, for your help to me. I will never forget it. If you need anything, just come Slave Ridge is looking for me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "If you have any needs, you can also come to me. Of course, if you can't find it, I can also go to Gandalf or Thorin."

Beorn shook his head seriously, and said, "I won't go to them, I can build my own home."

After talking about Beorn, he waved to Xufeng, and then immersed himself in his own affairs.

Xufeng looked at Beorn's figure, smiled, and then turned and walked towards the western mountains with Gandalf.

After this stop, Polger was seriously injured. The special wolf cavalry had no leader, and it was absolutely impossible for them to come to Slave Ridge in a short time to make trouble. Moreover, they also knew that the Dwarf Expedition had left here, except for their companions. There was nothing but the corpse.

Therefore, the next move of Bolger Bolger must be to bypass this place and enter the dark forest, looking for opportunities to kill the Dwarven Expedition.

In that way, the special wolf cavalry would have no advantage at all, because the dark and dense forest is equally dangerous to them, and it is the territory of the wood elves.

Since the dwarf expedition team is not dangerous in a short time, Xufeng naturally has time to accompany Gandalf to see if the sealed tomb belongs to the Angmar Witch King.

Although Gandalf is not the one that must be protected in this plot mission, if Gandalf goes wrong, the entire Dwarf Expedition team will be hit hard.

In addition, Xufeng also has an alchemy task to find a giant poison sac.

And giant poison sacs can only be found on giant spiders. Although there are many monster spiders in the dark dense forest, none of them have giant poison sacs.

When the Angmar Witch King went to the Green Forest, he had three giant spiders with him. It is very possible that the Angmar Witch King and the giant spider are related.

So walking with Gandalf is a way to find the giant spider.

As for the dwarf expedition team, Xu Feng is not worried. In addition to the Snow Emperor and others, the most important point is that it is very close to the Woodland Kingdom, although Thrandil, the King of the Woodland Kingdom, seems to outsiders. It was very ruthless, but Xufeng knew that Serendil would never hurt the Dwarf Expedition.

At most, this group of impolite dwarves was imprisoned.

After Xufeng and Gandalf had walked for more than ten minutes, Gandalf suddenly stopped and closed his eyes slightly.

Xufeng knew that this was the spiritual exchange between Gandalf and Radagast, so Xufeng was not in a hurry, found a stone and sat down and waited quietly.

After a while, Gandalf finally opened his eyes, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Okay, okay, Radagast has finally done a beautiful thing. He has convinced King Griffin, King Griffin sent three Griffins to greet us."

Xu Feng smiled faintly.

This is not a beautiful thing done by Rhidagast, but he has established a good relationship with the Griffin King before.

But Xu Feng didn't say anything.

"Three griffins?" Xu Feng asked faintly.

Gandalf smiled and said, "Yeah, I felt weird at first, but Radagast told me that he would also come to help, so it was three griffins."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, I understand, two Archmage of the Victory White Council went to explore the tomb together, so there should be no problem this time."

Gandalf said: "I have told him our location. We just have to wait here for a while, and the Griffin will pick us up."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "Let's find a place to live here now."

"it is good."

The two searched around, found a natural cave, and then hid inside to rest.

Although the battle just now was short, it was extremely intense.

Both of them tried their best.

It's a pity that Polger's strength is indeed too strong, and there will be a hard fight waiting for them in the future, but that is already the next thing.

Every battle will make Xufeng stronger...Forget it,

Chapter 363


The Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Expedition team crossed the plain and reached the border of the dark dense forest.

The towering old trees all blocked them in front of them. Looking around, there was almost no gap between the old trees and the old trees. They were all blocked by vines and branches, and there was no path at all.

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