Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1262

Without the Lord of the Rings, Bilbo not only couldn't hide, but also couldn't understand the strange call of Big Spider.

But at the moment he ignored the big spider, he jumped off the tree trunk like crazy, desperately looking for the dropped ring.

Chapter 369 Don't Move, Otherwise, Kill Without Amnesty!

The injured spider thought that Bilbo was going to escape, so he chased after him.

"Where is he, where is he!" Bilbo searched desperately among the leaves.

The injured big spider felt that a chance was coming, so he jumped behind Bilbo and used his sharp legs and feet to pierce Bilbo's heart fiercely.

Bilbo heard that there was a wind behind his head, so he hurriedly took advantage of the momentum to escape the sneak attack by the spider.

Because of the injury, the big spider moved slowly. When he wanted to pull out his legs and feet to make another shot, Bill Kingdom grabbed the needle and slashed the big spider's leg and foot joints.

A stream of black blood spurted from the legs and feet of the big spider, and the big spider's silk screamed.

He couldn't understand why a small and dead creature could cause such a great harm to him!

Of course, if he hadn't been stabbed in the abdomen before, he should be able to easily kill the opponent, but now it is too late.

He could only open his smelly mouthparts and bite Bilbo's neck fiercely.

Bilbo roared, "You lost my ring, bastard!"

While shouting like this, the needle in his hand jabbed Big Spider in the chest.

The big spider's chest is covered with a thick chitin shell, which can't be penetrated by ordinary weapons.

But the stinger is a weapon made by the elves, and it has a restraining effect on monsters. In addition, Bilbo is almost crazy now, so the chitin shell of the big spider was pierced by Bilbo, black blood and sticky insects. Liquid, gurgling out.

The big spider struggled in despair, and then the whole body collapsed in a pool of black blood, and there was no more sound.

Bilbo didn't care about what to celebrate. In his opinion, there is nothing to celebrate now.

He must find that ring!

He kept rummaging among the black blood and weeds. Just when his emotions were about to explode, he saw the ring and lay quietly among the pile of rotten leaves.

Bilbo rushed on frantically and grabbed the ring in one hand.

His nails were digging into the hard soil, and the nails were cracked, but he was not moved at all.

The important thing is that he finally found his ring.

He grabbed the ring and said to the dead spider: "This is mine! Mine! Mine!"

The big spider was already dead, and couldn't argue with him.

Bilbo leaned against an old tree, panting hard, trying to calm his emotions.

Seeing the big spider who was dismembered and killed in front of him, he was stunned.

He couldn't believe it, he really killed a big spider that was many times stronger than him.

Before he killed the big spider, he relied entirely on a surprise attack from behind, but this big spider was a real frontal battle.

At this moment, he felt that he was no longer himself.

He felt that although his consciousness was awake, the soul of the whole person was lost.

He wanted to talk to Xufeng, but unfortunately Xufeng was not here.

The most urgent thing is to save the Snow Emperor Team and the Dwarf Team from the spider cocoon before the big spiders have returned.

So he took a deep breath, cleared the distracting thoughts from his brain, and quickly climbed up the old tree just now.

When he climbed to the spider cocoon, the big spiders who had been led away by him were rushing back.

Reason tells Bilbo that he should run away now, because even if he is brave, he cannot beat such a large group of spiders.

But if he escapes at this time, there will be no chance to save his companion again.

Bilbo gritted his teeth and no longer thought about the consequences, but rushed to the nearest spider cocoon with a dexterous body.

He cut through the thick spider silk with a needle, and Thorin, who was trapped inside, fell to the ground.

Thorin was gasping for breath, and his previous chaotic consciousness has now become sober.

Bilbo shouted loudly: "Sorin blocked the big spider!"

Thorin was shocked, and when he looked up, he saw a few dozen big spiders rushing in madly.

He quickly grabbed the axe and faced the group of big spiders.

In combat, dwarves never lack courage.

Bilbo took the opportunity to rush to the other spider cocoon and quickly cut the thick spider silk away.

The dwarves were released one after another, they recovered a little bit, and quickly went into battle.

After a while, Xuedi Hammer and others were also released, and the entire Xuedi team and the dwarf team joined the battle.

But the balance of victory has not tilted accordingly.

In terms of quantity, the entire area is dominated by giant spiders, and there are still many spiders that are continuously coming here to support them.

In terms of individual strength, the relative level of these big spiders is only around level 56. Given the strength of the Snow Emperor, they are more than enough to deal with these big spiders.

But the problem is that Xuedi and the others have not fully recovered due to the trouble of ammonia gas.

The battle became more and more anxious.

If it continues like this, it will be extremely detrimental to the dwarf team and the snow emperor team.

"We must escape from here!" Xuedi shouted.

She was blocking 5 spiders alone, and the special effects of the Sword of Boromir had already reached its limit.

But she couldn't kill these 5 spiders, so she could only delay as long as she could.

Thorin gritted his teeth angrily, "No, I will never run away!"

When he said that, he swung his axe and chopped off the head of a big spider rushing towards him.

From this perspective alone, Thorin is indeed very mighty, but then another big spider fell from the sky, 8 sharp legs and feet stab Thorin fiercely!

Thorin quickly turned around in embarrassment, avoiding the big spider's surprise attack.

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