Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1295

He doesn't like heirs who follow the rules.

Legolas should also go out to experience it.

At the same time, in the Long Lake area, Xu Feng finally caught up with the Snow Emperor and the Dwarf Expedition Team.

The Snow Emperor and the dwarf expedition team were pushed onto a river beach by the rushing waves, and the dwarves were soaked and looked embarrassed.

The Xuedi team's situation is naturally better, after all, their strength lies there.

When Xuedi and the others saw Xu Feng coming on the waves, they all felt relieved.

"Diedi!" Bilbo ignored the water stains and threw towards Xufeng excitedly.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Is everyone all right?"

"It's okay!"

"I hate the feeling of being soaked!"

"We must hurry up to start a fire, otherwise we will get sick."

"I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

The dwarves spoke up and down, quite noisy.

Originally the youngest and lively Qili, but at this moment, he didn't say a word, leaning against a stone, his lips turned blue and his body trembled.

Xufeng noticed him at a glance, "Keili, how are you?"

But people realized that Kellie was injured. On the outside of Kellie's thigh, there was a clear arrow mark, and the wound had begun to fester and pus, and the situation was rather not optimistic.

Barring's eyes widened suddenly, "How could this be?"

Qi Li smiled reluctantly, "It's nothing, it's just an arrow shot by a brute. I'll just take a rest."

Thorin checked Kili's wound, frowned and said, "The wound is poisonous!"

The other dwarves took a breath of air, and their expressions were a little bewildered.

Xufeng took out a detoxification pill and involuntarily stuffed it into Kili's mouth. Kili swallowed hard, and then took a long sigh of relief, and his blue face was relieved.

Xu Feng carefully observed the wound, then shook his head and said, "This wound is not only poisonous, but also dark magic. My antidote pill can remove toxins, but it can't remove dark magic."

Thorin quickly asked, "What should I do?"

Xufeng sighed, "Now there is no other way, I can only take one step and look one step at a time. Let's hit a knife first."


The dwarves searched for a long time but couldn't find a clean knife.

Their own weapons have been captured by the wood elves, and the weapons in their hands are all the weapons of the orc wolf cavalry. It is either a hammer or an axe, which is not suitable for Kili to clean the wound.

At this moment, Lin Hai took out a small knife and handed it to Xufeng, "Use mine."

Xu Feng nodded, and took Lin Hai's self-defense knife.

The dwarves immediately started a fire, and when the fire rose, Xu Feng roasted the knife on the flame and simply disinfected it.

Xufeng said to Qili: "I want to clean up your purulent wounds. This process may be painful. You must be fully psychologically prepared."

Kili nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Nothing, I can bear it."

Xu Feng then pierced the knife into Kili's thigh, and Kili screamed suddenly.

Although he was fully psychologically prepared, this level of pain was still unbearable.

The dwarves around turned their heads away, no one could bear to look at Kili's appearance.

Xufeng hardened his heart and quickly cut off the rotten flesh on Kili’s thigh, then crushed a detoxification pill and a powerful recovery pill, and sprinkled the powder of the two pills on Kili’s thigh. on.

Kili exclaimed again, and after he screamed, he passed out in pain.

Xufeng bandaged the wound quickly, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Thorin on the side quickly asked, "How's it going? No problem, right?"

Xufeng shook his head: "It's not that simple. I said that Kelley’s current problem is not only the toxin problem, but also the problem of dark magic. I control the problem of reading, but I can’t do anything about dark magic. To remove the erosion of the dark magic on his body, I am afraid that we will find someone who can make this toxin, but you don't have to worry too much. Kili is not in great danger to his life for the time being."

The dwarves breathed a sigh of relief.

Thorin frowned slightly and said: "The current situation is too unfavorable for us. Orcs and wolf cavalry are still chasing us, and we rely on a few damaged wooden barrels. It is difficult to reach Long Lake Town. of."

Xu Feng said faintly: "Everyone is very tired. Let’s rest here and let the clothes dry. As for the orcs and wolf cavalry, they have just been beaten up by the elf guards. It cannot pose a threat to us."

Only then did the dwarves relax and start to rest.

Chapter 405 Finally Has A Decent Hammer!

The dwarves roasted their clothes dry, then caught a few fish on the shore of the lake, pierced them with branches and roasted them.

In a short while, the smell of grilled fish permeated.

Although there are no seasonings, the freshly grilled fish is still very fragrant. Bahrain gave the largest one to Xufeng. After all, only Xufeng was served with the largest fish.

Xufeng simply thanked him, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

He was not very hungry at first, but after fighting with Polger, his physical energy consumption was very serious, and the fight against Polger also injured him.

Although this kind of injury is not fatal under the cushion of the spider's feet, it may take a whole day for Xufeng to fully recover.

After eating the fish, the dwarves rested together. Xu Feng winked at Xuedi and the others, and the Xuedi team immediately found a remote corner to gather.

"Uncle Lin Hai, you have to work hard again this time." Xu Feng said lightly.

Lin Haixin said knowingly: "It's not hard. I have improved my strength a bit. Before, my magic barrier could only last for 5 minutes. Now my magic barrier can last for 10 minutes."

As he said, Lin Hai concentrated his thoughts and released a magical barrier about 5 meters in diameter, covering Xuedi and others in the magical hood.

As soon as the magic shield was formed, the hammer asked with concern: "Xufeng, are you okay?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Fortunately, thanks to the two spider claws, otherwise, I really can't hold many of them at once."

The hammer said: "It's fine, I was just about to ask you, how did you get these two big pliers?"

Xufeng immediately told about the fact that he went to the tomb of the Angmar Witch King with Gandalf and Rydagast.

After listening, Tie Hammer said with lingering fear: "It's too dangerous! Next time there is such a thing, you should bring me or Xuedi!"

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