Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1345

He is surrounded by a leather bib, which is full of blood. He holds a crystal bottle of green liquid in his left hand, and a long test tube in his left hand, which is a toxin experiment.

Xufeng took a half step back quickly, "I'm back Uncle Mi Xiu."

Mi Xiu took a step forward excitedly, "Haha, I know your kid is going! The second stage of the plot has passed, will the third stage be far behind?"

Xufeng took a step back quickly, "Uncle Mi Xiu, you put down the things in your hands before you talk, OK?"

"Oh oh!" Mi Xiu said embarrassedly: "I almost forgot about this, come on, don't stay outside and come in!"

Mi Xiu walked back into the laboratory, and Xu Feng followed Xiaobai cautiously.

"Wait for me." Mi Xiu put the toxin bottle in his hand, took off the leather bib on his body, and then said to Xu Feng, "Okay, is it all right now?"

Xufeng smiled, "Every time I come to you, I risk my life."

Michelle smiled and laughed, "Although this is the case, you still come every time. This is where I admire you the most."

Xufeng smiled bitterly and said, "I really don't want to come, but I have to come."

Mi Xiu asked: "Has the task I entrusted to you been completed?"

Xu Feng nodded, not longing, and immediately connected with Mind, and took out the huge spider venom sac from his spiritual table inventory.

"Ah!" Xiaobai exclaimed and hid behind Xufeng.

This huge venom sac belongs to Malganis, and Ermalganis is the spider lord among the monsters. Even if Xiaobai doesn’t know Malganis, he will still be the same if he sees this huge poisonous sac. Feel very scared.

Xufeng quickly patted Xiaobai's furry wolf head, and said with a smile: "It's okay, this is just a spider venom sac, and its owner has been killed by me."

Xiao Bai took the opportunity to rub Xu Feng's hand.

"My dear!" Mi Xiu looked at the huge spider venom sac in surprise, "Xu Feng, I just asked you to get a giant venom sac. Why did you get me such a huge one?"

Xufeng shrugged, "There are so many spiders in Middle-earth. I've been comparing it all the time. That is, Malganis has the largest spider venom sac. Why? Isn't it inappropriate? If it's not, then forget it.

Mi Xiu quickly said: "It's right and right! I mean, this is a great surprise! Very good, with this spider venom sac, my work progress will be greatly improved. Well, Xufeng, if If nothing else, you can leave now, and when you are going to the third stage of the plot, come see me again."

Xufeng shook his head, "Time is running out and I will leave tomorrow, so if there is any task, you can say it as soon as possible."

Mi Xiu said in surprise: "So fast? Well, the plot of the second stage and the third stage are very closely connected. You really should hurry up...then I won’t be too long-winded, I hope you can Get me a tooth."

"A tooth?" Xu Feng frowned and asked, "Whose tooth? Don't tell me it's Smaug's."

Michelle laughed, "If it was Smaug’s teeth, wouldn’t it be easy? After all, your first task in the third stage of the plot is to kill Smaug. No, the alchemy task I gave you is not Smaug’s teeth, but the ground. The teeth of the snake."

"Snake?" Xu Feng frowned.

"Yes, it is a very huge monster. You can think of it as an earthworm magnified 10,000 times. They can open tunnels from deep underground and transport the army by very secret means. Their teeth are very Sharp, and the third stage of alchemy mission is to get their teeth."

Xu Feng said helplessly: "Uncle Mi Xiu, I really don't understand, what do you always want these weird things for?"

Mi Xiu smiled and said, "Of course it’s for research... Besides, I don’t want to hide from you Xufeng. After you help me collect alchemy quests for so long, my alchemy attainments have also improved a lot. With the last step, I hope to be promoted to Grand Master level."

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, "Grandmaster...Would you be very good?"

Mi Xiu grinned and said: "Of course! And, I am afraid I will also become the first grandmaster level person in the trading city."

Xu Feng smiled, "That's not necessarily true."

"Not necessarily?" Mi Xiu frowned and asked: "Impossible! The first person to become a Grand Master must be me! Unless..."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Sister Qi Luo will soon become a Grand Master."

Mi Xiu nodded slightly, and asked cautiously: "Which step is she?"

Chapter 460 The Fire of Fake Dragon's Breath

Xufeng smiled and said, "During the second stage, sister Qi Luo asked me to help her get a book of dragon skin. As long as she gets that book, she can absorb the knowledge in it and be promoted to a master-level enchanter. Up."

"So, you have found the Dragon Skin Book?" Mi Xiu asked nervously.

Xufeng sighed helplessly: "Time is too tight, I haven't got the Dragon Skin Book yet, but I can definitely get it when it's the third stage."

Mi Xiu quickly said, "If this is the case, can Qi Luo and I be promoted to master at the same time?"

Xu Feng gave Mi Xiu angrily, "I said Uncle Mi Xiu, you don't really intend to compete with Qi Luo sister?"

Mi Xiu stunned, "Ah! I almost forgot, my purpose now is to make Qiluo forgive me! It doesn't matter what is the first and not the first. Xufeng, you are right, this is the first one. No, you'd better help Qiluo first."

Xufeng smiled and nodded, "If you have this realization, then the relationship between you and Qiluo will have the hope of reconciliation. Of course, your alchemy mission, if I have the opportunity, I will help you complete it. Yes, but if I bring you back the Tooth of the Earth Snake, you must remember that you must never surpass sister Qi Luo."

Michelle said quickly: "Don't worry, it's about my lifelong happiness. I will never make a mistake on this issue."

"Well, that's good, besides, I have one more thing I want to ask you for help."

"You can say anything."

Xufeng immediately took out the spherical container from the mental inventory.

"This is..." Mi Xiu took the spherical container, opened it lightly, and then exclaimed: "Is this the unquenchable flame?"

Xufeng asked, "Do you recognize it?"

Mi Xiu smiled and said: "Please, I am the only master alchemist in the trading city. If you don't even know me, then no one in the trading city will know."

Xu Feng frowned slightly, "This is what I worry about. If you know it, then Peris must know this thing too."

Mi Xiu said with a strange face: "What does it matter if she knows it or not? The Flame of Immortality is a very rare elemental flame. Such a kind of fire can be counted at least ten thousand."

"So expensive?" Xu Feng couldn't help but was taken aback. He thought that the hammer had just given him a fire, but unexpectedly, this fire was really the rare best in the world.

It would be too cheap for her if this fire was given to the special envoy Peris.

Xu Feng worried about it.

The task assigned to him by the special envoy was to get him the fire of dragon's breath.

To be honest, Xufeng did get the fire of dragon's breath, but Xufeng didn't want to give the fire of dragon's breath to her special envoy Peris.

Therefore, he wanted to find a substitute that could not only make Perise not recognize it, but also complete the mission of the special envoy and get Peris' reward.

And if you exchange a reward for an indestructible flame worth tens of thousands of shadow energy points, then this transaction is too bad.

Seeing that Xufeng hadn't spoken for a long time, Mi Xiu couldn't help asking: "Xufeng, what do you want me to do for you?"

Xu Feng thought for a while, and then took out the crystal cage. In the crystal cage, there was a cluster of beating dragon's breath fire.

Xufeng said: "The real dragon's breath fire is in the crystal cage, and the indestructible flame is in the spherical container. I would like you to help me create a fake based on their two forms."

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