Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1378

Bath panted nervously, for fear that Smaug, who was sinking, suddenly struggled again.

Xufeng condenses his mind and turns on the vision system.

The red number group on the Lingshi system became 26343615 people.

Immediately afterwards, the red number disappeared, and a line of gilded characters slowly emerged: the mission was completed.

Only then did Xu Feng breathe a sigh of relief, and then moved and rushed towards the sinking dragon Smaug!

Xuedi and Iron Hammer reacted immediately, and followed suit to help!

This is the only dragon in Middle-earth!

Relative level 65!

There is a special baby all over!

It sank like this, it was a waste of all the hard work for so long!

The three rushed into the hot lake together, and Xuedi and the hammer pulled the heavy Smaug as much as possible to slow down his sinking speed.

The lake in Changhu Town is very deep. If it really sinks, it will not be able to be salvaged.

With the help of Xuedi and Iron Hammer, Xu Feng grabbed the dragon wings of the dragon Smaug, condensed his mind, and summoned the crystal cage.

The crystal cage can hold any item, no matter if the item is alive or inanimate, it is a transcendent item or a non-superior item, and no matter how big the item is.

The crystal cage looks like a cage, but in fact it is a separate cosmic space plane constructed with stars, but this cosmic space plane has nothing.

Imagine how a huge universe could not hold a 20-meter dragon corpse.

However, it is not so easy to transform Smaug into a star state that the crystal cage can receive.

Xufeng must fully concentrate, use his own enchanter's technique, and use his soul to communicate with the body of the magic dragon, and transform it into an astral state.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

The body of the magic dragon sank quickly in the long lake, and the more it went down, the colder the lake was.

The lungs of Iron Hammer and Xuedi were about to explode.

However, Xufeng was still there to transform and did not give up, so they naturally strengthened their confidence and accompanied Xufeng.

If Xufeng is going to die, then the two of them will stay with him.

When it was three and a half minutes, Xu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and the body of the magic dragon immediately retracted into the crystal cage.

Xufeng immediately put away the crystal cage, while pulling the hammer and Xuedi who were about to suffocate, struggling to float up!

When they emerged from the hot water, Tao Ruier and the others rowed over in a boat, and Gong Yang and Lin Hai quickly pulled them onto the boat.

Lin Customs asked sharply, "Are you all okay?"

Xufeng coughed twice, then looked back at Xuedi and Iron Hammer who were also embarrassed, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This time, it was really too dangerous, but fortunately, the two of them lived and died.

Worth it!

"You kill Smaug!?" Tauriel asked incredulously.

Xuedi shook his head slightly, and took a few breaths hard.

Tauriel said in horror: "What? Is Smaug not dead? Is he still in the lake? Will he rush up at any time?"

The hammer waved his hand at her, "Don't be afraid, Elf sister, Smaug is indeed dead, but it was not us who killed it, but he killed it."

The hammer pointed at Xufeng.

Tao Ruier looked at Xufeng in shock.

She knew before that this human being was very strong, but she didn't expect that he could be so strong that he could kill the mighty Smaug on her own!

Xufeng smiled and said: "It's not me alone. I wouldn't be able to kill Smaug without the help of Bud and his sons. Anyway, Smaug is really one of the strongest creatures in Middle-earth. Even if it is not the strongest one, it is definitely a ceiling-level powerhouse. It is really not easy to kill him."

Xu Feng pushed the black arrow inward three times before completely killing Smaug. It is conceivable that it is absolutely impossible to injure Smaug with the power of archery alone.

"How are my father and Barn now?" Bud's eldest daughter Sigeld asked eagerly.

Xufeng smiled and said, "They are all right, they are very brave. The fire over there is relatively big. I think they will find a boat and head to the north shore of Long Lake Town."

Tao Ruier said quickly: "Then we will go there to meet them too, honorable Dragon Slayer Warrior."

With that, Tao Ruier bowed his head and knees towards Xufeng.

This is the highest etiquette of the elves.

But in fact, not only Tao Ruier, but the outsiders on the entire ship were bowing and saluting to Xufeng.

Chapter 493 The Future of Our Two

When Smaug was about to die, his desperate and painful roar went through the sky, spread to the entire Long Lake Town, and naturally also to Gushan.

The dwarves of Lone Mountain all looked in the direction of Changhu Town in amazement.

Although they couldn't see exactly what was happening, they felt the shock wave from Smaug hitting the lake, and since then, Smaug hasn't screamed anymore.

"Smaug is dead?" Bilbo covered his mouth in disbelief, tears filled his eyes.

He has always believed that "Diedi" can do it!It can be done!

"Is this impossible? Smaug... so powerful! How could he die?" Ouli shook his head vigorously next to him.

But Boli, another dwarf, said gruffly: "I can swear with my beard that Smaug is really dead! I can feel it!"

"Look! Above our heads! That's the raven of the Gushan Palace!"

All the dwarves raised their heads, and saw a large swarm of ravens flying into the Gushan Palace.

Ravens are extremely clever creatures. Most of them are trained to be messengers and serve as a master for generations.

Before, when Smaug was still alive, the ravens did not dare to return to Gushan, but now that Smaug is dead, the ravens naturally returned to Gushan without any scruples!

"So! Smaug is really dead?" Bahrain asked in tears, "Who killed Smaug?"

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