Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1380

She just wanted to stay away from the wood elf capital, away from the person who was incomprehensible and made her sad.

Qi Li smiled and said, "I knew that you would not really catch me back. I also knew that if you ran out of Wood Elf City this time, your King Thranduil would not be easy. Let go of you. Tao Ruier, why don't you follow me."

Tao Ruier frowned and asked, "Follow you? Where are you going? Gushan?"

Qi Li quickly said: "Yes! Gushan is my hometown, I think you should also know how many treasures there are in Gushan?"

Tao Ruier smiled coldly, "Do you think I am a person who likes treasures?"

Kili realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly said: "No, no, I didn't mean Tao Ruier, I just want to be with you, me, I..."

He plucked up the courage and said in Elf language: "I love you."

Tauriel was startled, then frowned and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about! Dwarf!"

Kellie grabbed Taurier's hand, "My pronunciation may be a bit crappy, but I believe you should be able to feel my sincere love! Taurier, come with me, my uncle Thorin will be alone The King of the Mountain, and I am his first in line. You can become the Queen of the Lone Mountain in the future!"

Tauriel broke free of Kili's hand and said angrily: "Enough dwarves, take back your words! You have crossed the boundary!"

Kellett wanted to say anything more, so he listened to Feili behind him shouting: "Kellett! Quick! We should go! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Qi Li said helplessly: "Taurier, I know what I just said was not good enough. I didn't mean to show off, I just don't know how to attract you."

Before Tauriel could answer, a cold voice came from a distance, "You are not qualified!"

Taurier's face and eyes lit up, "Prince Legolas!"

Sure enough, Prince Legolas appeared handsomely behind Tauriel.

Seeing the excited expression on Tao Ruier's face, Kili's heart suddenly fell into the valley.

Legolas is a serious wood elf prince, and he is just an alternative successor.

The image, temperament and strength of Prince Legolas are first-class, but he is nothing, and because of the arrow in his leg, many people are affected.

In front of Legolas, Kili felt a deep inferiority complex, but he did not intend to surrender.

"It seems that this time I can't persuade you to go with me, but I want you to know that you are the goddess in my heart, and I will wait for you forever."

As he said, Kili pulled Taurier's hand and stuffed the lucky stone Taurier had given him back into Taurier's hand again, "May luck always surround you."

After speaking, Kili turned his head and jumped onto the ship that had been prepared, and left with the ship sadly.

Tao Ruier glanced at Kili's back, and sighed helplessly.

Prince Legolas immediately came over and said, "Tauriel, if you need it, I can capture them back to the Wood Elf City."

Tauriel quickly said: "His Royal Highness, don't do this! The dwarves are protected by the dragon slayer. If you do this, you are fighting against the dragon slayer!"

Legolas said in astonishment: "Dragon Slayer? What dragon slayer?"

Taurier said: "I almost forgot, you chased Polger, and you are only back now. Not long ago, Smaug was killed."

Legolas exclaimed: "Who? Who killed Smaug?"

You know, even his father Thranduil can't confront Smaug head-on!

Tao Ruier pointed to Xu Feng, "This is Lord Dragon Slayer."

"You?" Legolas was stunned.

He really didn't believe that a young human could kill the mighty Smaug.

Seeing Legolas's disbelief, Tauriel immediately increased his tone and said: "This is absolutely true, Prince Legolas, you should pay tribute to the dragon slayer."

Legolas just woke up like a dream, and he hurriedly bowed to Xufeng to salute, "Sorry, your dragon slayer, I was so shocked just now. In fact, I am also in extreme shock now. "

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "Understandable, but, speaking of it, Smaug was not killed by me alone. With my own strength, I cannot kill Smaug alone. We rely on the black arrow forged by the elves. And the one who shot the black arrow and accurately hit the missing dragon scale was Bud and his son Ba En, and I just helped them to insert the black arrow forcefully."

Legolas frowned slightly, "Wait, Bud and Barn? I've seen these two people. Bud's archery is really good, but... Barn?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Ordinary bows and arrows are impossible to shoot black arrows, so Bud tied the bowstring to the pillar, then used his son's shoulder to make a longbow, and finally shot the deadly arrow, so if Speaking of the title of Dragon Slayer, I think we should give us three talents at the same time, otherwise, I would not accept it myself."

Legolas nodded slightly, "So that's it... Then, what about Bud and Barn?"

Xufeng shrugged, "I'm looking for him too."

At this time, an old woman who was over half a hundred years old came over with a lot of thick blankets and respectfully said, "Your Excellency Dragon Slayer..."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"The lake is very cold in the early morning. You and your friends fell into the lake again before. I have some blankets here. Although they are very old, they are very warm. If you don't dislike them, please choose a few and use them. ".

"No need, eldest sister." Xufeng said with a smile: "The moisture on our bodies has dried up a long time ago. You should distribute these blankets to those who need them more.

The old woman said gratefully: "Your Excellency Dragon Slayer, you are such a good person."

Chapter 495 Dragon Slaying Hero

"Infinite Movie World" Chapter 495 Dragon Slaying Hero

Chapter 496

The townspeople present all bowed their heads in shame.

Alfred hurriedly took the opportunity to hide by Bud's side.

He was right. Bud was indeed a noble man. He was bound to die, but it was precisely because of Bud's nobleness that he saved his life.

Bud said in a deep voice: "No one can really help us. If we want to rebuild our homeland, we can only rely on ourselves. We have to take care of the injured and other people in need, and no one can take care of the sick. The powerful people return to Long Lake Town to find usable supplies! From now on, we must unite into an indestructible steel plate! All for me! I am for all! Only in this way can we continue to survive! Not Engage in cannibalism here!"

The townspeople were silent for a while, and then someone said, "We don't know what to do, we will all listen to you from now on, Lord Bud!"

"Yes, we will all listen to you from now on, Lord Bud!"

Bud nodded slightly.

The townsfolk immediately became busy.

Alfred gratefully said to Bud: "Master Bud, thanks to you this time, thank you! Thank you! Don't worry, these untouchables are idiots who need discipline. I will help you discipline them. This is very experienced."

Bud glanced at Alfred in disgust, "Alfred, I save you, but I don't want everyone to be blinded by hatred, not because of how good you are. In fact, If I can, I’m the first person who wants to hang you! Now, before I change my mind, I’ll go to work."

"Work?" Alfred curled his lips. "I was a former tax officer."

Bud said coldly, "Do you think we still need a tax officer?"

Alfred said helplessly: "Yes, my lord, I will go to work now."

After Alfred walked away angrily, Bud walked in front of Xu Feng and said uneasily, "Lord Dragon Slayer, I made you laugh."

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