Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1448

Bud was overjoyed and said again and again: "Thank you! Thank you! Your Majesty Dayin Ironfoot! Please rest assured that we will never damage the Gushan Palace. In addition, we now have less than 2,000 refugees. I will The price of one gold coin per person per day will pay for your accommodation."

This is by no means a small sum, 2000 gold coins per day, then 60,000 gold coins if you live for one month, and 180 thousand gold coins if you live for a full winter.

And this time, you got a total of 500,000 gold coins.

Therefore, the price is reasonable.

If it doubles again, Bard and the others can accept it.

Dein Tiezu thought a little, then shook his head and said, "You have to build a new River Valley Town, so these gold coins are more important to you."

He was very grateful. He thought that Dyne was a relatively difficult person to deal with. He did not expect Dyne to be much better than Thorin. Dyne was to inherit the King of the Mountain. Then, in the future, the whole River Valley Town can maintain a good relationship with the dwarves.

Bud then said: "This money is what we should give. This will also give us a sense of urgency. In order to save this money, we will build a new River Valley Town as soon as possible and move away from the Gushan Palace as soon as possible."

Dyne laughed hard, "Master Bud, you are so sincere! Yes, any host is afraid that guests will not leave, but with your reputation, I believe you are definitely not that kind of person."

Bud said with a smile: "Anyway, your Majesty, you should accept the money, otherwise, I won't be at ease."

Dein Iron Foot thought for a while, and then said: "Well, I will collect 180,000 gold coins, but I will not collect them in vain. When winter is over, I will send our most powerful dwarf craftsman in Iron Hills to help you For the construction of River Valley Town, these 180,000 gold coins should be prepaid for their rewards."

Bud quickly said: "Thank you so much! We in Hegu Town are willing to form an alliance with Gushan for generations to come and retreat together!"

Dein laughed iron feet and said, "Okay, let us form an alliance for generations to advance and retreat together."

The two of them held their hands tightly together.

King Thranduil passed by them coldly and glanced at them sarcastically.

Bud quickly said, "Master Thrandil, do you want to form an alliance with us?"

King Thranduil and Dein Ironfoot said almost at the same time: "No!"

Then the two coldly snorted at the same time, turning their heads away proudly.

In fact, even if they do not form an alliance, they will help each other. Their previous performance in the war has already explained all this.

The two of them belong to the kind of people who usually don't have a good word to meet, but can definitely entrust their back to each other at a critical time.

Bud and Dain Tiezu began to discuss the specific immigration work, King Thranduil walked up to Xufeng and said goodbye to Xufeng.

"Dear Dragon Slayer, the battle here is over, and I have been allocated. I think it's time to take the remains of the wood elf martyrs and return to our wood elf capital."

Although they won this battle, they also paid a very heavy price. The golden armor elves lost more than half, and the silver armor elves also lost more than half.

It takes another two to three hundred years to restore energy tonight.

Xu Feng said lightly: "You wait a moment..."

After speaking, Xu Feng walked up to the hammer and said in a low voice: "Give me the necklace, we are going to return it to others."

"Okay." The hammer didn't have the slightest sluggishness. He quickly took the white gemstone necklace and handed it to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng turned to return the white gemstone necklace to King Thranduil.

King Thranduil asked in astonishment: "Why is this necklace still with you? Shouldn't you return it to the captain of the wood elf guard?"

"Noyce died in battle." Xufeng said sorry.

King Thranduil sighed faintly, "It turned out to be so...Thank you."

King Thranduil was very excited to be able to regain the inheritance of the wood elves. He carefully placed the white gemstone necklace, then bowed slightly towards Xufeng, turned and left the Lonely Mountain Hall.

By the evening, most of the tedious work had been completed, so Gandalf came forward and held a grand funeral for the hero who died in battle.

After the funeral, Bud took the refugees into the lonely mountain and started a new life.

Just as Xufeng and the others were preparing to hold an internal meeting, Prince Legolas quietly came outside their room, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Xufeng immediately greeted Prince Legolas to come in and sit down.

After Prince Legolas entered the door, he respectfully bowed to Xufeng and other Xuedi team members.

Xufeng smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, you are too polite. We are just some mercenaries who can't fit on the table. You don't have to bow to us."

Chapter 567

Prince Legolas said solemnly: "No, ordinary mercenary teams can't make it to the table, but the Xuedi mercenary team is different, because in the Xuedi mercenary team, you have to kill the dragon. Lord Diego."

Xufeng laughed: "His Royal Highness, you are so good at talking, you came to me, shouldn't you just say this? Is there anything wrong?"

Prince Legolas said quickly: "I don't want to stay in the lifeless city of wood elves. I want to come out and experience it. If you allow the Dragon Slayer, I want to join your mercenary team."

Xu Feng and others were startled first, and then laughed together.

Prince Legolas suddenly turned red. He didn't know why he laughed when he liked them. Is it such a ridiculous thing that he joined the mercenary team?

Xufeng immediately waved his hand, motioning everyone to stop laughing.

Of course, everyone didn’t mean to laugh at Prince Legolas, but Prince Legolas didn’t know that the so-called Snow Emperor Mercenary Team was not a mercenary team at all. Mercenaries were just a cover. Their true identity is a survivor, who is above this plane.

How could Prince Legolas join such a team?

So, this is indeed a funny thing, but I can't explain to Prince Legolas what is funny.

Xu Feng said: "His Royal Highness, you are a prince, and we are all mud legs. How can there be any reason for a prince with such a lofty status to join our mercenary team? What's more... we are already planning to retreat.

"Retreat to the world?"

Legolas still understands the word retirement, but the world?

There is indeed a lake near here, Long Lake.

Is it possible that the Xuedi mercenary team is going to retreat to the burned-out Changhu Town?

Prince Legolas said hello all over his head.

"Jianghu is..." Xu Feng scratched his head, wondering how to explain to the blond elves in Middle-earth what the rivers and lakes are.

Emperor Xue said lightly: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Xu Feng gave a thumbs up: "Brilliant!"

"The place where there are people is called Jianghu..." Prince Legolas asked more suspiciously: "So, you are going to retreat to where there are people?"

Xu Feng said quickly: "No, this sentence is an inversion, meaning to retreat from a place where there are people."

Prince Legolas asked in astonishment: "You have just become the most powerful and most prestigious mercenary team in Middle-earth. Your identity as the Dragon Slayer has even surpassed all the kings of Middle-earth. When the sun is in the sky, since you have chosen to retire? This..."

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