Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1450

Basically, as long as it is used properly, one move can kill opponents below level 60 in seconds.

Xufeng smiled and said: "When I used the dragon head, I really didn't expect a dragon tooth to be so powerful. It's no wonder that Azog's dark hand was bitten by the dragon tooth's hand, and there was no resistance. It’s a pity that the entire dragon head has been contaminated, otherwise we definitely have more than one dragon tooth now."

Gong Yang asked cautiously: "Are the dragon teeth ornaments to be worn on the neck?"

Xuedi said faintly: "No, you can tie it around your waist, anyway, just wear it on your body."

Gong Yang asked again: "How many shadow energy points do you get for super equipment like dragon tooth ornaments?"

Xuedi thought about it slightly: "I am afraid that the starting price of this extraordinary item at an external auction house will cost 20,000 shadow power points."

"20,000?!" Gong Yang chuckled again: "Sell me, it's not worth 20,000! In other words, this thing is more expensive than me!" The hammer laughed and said, "The dragon teeth ornaments are really good. Things...it's a pity, I can't afford it, even if I can afford it, my level of strength can't be brought up."

The level of dragon tooth ornament is 60, that is to say, the wearer must reach at least the relative level of 50, and in the Xuedi team, the only person who hopes to reach 50 anxious is Xufeng.

Xufeng's current personal level is 45, but Xufeng has 67,755 points and shadow power points. If you want to upgrade, it is very easy.

Xufeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, if any of you want it, I can lend him enough shadow power first."

Although he also likes dragon teeth ornaments very much, his current strength is considered acceptable. The Xuedi Hammer and other talents need to be improved most, so if Xuedi and Iron Hammer want it, he is willing to give in.

The hammer shook his head: "You should take it. First, your strength level is the closest, and second, even if you give us shadow power points, we may not be enough."

Xufeng smiled: "Okay, then I will take it first."

Xuedi said: "The low bidding price for this item is at least 20,000, and there is no ceiling. However, if we auction it internally, the starting price will be halved, which is 10,000 shadow power points."


Xufeng immediately took out 8000 shadow energy points and distributed them to other teammates.

The hammer waved his hand, "I don't have to give it to mine, I owed you before, this time we just finished the two."

"Alright." Xufeng took back the share of the hammer. In this way, he only spent 6000 shadow energy points and took down the dragon tooth ornament with such super power...

He originally had 67,755 points. After buying the dragon tooth ornaments, his total shadow energy points became 61,755 points.

After the transaction was completed, Xu Feng put the dragon tooth ornaments into his spirit table inventory. After all, he still couldn't bring the dragon tooth ornaments at his current level, so he had to upgrade to 5 levels.

Chapter 569

After putting away the dragon tooth ornaments, Xu Feng took out another spiked warhammer.

"This hammer is Polger's warhammer. The item level is 55. It adds 100 points of strength. It has a certain chance to have a cleave effect when attacking. Does anyone need it?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the hammer.

The hammer curled his lips, "Of course I like to use hammers, but I hate the insidious guy Polger, so I don't want to use his hammer."

Xuedi said lightly: "Polger is dead, and this hammer is no longer his hammer. You still have a forging hammer in your hand. You can use the spiked warhammer to destroy yours. Replace the Forging Hammer, and after you get the Hellfire Warhammer, you can stand up and replace it."

"You mean, temporary transition?"

"Yes." Xuedi said: "We will face stronger enemies in the next fourth stage. We will even have to face-to-face with the Nine Ring Spirit Kings. If you can't improve your strength, then you have to It's holding back."

"Okay, then." The hammer shrugged, "I want this hammer... By the way, how many shadow power points does this require?"

Xuedi said faintly: "For such a hammer, the starting price on the outside must be at least 10,000. If we bid internally, you will only pay 5,000."

The hammer said helplessly: "I don't have that many shadow power points for now."

Xuedi said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, we are all our own, so you owe it first."

The hammer said with a wry smile: "I just paid off the last account, and now I owe it again."

Xufeng handed the spiked warhammer to the hammer, and then continued to take out the contents of the crystal cage.

In the battle of the Demon City, he killed the leader of the ghost tower and also destroyed the helmet of the Angmar Witch King. He took out all these trophies and showed them to the people of Snow Emperor.

Finally, Uncle Lin Hai bought a magic orb, Gong Yang bought another shroud, and Xuedi bought the helmet of the Angmar Witch King.

As for the remaining items, no one wanted them, and Xufeng didn't waste them either. He took them back to the crystal cage and waited to return to the trading city before selling them in his shop.

Don't underestimate these rubbish, although Xufeng and the others don't need it, but for the survivors around level 40, all these rubbish are treasures.

After the transaction was over, Xu Feng took a count, and his total shadow power points unexpectedly rose to 64325 points.

Xuedi said lightly: "If there is nothing else, we should leave Middle-earth in the third stage. We will come again next time. For Middle-earth, it will be 70 years from now. Everyone is ready. Have you left?"

Xufeng waved his hand: "Wait, I have two things I haven't finished. The first thing is to draw drawings for Bilbo so that Bilbo can build a cigarette factory after he returns. The second thing is to accompany the hammer. Go look for the Mithril vein."

Xuedi couldn't help asking: "We don't need Middle-earth gold coins. Is it necessary to invest in cigarette factories?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Who said we don't need the gold coins of Middle-earth? In the sixth stage of the Lord of the Rings, the army of monsters we have to face is ten times stronger than the army of monsters we are facing now! Not only Angmar Witch King personally commands, Sauron’s Doomsday Eye will also exert great fighting power. It is difficult for us to win the ultimate battle alone."

"I understand this, but can it really be effective by building a cigarette factory!" Xuedi asked.

Xufeng smiled and explained: "First of all, the cigarette factory I designed is not an ordinary cigarette factory, but a cigarette factory that uses a mechanized assembly line. In this way, the cigarette factory can not only make a lot of money, but also It will affect the technological level of the Hobbits. In this way, when we come back to Middle-earth after 70 years, the Hobbits will have a certain light industry foundation, and then we can develop some stronger ones based on this light industry. Heavy industry, for example...tanks."

Xuedi was startled: "Tank? Xufeng, wait, you don't want to turn Middle-earth into World of Tanks, do you?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "We don't have troops in our hands, so we naturally have to make more powerful things. Of course, we have to rely on hammers. Can you build tanks with hammers?"

The Hammer said of course: "No problem, but that requires more time and financial resources."

Xufeng smiled and said: "What we have time is, financial resources, it is entirely possible to rely on the income of the cigarette factory."

Xuedi said emotionally: "Xufeng, you really take one step and see three steps! Okay, I agree with this matter, but you said there is one more thing, is to accompany the hammer to find the mithril vein? You guys? What are you doing looking for mythril veins?"

The hammer glanced at Xufeng nervously.

Although it is not a secret to make steel wings, Hammer is a face-saving person, and she does not want more people to know what she is doing. If Steel Wings fails in the end, then he would be too embarrassed.

Xu Feng naturally understood this. He smiled and said, "I don't know if you have seen the mithril vest on Bilbo."

Xuedi nodded: "Yes, I have seen it. In the previous battle in River Valley Town, an orc soldier cut Bilbo with a knife, but Bilbo was unharmed. Instead, the blade of the orc soldier was curled. Now, Mithril Treasure Armor is really well-deserved."

Xufeng said: "I have a plan with Iron Hammer. That is to find mythril veins, dig a few pieces of mythril veins and take them back to study, and see if we can make weapons and equipment for us. If we can, then we all People’s equipment will be greatly improved."

Xuedi agreed and said, "Yes, I can help with this matter."

Lin Hai quickly said, "I can too."

Gong Yang said again: "If this is the case, don't you need me anymore?"

The hammer was irritable and Bai Yang looked at it again, "Of course I need you. If you find the Mythril vein, I will rely on your help to pull it out."

Gong Yang said bitterly again: "Why is it always me who is unlucky?"

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