Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1505

However, Frodo is different. Frodo is almost eager to go out and explore.

Of course, he was still too young. As his guardian, Bilbo also knew the danger outside, so Gandalf was determined not to take Frodo away.

"You always say that." Frodo sighed in frustration. "Last year I saw you like this, when I saw you the day before yesterday, it was the same when I saw you the day before yesterday. Already 30 years old!"

For the Hobbit, the age of 30 is not that big compared to human beings that are fifteen or sixteen.

Frodo continued to complain: "This year I had the opportunity to go out for a while, but my uncle gave this opportunity to Pippin. He asked Pippin to build a waterwheel project by himself, but he didn't let me go with him. It's really hateful!".

Gandalf smiled and said: "Your uncle is worried about your safety. After all, he has been outside, knowing how dangerous it is outside, and you are the only descendant of the Baggins family. He is just protecting you."

Frodo said: "But he can't protect me for the rest of my life, I always want to grow up and stand on my own."

Chapter 628 I'm Not The Same Boy

Gandalf laughed, "That's right, you are going to grow up after all. When I see your uncle this time, I will bring it up to him."

Frodo suddenly widened his eyes in surprise, "Really? Gandalf, would you really mention it to my uncle?"

After receiving Gandalf’s confirmed smile, Frodo jumped like a child suddenly, "Haha, great! Gandalf, you are such a good person! My uncle convinces you the most, as long as you talk to him Come out, he will definitely agree! Long live! I can go out for an adventure! I can finally go out for an adventure!"

Gandalf looked at Frodo, who was so excited, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Ordinary hobbits can't wait to stay in their comfort zone all their lives, but Frodo, the hobbit, is all about taking risks.

It's really different.

Gandalf felt relieved, but also a little disturbed.

He is the sub-god Maya. He has experienced three epochs, up and down tens of thousands of years. He has also witnessed countless aliens and miracles. Regardless of the good or bad of these aliens, when there are aliens, that All times have crises.

For example, 70 years ago, when the Demon Lord Sauron was about to take the Lone Mountain and annex the entire Middle-earth world, they appeared as "Diedi".

Diedi was undoubtedly the greatest hero of that era, but at the same time, from another perspective, Diedi was also the greatest anomaly.

When aliens appear, it means that this era is no longer peaceful.

Gandalf looked at Frodo, who was jumping in excitement, but Diego was thinking of him.

He hoped that Didi would appear one day, but at the same time worried that Didi would appear.

Because, he knew very well that when Diedi appeared, it was a time when the world was in great chaos—of course, this is not to say that Diedi appeared wrong, but it just shows that this era needs "heterogeneous" like Diedi. "Only people who are truly different from normal people can save the world.

"Gandalf, what are you thinking about?" Frodo was tired from jumping and sitting on Gandalf's carriage, staring at Gandalf curiously.

Gandalf took a sip of Chinese cigarettes, spit out a smoke ring faintly, and said with a faint smile: "I'm thinking about my old friend."

"You mean my uncle?" Frodo smiled: "Don't think about it, you will see him soon."

Gandalf laughed, "No, I'm not thinking about your uncle, I'm thinking about our other friend, Diego."

Frodo said in surprise: "You are talking about the dragon slayer, right?"

Gandalf smiled proudly: "Yes, the world must respectfully call him a dragon slayer, but I can call him Diedi."

Frodo said enviously: "Well, if I could be born 70 years earlier, it would be fine. If I could be born 70 years earlier, I should also be able to meet Lord Dragon Slayer, and maybe even become his friend."

Gandalf laughed and said: "Perhaps! However, you may not have the chance now. Maybe that day in the future, Diego will bring his Snow Emperor team members and come to us."

Frodo smiled and said: "Gandalf, you are comforting me again! The dragon slayer is clearly a human, and the average life span of human beings is only 60 years old. Logically speaking, the dragon slayer has lived to this day. , Should be at least 100 years old!"

Gandalf spit out his eyes, "This is a world full of magical miracles. You and I don't know what will happen in the future, so we must have hope."

Frodo nodded seemingly.

At this time, their carriage slowly drove through a pocket hole.

Three little hobbits emerged from the bottom of the bag and shouted at Gandalf's carriage: "Gandalf, set off a firework! Set off a firework!"

Gandalf laughed, "Don't worry, don't worry, it's better to keep the fireworks at night!"

"Fireworks! Fireworks!"

The children don't care when it is set, they just want to watch the fireworks.

Gandalf smiled helplessly, his mind moved, and several fireworks shot out from the carriage, exploding the colorful magic light in front of the children.

The children were all excitedly chasing Gandalf's carriage.

At first there were only three, then more and more, and they all clamored for Gandalf to show them fireworks.

Frodo smiled and said: "Gandalf, look at you, and the fireworks were set off once, and the other children were all around. I see, at this speed, we may not be able to reach my uncle's house before the banquet is over. ."

Gandalf laughed, "You are so embarrassed to say that you were chasing my truck all over the street like these little kids more than ten years ago. Well, you are still the king of kids, I still remember you I used to take a dozen children with stones and tree sticks to rob the magic fireworks in my car."

Frodo flushed, "That's all from the past. At that time... I was still young, and I was taking people to play the house."

Gandalf smiled and said: "One more time, I was talking to your uncle in the bottom of the bag. You took your three little friends and climbed into my train to steal fireworks. As a result, you all lit up my carriage. But still can't light my fireworks, because of this, your uncle also lost me a new carriage and a carriage of Chinese cigarettes."

Frodo blushed to the base of his neck, "That, that was all from childhood, I'm sorry."

Gandalf waved his hand graciously, "Needless to say I'm sorry, after all, I have been compensated, right, what about your other three friends? I remember, they seem to be Sam? Pippin? Meri? Er, I remember your uncle said that the four of you guys get together, it's a nightmare in the Shire area."

As soon as he mentioned his little friend, Frodo suddenly became happy. "They are all my good brothers. Usually we are inseparable. However, Pippin was sent out by my uncle to supervise the construction of the waterwheel project. He I said that I came back before the birthday party, but I haven't seen him yet. As for Sam and Meri, they are locked up by their respective families and will not be released until the dinner party."

Gandalf asked puzzledly: "Why is this?"

Frodo said embarrassedly: "Because their parents were afraid that we would ruin the grandest birthday party. After all, when my uncle was 110 years old last year, the few of us lighted the banquet-we It was not intentional. We just didn’t think the bonfire was strong enough, so we added some wine to it, but we didn’t expect that the flame was too big and the birthday banner was burned, and then the flame fell on the banquet table again, so it burned ."

Gandalf couldn't help laughing.

Frodo blushed and said: "Don't worry, this time there will be no moths, because I have grown up, I am no longer the same boy, I have stabilized a lot more than before, I will never That's weird.".

Gandalf smiled, and when he was about to answer, he heard a rush of hoofs from behind the carriage.

Gandalf frowned slightly, and he vaguely saw two horses galloping over quickly.

Chapter 629

Frodo turned his head in surprise, and in the next second, he excitedly waved to the man on horseback, "Pippin! Pippin! Hahaha! You stinky guy! You finally came back!"

The man on horseback is Pippin the Hobbit.

And the other person is naturally Xufeng.

It's just that the distance between the two sides is quite far, and there are many hobbit kids between them, so they can't really see each other.

Frodo can recognize Pippin because he recognized Pippin's voice first.

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