Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1530

"Angema, we are seriously damaged."

One of the reports from the Ring Spirit King's Urn Voice: "We need to return to the Demon Capital to rest."

They all have the magic to open the portal of the magic capital, if they want to know the magic capital, that is also easy.

In their current state, it is indeed not optimistic.

It was only the first battle. They had already lost a Ring Spirit King, injured four seriously, and the other three were slightly injured to varying degrees.

Most importantly, the Witch King Ang'an himself was also injured.

His heart was pierced with a big hole by Xufeng’s enemy fencing sword. Although he would not bleed as a necromancer, the enemy fencing sword itself has special effects on monsters. Therefore, if the wound of the Angmar Witch King is not timely If the treatment is repaired, it will only get worse.

Of course the Angmar Witch King knew this, but he shook his head coldly and said, "No, the master sent us to regain the Supreme Lord Ring. Now, we finally feel the Supreme Lord Ring’s Existence, if you just throw away the clues and return empty-handed, the master will never be happy!"

"But we..."

"I can do it."

The Angmar Witch King walked to one of the Ring Spirit Kings who was infected by Death and Decay, and said coldly: "I need you to dedicate yourself."

"Yes, Angema." The Ring Spirit King said blankly.

Angema Witch King immediately inserted his Demon Cavern Sword into the Heavenly Spirit Gai of the Ring Spirit King, and the Ring Spirit King screamed bitterly, but did not resist.

The other ring spirit kings just surrounded him and watched silently.

The Demon Cavern Sword continuously absorbed the soul energy of the Ring Spirit King, and it didn't take long for the badly injured Ring Spirit King to be sucked up, leaving only a shriveled skin.

In this way, there will be two of the nine great ring spirit kings, and their souls will return to the magic capital. They can only wait for the demon Lord Sauron to resurrect with dark magic energy.

The Angmar Witch King raised the Demon Cave Sword, and the Demon Cave Sword burst into layers of black light.

These black lights are just the energy drawn from the Ring Spirit King who "sacrificed" just now. The black light energy can kill all living objects, but it can also heal their immortal bodies.

The Ring Spirit Kings were bathed in the black light energy of the Demon Cave Sword, and soon their injuries recovered.

Even the pierced heart of Angmar Witch King is completely restored!

Of course, their strength will not return to normal in a short period of time, but at least they can continue to fight.

The nine great ring spirit kings have become seven, and they still have an advantage in number.

When the black light energy gradually disappeared, the Angmar Witch King took a long breath, put away the Demon Cavern Sword, and said coldly: "Continue chasing! You must not let the dragon slayer escape!"


One of the Ring Spirit King asked: "Angmar, we don't know which direction the Dragon Slayer fled to."

Angmar Witch King grinned, "He must have gone to find the hobbits. If I guess right, the Supreme Ring should be on the four hobbits. Our Lord of the Demon Lord It has been said that when he forged the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he calculated most of the Middle-earth Alliance races, but only ignored the Hobbits. Of course, this was not the negligence of the master, but the master felt that the hobbits were completely incompetent. Therefore, it is not very meaningful to influence the spirit of the hobbit with the Lord of the Rings. It is not until recently that he realized this loophole, that is, when the Lord of the Lord’s Ring falls in the hands of the Hobbit, the Lord of the Lord’s Ring cannot Control the hobbit. The dragon slayers naturally dare not wear the supreme lord of the ring. They are afraid of being controlled by the mind, so they can only let the hobbit take it. From this perspective, the dragon slayer must go Looking for the hobbits, and the hobbits ran to the east."

"Understood! Let's go east and continue to pursue!"

The seven ring spirit kings immediately summoned their undead war horses and rushed to the east quickly.

at the same time.

Boromir led the team to the Brandy River.

At this time, the torrential rain poured down, and the water level of the originally slow brandy creek soared and turned into a turbulent river.

In the past, riding a horse could easily cross the Brandy River, but now, you need to swim across it.

Boromir immediately took off the heavy armor on his body, and put his saber on his head.Ready to cross the river.

Frodo hesitated.

Boromir frowned and said, "Hey, little thing, no one cares what your naked body looks like. Now it's important to escape, so don't squeeze like a little girl, get off!"

Freelancer also said: "Yes Frodo, hurry up."

Frodo bit his lip and took off his coat.

His Mithril Treasure Armor was immediately revealed.

Both Boromir and Freelander were startled.

"This is..." Boromir said.

"Mithril Treasure Armor," said the Shenxing Ke.

Boromir said with jealousy: "Little thing, how come you have such a precious thing?"

Frodo said, "My uncle gave it to me."

"Your uncle?" Borromir said coldly, "He should be a thief, right?"

Frodo said angrily: "No! My uncle is a hero! He is the only hobbit in the Dwarf Expedition! His name is Bilbo Baggins, this Secret Silver Armor is also one of the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. It was given to him by King Thorin Oak Shield."

The Freelancer nodded slightly in salute, "So you are the nephew of Bilbo Baggins, no wonder, no wonder the dragon slayers value you so much."

Boromir sneered, "Such a good baby, it's a waste of your little rubbish. It's better to sell it to me and make the best use of it!"

Frodo said quickly: "No, I am not short of money, I am not selling."

Boromir sneered and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, after you die, I will pull out this Mithril Treasure Armor."

After speaking, Boromir jumped into the cold Brandy River and swam vigorously towards the other bank.

The Divine Walker said: "Frodo, now is not the time to hesitate, take off the Mithril Treasure first, and you can put it on when you reach the other side."

"it is good."

In contrast, Frodo is more willing to believe in the godwalker.

He quickly took off the Mithril Treasure Armor, revealing the Lord of the Rings on his chest.

The Shenxingke immediately avoided his gaze, and said in a deep voice, "You'd better hold that ring in your hand, and don't let the water waves wash away."

"Okay." Frodo took off the ring and held it in his hand.

The freelancer immediately took Frodo and the others and jumped into the rushing river...

Frodo and the others are short, and it is difficult for them to stabilize themselves in the river water for a while. Seeing that they are all being washed away, the Freestyler grabbed Sam Pippin and Meri, but Frodo was unable to open his fist. Water, and was washed further.

"No! Frodo!" Sam struggled desperately, trying to save Frodo.

Chapter 655: Entering the Old Forest

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