Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1610

At this time, sharp arrows were set from the tall old trees, and the coalition soldiers suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

Of course, these arrows are still merciful, they just shot on their thighs and shoulders, causing them to lose their combat effectiveness.

The entire coalition forces immediately became confused, and before Phoenix gave an order, the coalition soldiers retreated quickly.

Phoenix roared angrily: "All come back! All come back! I am the commander! You must obey me! If anyone dares to retreat, I will kill without mercy!"


An arrow came towards Phoenix's shoulder, and Phoenix was taken aback, and quickly blocked the arrow, but then, more arrows shot towards his shoulder and thigh!

Fenike didn't care about the soldiers under his opponent shouting, he quickly turned the horse's head, and fleeed in the direction of Watch Fort.

In less than half an hour, all the coalition forces withdrew from the dark dense forest and returned to the Watch Fort in a panic.

At this time, Faramir was still standing on the wall of the Watch Fort, and when he saw the coalition's embarrassing defeat, he could not help being surprised even though he was mentally prepared.

He ran down the city wall in a hurry, stopping Phoenix, who was full of horror, and asked, "What happened? How could you do this?"

Phoenix said with a blushing face: "The dragon slayer... is simply a demon! I don't know what kind of ghost method he used to cut off our fire! Now the entire dark dense forest, there are still two-thirds not burned. Light, we believe that we entered the dark and dense forest, and finally hit his ambush! His archers this time arranged at least a thousand people, and all of them were scattered on the ancient trees. We had no way to rush through!"

Chapter 745

"How about the casualties?" Faramir asked eagerly.

"Casualties..." Fenike said with a blushing face: "Well, I haven't had time to count, but there should be many."

"Should?" Faramir glared at Phoenix, then turned to the chief guard next to him and said: "Go and check, what's the casualty situation!"

"Yes!" The chief guard turned and ran away.

Phoenix chattered and said: "What should I do, I'm really done this time, I'm really dead this time! How should I explain to Master Grema? Master Grema asked me to take it within three days Carlyle, but it’s been the second day, but I still can’t even pass the dark jungle! I’m done, I am done!”

Faramir did not pay attention to Felic at all, but frowned slightly looking at the dark dense forest in the distance, feeling a little uneasy.

He was worried that because of the burning of the dark and dense forests, the Dragon Slayer was completely offended. If that were the case, the coalition forces would definitely suffer from many casualties.

After a while, the chief guard hurried over.

Faramir asked eagerly: "How is it, how many casualties?"

The head guard took a breath and replied: "There are no more than 5,000 people who were injured or at least 3,000, but the strange thing is that fewer than 40 people died, and according to my preliminary investigation, at least half of these 40 people The children died because they stepped on each other because they didn't talk about order when they retreated."

Faramir then sighed in relief and murmured: "It's great, great, Lord Dragon Slayer is not angry yet... Lord Phoenix, I strongly recommend you to send a peace talker and have a good time with Lord Dragon Slayer. Let’s talk about it. I don’t think Master Dragon Slayer can be a traitor. There must be some misunderstanding."

"No misunderstanding!"

Faramir's words were not finished yet, as soon as he heard from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, Greima appeared in front of them with 12 magic envoys.

Fenike said with horror and fear: "Master Grema! I am defeated again! We can't make it through the dense dark forest until now!"

Grema said coldly: "It's really a bunch of waste! You can't burn the dark dense forest, what else can you do! It seems that I still have to let my magic messenger do it! Do this for today, and let your soldiers take a rest. Now, the healing that should be healed, the recuperation that should be recuperating, when tonight, I will follow my 12 magic messengers to attack the dark forest!"

Faramir said eagerly: "Master Grema! We can't attack anymore! Master Dragon Slayer has already endured it. If we attack again, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not make a heavy hand."

Grema sneered and said: "What about making heavy moves? We are originally enemies. He doesn't kill us, it's just his own business, and I kill the people in Carlyle City now for our own victory!"

After that, Greima said to Phoenix again: "Master Phoenix, I will give you one last chance tonight. If you fail this opportunity, then you probably don't need to live in this world again. Do you understand?"

Phoenix said tremblingly: "Yes, I understand."

Grema snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Phoenix also turned around and left, and was grabbed by Faramir. Faramir said in a deep voice, "Master Phoenix, don't make mistakes again and again! Send an envoy! Have a good talk with Master Dragon Slayer!"

Phoenix shook his head in distress, "No... Lord Faramir, I have no way to go. I have failed twice and must win one game to prove myself! Otherwise...just like Master Grema said That way, I really have only one dead end."

After speaking, Phoenix broke free of Faramir's hand and quickly turned and left.

Faramir sighed heavily, "It's over, it's over, the coalition is making a big mistake..."

The head guard whispered: "My lord, I think we should leave this place of right and wrong. After leaving, we can report the situation to the regent and let him take back his military power!"

Faramir shook his head: "No, Watch Fort is at least two days away from White City. If we return to White City first, even if we can persuade the Regent to take back the military power, then when we return, you will have been 4 days away. ! Four days... this war is over."

"So..." The chief guard lowered his voice and said, "We still have another way, that is, mutiny and regaining the military power that belongs to us!"

Faramir’s eyes lit up, “I’ve thought about this idea before. It’s just that I can’t do this kind of thing by myself. I need all your guards to help me, but if it succeeds, then naturally I don’t have to say it. If If I fail, I think it’s the son of the regent, and I can survive, but I cannot guarantee your safety."

The chief guard brought all the guards behind him to his knees. The chief guard said: "Master Faramir, our lives belong to you! For you, for the safety of the entire coalition, we have nothing to worry about!"

The guard next to him also said, "Master Faramir, we will follow to the death!"

"Yes!" Another guard also said loudly: "Please give us an order!"

"...Okay!" Faramir took a deep breath and made up his mind. "This time we seize the military power, we must fight quickly! It can't be delayed for long! You divide the soldiers into three groups, control Phoenix all the way, and control all the way. Grema, control the 12 magic envoys under Grema all the way."

Faramir paused and continued: "Among these, Greemar's strength should be relatively strong. I will deal with Greemar personally. Our victory or defeat lies in this one action. No mistake can be made!"

"Master Faramir, don't worry!"

The head of the guard immediately divided the 100-man guards into three teams, focusing on the Faramir team, and the team that dealt with the magic messenger was led by the head of the guard himself, and the last team was relatively powerful. Weak guards.

The three teams were dispatched at the same time, and none of them looked back.

The third team rushed to the war room first. Phoenix was in a daze in the war room. He had never had any good tactics and didn't know what to do, so he stayed in the war room just in a daze.

When Faramir's guard broke in, he just blinked in confusion, stood up and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Faramir?"

The headed guard nodded indifferently, "Yes, Master Phoenix, please hand over your command of power."

Phoenix said in astonishment: "What? You are going to... mutiny!"

The headed guard said coldly: "Yes. Please cooperate. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. We have 30 people here. With your strength, we can only hit three of us at most. We can force you to cooperate. "

Fenike said angrily: "You are simply... Master Faramir knows about this? I'm going to see Master Faramir!"

Chapter 746

The headed guard said coldly: "You will see Lord Faramir, come, tie him up, and you must take him to Grema's residence and meet Lord Faramir!"

"Yes!" The two guards immediately came over with ropes to bind Phoenix.

Phoenix yelled angrily: "Stop! I am the commander! Even if I am not the commander, I am also the commander of the Watchtower! You tie me like this, it's a treason and a violation of military discipline!"

The headed guard said coldly: "You are the one who really rebels and violates military discipline! And Greima! The two of you are completely fooling around! You are bringing the coalition forces and the entire Middle-earth world to the unknown abyss! We are! You absolutely cannot let you continue like this! Bundle up!"

"You...you..." Fenike struggled a few times, but did not dare to fight back at all.

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