Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1617

The sentence "Kill them all" immediately made the archers on the wall boil with blood. They immediately replaced the poisoned arrows and went all out to shoot arrows at the half-orcs who were frozen in place.

Chapter 753 Little Plum Must Be Very Disappointed

In theory, the archer of Carlyle City would not be able to shoot down a powerful orc berserker anyway.

Except for No. 21, the relative levels of the other eleven Orc Berserkers are all around level 65.

Such strength is already higher than the true strength of Emperor Xuedi and Uncle Lin Hai.

The knight archers of Carlyle, their relative level can only reach level 62.

Don't look at the difference of only three levels, but the gap between attack power and defense power in the middle is very different.

That's why, in the first round of the Carlyle City Archers' volley, so many arrows were blocked by the Orcs Berserkers.

However, this new round of volleys is different from before.

Before, the knight archers of Carlyle City thought that the orc berserkers were magic messengers of the Holy White Council, but after Xu Feng and No. 21, he tore off the mask of No. 21, then the other “magic messengers” "Naturally, the identity was completely exposed.

When dealing with magic messengers, the knight archers naturally have to be more tolerant, and when dealing with the half-orc berserkers, the knight archers are all red eyes!

Every Orc Berserker is an honor to move!

This is the time to make contributions!

The knight archers all used their strongest power, and all their arrows focused on the vital parts of the orc berserkers!

Of course, theoretically speaking, even if they use their best, it is impossible to injure orc berserkers three levels higher than them. However, at this time, the orc berserkers, the calves below their knees, are already Frozen by the continuous magic blizzard, they cannot dodge at all, and they need to use their own strength to resist the increasingly serious magic blizzard. If you want to block the poisoned arrow, you must distract your strength and attention. Row.

They could barely knock out most of the poisoned arrows, but soon, the knight archers shot the second round of poisoned arrows.

They were completely suppressed by the magic blizzard and poisoned arrows, and they were unable to provide effective support to their leader No. 21.

And the 21st is not much better.

On the 21st, he wanted to fight the Dragon Slayer. He knew very well that the key to this battle was the Dragon Slayer and the Snow Emperor Team.

As long as he can kill the dragon slayer, the Xuedi team will naturally collapse, the threat of the magic blizzard will naturally be lifted, and they can easily break through the city gate, then get the waterwheel parts, and then all over. Return.

Unfortunately, the dragon slayer is not so easy to kill.

On the 21st, he wanted to fight the dragon slayer, but Xufeng did not lead him by the nose, but used the superior force to attack him.

Countless poisoned arrows shot at him, and he finally blocked a wave, but Xufeng took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack at him. After so many consecutive times, he had no room for parry.

Xu Feng spotted the opportunity, combined his two swords, pierced his throat directly, No. 21 barely dodged, using his own speed to avoid this fatal attack, but Xu Feng's sword energy directly scratched him. Black blood burst out of his neck!

When Uncle Lin Hai didn't need protection, Xuedi also joined the battle and fought Xufeng on the 21st.

On the 21st, he was already very reluctant to deal with Xufeng. Now that Xuedi is added, he is even more unlikely to win.

He clutched his bleeding neck, barely jumped out of the attack range of the two, and was attacked by poisoned arrows and magic blizzard.

No. 21 snarled in annoyance, and glanced back at the other Orc Berserkers who were also in desperation.

"Retreat!" No.21 roared loudly.

This war has completely failed, and there is no way to continue fighting, and we can only find another opportunity.

The other Orc Berserkers got the order and immediately dodge back.

However, most of them were frozen in place by the blizzard, and it was difficult to escape in a short time.

After the 21st retreated, Xu Feng did not chase him, but quickly cut into the other half-orc berserkers at lightning speed.

Those half-orc berserkers never expected that Xu Feng would suddenly kill them. Before they could raise their hands to fight back, they were directly cut off by Xu Feng's sword blade whirlpool.

There were only three Orc Berserkers who escaped!

Add number 21 and there are only four!

The loss is not heavy!

On the 21st, holding her neck, standing far away, shouted at Xufeng loudly: "Dragon Slayer! I will repay this hatred!"

Xu Feng smiled coldly: "Okay, I'm waiting!"

Before, Xufeng could not be tough with these orc berserkers. After all, there are a lot of orc berserkers, and the overall combat effectiveness is super strong. However, after this battle, the number of orc berserkers has been reduced to four, threatening Sex is greatly reduced.

In the future, Xufeng will be able to face No. 21 with ease.

Xuedi walked to Xu Feng's side and asked faintly: "Don't you chase it?"

Xufeng shook his head, "I can't chase it. There is a dark dense forest ahead. After a large group enters, it is easy to be destroyed one by one. Even if they cannot be destroyed one by one, it is more difficult to kill No. 21. This battle, We have already won, just keep the fruits of victory."

Xuedi faintly said: "This 21st is cunning and cruel, it is hard to guarantee that he will not target us in the future."

Xufeng smiled and said, “It’s okay. After this battle, Saruman’s true face will be exposed. The Rohan Kingdom, the Gondor Kingdom and the Golden Forest will all form a barrier in front of Carlyle City. And Saruman doesn't have any capable men, he can no longer have the energy to deal with Carlyle City."

Xuedi asked again: "Then when will we hit the Isengard Tower and kill Saruman?"

Xu Feng smiled, "Alright, wait a minute, we have more important things to do."

Xuedi nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Oh, by the way, why didn't you see Xiao Lizi in this battle?"

Little Plum is Liszt, the general of the Golden Forest Elf.

Xiao Li has always been very eager to fight, and very eager to fight against half-orcs.

In this head-on confrontation, Liszt and the other elf guards were not seen, which made Xuedi very curious.

Xufeng smiled faintly: "He has other missions. When the coalition forces attacked us, I asked him to take the elven guards and quietly pass through the dark forest to the watchtower.".

Xuedi said: "This tactic is really powerful. In this way, it is impossible for the Watchdog not to surrender. However, there should be no fighting in the Watchdog? Little Lizi will be very disappointed in his heart."

Xufeng laughed, "Yes, but for this kind of thing that lurks through the dark forest and hits the Watch Fort, only the elves are the most suitable. When there is another battle with the Orcs in the future, I will send him to fight again. ."

Chapter 754

Just as Xufeng and the others were fighting the Orc Berserker head-on, Liszt led a hundred golden elf guards to the front of the Watch Fort.

There are still some remaining soldiers in the Watch Fort. Most of these soldiers were seriously injured in the previous two battles and were unable to move. Therefore, although there were soldiers, they were similar to none.

When Liszt appeared with the mighty golden elf guards, the soldiers in the city were suddenly at a loss.

Liszt said loudly at the gate of the Watch Fort: "Allied forces in the Watch Fort, open the city gate!"

A high-ranking officer stood on the wall strenuously and respectfully said: "Masters of the elves, welcome you to the Watch Fort, are you here to support us?"

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