Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1625

Before Aragon could explain, Princess Yavin said proudly: "He is Aragon, the emperor."

A simple sentence stunned Legolas and Liszt.

"The Emperor!"

"No, no," Aragorn said with shame, "I... just have the blood of the Yarnuo royal clan. In my current capacity, I am not worthy of the title of Emperor Human."

Liszt said sternly: "The three human nations have no royal family. You are the only one left in the blood of the legendary hero Esiduo. From the jurisprudence of the throne, you are naturally the emperor."

Legolas said: "Aragorn, don't mind how light we were just now."

Aragorn quickly said: "Of course not! It's just that I am really not a human emperor. I am just a human who lives in Rivendell and was raised by His Majesty King Elon. I am not afraid of two jokes when I say it. In order to complete the test of King Elon, I have been walking in Middle-earth as a homeless man. Many people gave me a nickname called Shen Xing Ke."

"What?" Legolas asked in astonishment: "So you are a Freelancer! The person that Master Dragon Slayer asked me to find is you!"

Aragorn blinked in confusion, "Master Dragon Slayer asked you to find me?"

Xu Feng waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll talk about these trivial matters later, let's see King Elon and Gandalf first."

"it is good!"

Several people immediately went up the steps and entered the chamber of the palace.

The elf guard informed that King Elon learned that the dragon slayer had returned and immediately went out to greet him with Gandalf.

"Master Diedi!" After seeing Xufeng, King Elon breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his forehead seemed to be reduced.

"Haha! Diego, you are finally back." Gandalf smiled happily, holding a Chinese cigarette in his hand.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Lao Gan, is your injury healed?"

Gandalf turned around on the spot, then lifted the cigarette on his finger, and said with a smile: "With this thing, I don't think it's hard to do it!"

Liszt bowed and saluted King Elon, "The former general of the Golden Forest, Liszt, has seen His Majesty King Elon."

King Elon said with a smile: "Liszt, we are old acquaintances, we don't need to be so polite. Oh, and you, Prince Legolas, welcome you to Rivendell."

Legolas hurriedly saluted, "Hi, Your Majesty King Elon."

King Elon said with a smile: "Okay, you are welcome, it's time to have dinner now, let's go to the banquet hall to sit down and talk."

"it is good."

The crowd followed King Elon to the banquet hall.

After seated, Xu Feng asked, "How is Frodo?"

King Elon replied: "He is so good and can leave at any time."

Xufeng smiled and said, "So, do you want to drive him away?"

King Elon said quickly: "No, no, no, I don’t mean that, but...Ah, you know, things like the Supreme Lord of the Rings have too much influence on people’s hearts, especially the more capable people. The farther away you are from that ring, otherwise, the consequences will be completely immeasurable."

Xufeng nodded and said, "I can understand your difficulty, but the Angmar Witch King is near Rivendell. If I take Frodo away now, I will definitely be pursued by the Angmar Witch King. In addition, Saruman has rebelled. If I don't want to deal with this ring, I am afraid I can only take Frodo and wander all the way."

King Elon nodded and said: "Yes, this is indeed a serious problem. Rivendell cannot allow Frodo to live here with the Lord of the Rings for a long time, but in the same way, it is impossible to let Fro live in other places. To live there with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, we must think of a complete solution."

Xufeng smiled and said: "So I suggest you, with your appeal, convene an alliance meeting. I need the people of the three kingdoms of the elves to be present. I also need the people of the human forces to be present. I also need the words of the dwarves. People are present, because this will be a unified action. When I pass by the various forces, they must be able to support me."

King Elon said immediately: "The representatives of the three powers of the elves seem to be here, I, the king of Rivendell, Legolas, the prince of the wood elves, and Liszt, the imperial general of the Golden Forest."

Liszt said quickly: "No, no, I am not the person who speaks to the Golden Forest!"

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "You are indeed not, but I understand Queen Galadriel's will. She can safely send you to me, which means she will support me under any circumstances. ."

Liszt nodded, "Yes, before I left, Her Majesty the Queen did give such an explanation."

Legolas hesitated, "Although I am the wood elf prince, I have not been in contact with my father for decades... I am afraid I can't make decisions on his behalf."

Xufeng smiled and said, "You are the only legal heir to the Wood Elf Throne. This is enough."

Legolas smiled and nodded, "That's fine."

King Elon smiled and said: "In this case, the three parties of the elves are also ready. As for the human side... Aragorn can completely represent it."

"Me?" Aragorn shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid no one will recognize me."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, sooner or later you will be the emperor. As for now, we still have Boromir. He is the son of Prime Minister Gondor, and he can be regarded as a human being."

King Elon frowned slightly, "Well, although I hate that kid very much."

Gandalf vomited a smoke ring, frowned and said, "So now it seems that only the dwarves are left. There are not many people who can talk to the dwarves at present, and the dwarves are very hot-tempered and difficult to communicate. of."

King Elon asked: "Is there anyone who is a little more sensible, closer to Rivendell? Don't think about Dyne's iron feet. He is far away in the lonely mountain. In addition, he likes pomp and show off. It will take at least two or three months for the trip."

Gandalf thought for a while, "If you are nearby... well, then there will only be Groin, yes, he and his tribe are in a mountain range near Rivendell."

Xufeng asked, "Ge Luoyin? The Ge Luoyin who was with us on the expedition back then?"

"Yes." Gandalf said: "He is Thorin's cousin. After the Battle of the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves got money and scattered back to their own territory. Bahrain went to Moria, and Groin He came to live near Rivendell. With his blood and seniority, he can definitely speak among the dwarves."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, then call him, just say that I and you are here waiting for him."

Gandalf said immediately: "Okay! I'll do it now."

Chapter 763

After Gandalf left the restaurant, he quickly wrote a letter and summoned a raven with magic.

This raven is completely dark, but its sharp bird eyes are blood red. After the wings are stretched out, it is huge and very suitable for long-range high-altitude flight.

Especially in the dark, when the black raven is flying high in the sky, almost no one can find it.

Of course, this summoned magic raven also needs "food", but its food is not ordinary meat cereals, but the user's magic infusion.

Gandalf meditated on Groin's address and appearance, and then poured appropriate magic power into the wings of the magic raven.

If the magic power is low, then the raven may not be able to fly. If the magic power is high, the raven will be very comfortable. Therefore, to infuse the magic raven with more energy, it must not be less.

When the magic power is enough, the wings of the magic raven will gradually relax until they are completely closed.

After closing, Gandalf tied the letter to the leg of the magic raven, the magic raven wailed, then fluttered its wings high, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Gandalf looked at the raven disappearing into the sky, and he was lightly relieved.

At this time, the meeting in the banquet hall was over. After everyone had a simple meal, they started to be busy.

Xufeng called Gandalf and went to the western area of ​​Rivendell.

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