Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1627

Frodo smiled and said: "Great, Lord Dragon Slayer, two days is nothing, we are willing to wait."

Princess Yavin reminded: "Well, we have been in contact for too long, Frodo, you should go back to your room to rest, Lord Diego, I think we should leave too."

Piping said angrily: "Princess Yavin, we are not a scourge!"

Yawen said coldly: "I know, but seldom meet and contact less, not only for your own good, but also for our own good. Before you leave, there must be no mistakes here, so I'm sorry, everyone is tolerating Bear it."

Xu Feng nodded, "Yavin is right. The power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is obviously stronger than before. I suspect that this is related to the increase of the power of Demon Lord Sauron. In such a short time, I also feel it. I feel pressured, which makes me a little uncomfortable. I want to vent my emotions."

Gandalf quickly said: "Diedi, you can't vent your emotions. Your strength is too strong. If you vent, no one here is your opponent."

Frodo said quickly: "Then I will go back and stay now, Lord Dragon Slayer, thank you for visiting me."

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Frodo, wait two more days."

"Yes!" Frodo bowed to Xu Feng, then turned and returned to the house.

Immediately afterwards, Sam and the others also bowed to Xufeng, and then returned to the Golden Room.

Princess Yawen breathed a long sigh of relief.

After everyone left the courtyard, the two elf guards locked the chains again.

Xufeng said, "I'm going to see Boromir."

Aragorn said quickly: "I will show you the way."

Xufeng waved his hand, "No, it will irritate him if you go. I can go alone. You can all go back and rest."

Liszt said, "My lord, I have to be with you."

Xu Feng nodded helplessly, "That's it, Xiao Li will accompany me, and the rest of you will go to rest. Two days later, we may face a big battle."


The crowd dispersed immediately and went back to rest, while Xu Feng took Liszt and walked towards Rivendell Prison.

Aragorn hesitated, and instead of returning to his residence, he walked towards the Rivendell Star and Moon Falls.

Inside the huge Xingyue Waterfall, there is a natural cave. To enter the cave, you must pass through the powerful waterfall.

And this cave is a forbidden place for the elves, a meditation room that only the elves of high status can enter.

There is a huge statue of a female elf in the meditation room. This statue of a female elf is kneeling on the ground, holding a disc in her hand and a broken sword on the disc.

The disc is naturally part of the sculpture, but the broken sword is real.

Even though the body was stained with dust, the broken sword was still extremely sharp, and the lower part of the broken sword was engraved with a line of words in ancient Elvish language.

The meaning of this text is: Sun and Moon are my name.

Yes, this broken sword is the most famous sword in the history of Middle-earth-the Nasir holy sword.

The most remarkable feat of this sword is that at the end of the second era, with its broken sword body, cut off the fingers of the invincible Demon Lord Sauron, and that finger was precisely with the Supreme Lord Ring.

It can be said that Arno and Esiduo, the ancestor king of the Kingdom of Gondor, used Nasir to cut the sword and, with his own power, reversed the fate of the entire Middle-earth world!

Although it is said that Essiduo finally died because of being bewitched by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, his deeds to the entire Middle-earth world are still unmatched.

Even if there are more legendary heroes like Xufeng in the history of Middle-earth, so far, they can't match the credit of Esiduo.

After all, Xu Feng currently only defeated Demon Lord Sauron's minions, and did not directly lead the army to confront and win the victory with the army led by Demon Lord Sauron.

If the sons of Essiduo wither, the two human kingdoms have no kings, and the demon Lord Sauron is resurrected in a spirit state, this is really a huge irony.

Aragorn passed through the Xingyue Waterfall and came to the meditation room, looking gloomy at the Nasir holy sword on the plate.

This is the holy sword belonging to his ancestors.

It is also his holy sword.

Whenever he was depressed, he would come here to meditate on the holy sword of Nasir. He could feel the holy sword of Nasir calling him, but since childhood, he has never reached out to touch this bearer. The glory of the human race witnessed the holy sword of death and annihilation.

He... lacks courage.

He worried that one day he would fall like his ancestors.

Chapter 765: The Influence of the Lord of the Rings on Aragorn

This time, Aragorn came to the Nasir Holy Sword again, recalling the various faults of his ancestor Esiduo, in order to suppress the desire that grew in his heart.

In the past, although he also came here to meditate, but rarely.

Recently, he has come more and more frequently.

This is because the Lord of the Rings is on Rivendell, on Frodo.

His ancestor Esiduo once wore that ring and gained great power from it, thus establishing a powerful Gondor dynasty.

So, if he can take that supreme lord of the ring, will he also achieve the glory of the ancestors, and even kill the demon lord Sauron again?

Sometimes, excessive sense of glory is also a desire.

Aragorn slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to drive away these messy thoughts from his heart.

Whenever he felt that he was powerless to fight the negative influence brought about by the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he went into the meditation room inside the Xingyue Waterfall and looked at the silent Nasir holy sword to purify his soul.

This trick seems to be quite effective. Every time he leaves the meditation room, although he is exhausted, he will not think about getting the Supreme Lord of the Rings anymore.

As he closed his eyes to meditate, a figure broke through the violent Xingyue Waterfall and jumped in.

Aragorn immediately drew out the double sacred tree light long sword, but immediately stunned there.

"Princess Yavin?" Aragorn said in astonishment.

Princess Arvin stood there wet, her thin gauze robe clinging to the contours of her body, her elegant hair was also wet.

With such an appearance, Aragorn hurriedly avoided his eyes.

Princess Yawen didn’t care much, but smiled and said, “So you’re hiding here! I remember, when I was very young, I came here when I was hide and seek, and I even picked up the Nasir broken sword. , However, I was also punished by my father for this. My father said that this holy sword does not belong to our elf clan, it belongs to the real human emperor."

Aragorn said quickly: "Unfortunately, the emperor no longer exists."

Princess Yawen smiled and said: "Why, have you never picked up your ancestor's holy sword? Never thought of playing your ancestor?"

Aragorn shook his head and said, "No, since I was 12 years old, I knew about the existence of this sword, and I knew the origin of this sword. I have never touched it."

Princess Yawen smiled and said, "This shows that you care more about this sword than anyone else."

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