Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1630

Legolas said quickly: "His Majesty Elon, this...I don't want to think about this issue yet. I am here to follow Master Dragon Slayer. My sons and daughters have personal affections. I really don't have time to go. miss you."

King Elon was about to speak when he saw Princess Yawen walking towards here without a guard.

King Elon smiled and said: "It just so happens that Yawen is here, let's go and say hello together."

"Yes." Legolas reluctantly followed behind King Elon, he was really helpless to this kind of messy behavior.

"Yavin." King Elon beckoned to his daughter.

"Father." Yawen hurriedly bowed, and asked before King Elon could speak: "Did father see Aragorn?"

King Elon asked strangely: "Aragorn? I didn't see it. This is Prince Legolas, I think you should—"

Avin nodded to Legolas, "Yes, we have seen it before."

Legolas nodded friendly. He was very useful to Princess Aven's slight impatient tone. If Princess Aven showed interest in him, he would be very worried.

King Elon frowned, "Yavin, what's wrong with you? Haven't you woken up yet? Legolas is our distinguished guest. As a princess, you should at least maintain basic politeness after meeting the prince. ."

Avin curtseys to Prince Legolas very perfunctorily, "Hello, Your Royal Highness, Excuse me-have you seen Aragon?"

Legolas said while politely saying: "Sorry, your Royal Highness, I haven't seen Aragorn since yesterday."

"Okay, thank you very much." Yawen said: "I have something else, you two talk slowly."

After speaking, Princess Yawen turned and left.

"Yavin! You, you!" King Elon frowned, and finally said to Legolas helplessly: "Prince Legolas, Yavin may be a bit shy, she is not usually like this. "

Legolas smiled and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, I understand. Please forgive me to retire first. I have to go back to the room and clean it."

King Elon smiled and said: "Okay, the breakfast in the banquet hall is ready, I am waiting for you to come and eat."

Legolas respectfully saluted King Elon, and then turned around and left.

Chapter 768

In fact, letting Princess Yavin marry Legolas is indeed a very good decision.

The three tribes of elves have always been in a state of division. The Sindar elves of the Golden Forest are high above them, while the Rivendell elves are a hodgepodge. The wood elves of the dark and dense forests like to close the country.

If the prince of the Wood Elf can marry Princess Aven, then when Princess Aven inherits the throne of the Golden Forest Queen, it will be able to form an effective rule over the Wood Elves, Rivendell Elves, and Sindar Elves.

This also means that Princess Yavin will become the first person in the history of Middle-earth to unify the entire elves.

And a unified elven race must be a powerful elven race, and the entire Middle-earth world will be transformed according to the will of the elven race.

In a way, this is tantamount to fulfilling the long-cherished wish of Queen Galadriel.

Therefore, this decision is bound to be supported by Queen Galadriel.

It's a pity that Prince Legolas didn't have this idea, nor did Princess Yavin.

Princess Arvin has been in a panic since she was forced to kiss by Aragorn yesterday.

She pushed Aragon away in a hurry, not because of disgust, but because she herself did not dare to face her heart.

She dared not tell herself that she liked Aragon.

Before, she liked the dragon slayer like a little fan, but she soon discovered that the dragon slayer had no feeling for her at all.

Although this made her sad, she soon realized that she was not as sad as she had imagined. She had expected that a good man like the Dragon Slayer could not belong to her.

Aragorn can.

Although Aragorn is also a human being, he is the bloodline of the Emperor. The bloodline of the Emperor has a very big advantage. It is the heir of this bloodline, which is inextricably linked with the Rivendell Elves, and their truth Life expectancy can also live to about 200 years old.

Such a life span, for ordinary humans, is almost like a demigod existence, but for elves, it is far from enough.

This is also the biggest problem in front of Aragon and Princess Yavin.

If you want to be with Aragorn, then Princess Avin must give up her eternal life as an elf-she is the daughter of King Elon, and King Elon can choose to become a human or an elf when she reaches adulthood, and she is the same. of.

Back then, both King Elon and his brother faced this decision. His brother resolutely chose to become a human being, and thus possessed a power and lifespan different from ordinary people, and finally established a human empire, and it has been passed on. , Passed to Aragon in the forty-seventh generation.

In terms of generation, Princess Yawen should be regarded as the 46th generation ancestor and aunt of Aragon.

Of course, although they are still blood relatives in a sense, they are far, far away.

Princess Arvin was upset, not only because of these issues, but because she herself didn't know how to face Aragorn next.

She has many choices.

Or, directly scold Aragorn and hand Aragorn to her father King Elon. Whether it is imprisoning Aragorn or punishing Aragorn, her father will definitely help her out.

Or, she told Aragorn that this was wishful thinking, and made Aragorn cut off the idea, and just as if nothing had happened before.

These two choices are also the choices that she should consider most in theory.

But, in fact, what she was really thinking about was how to be with Aragon.

Just a kiss.7 questions

The two did not say any love words, nor did they reveal any thoughts to each other, just because of a kiss, Princess Yavin's girlish heart was completely activated by Aragorn.

She couldn't help thinking whether she really liked Aragorn, or because she wanted to fill the emptiness of losing the dragon slayer, or because of the role of the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The only way to figure this out is to find Aragorn again, face to face, alone, and calmly, and talk to him.

So, as soon as it was light, she knocked on the door of Aragorn, but Aragorn was not in the house.

She began to search, the banquet hall, the conference hall, the martial arts field, and even the Golden Room where Frodo was located.

Her heart began to panic, and she worried that Aragorn had left.

She didn't know how she should bear such a separation.

She searched all the places, and finally remembered that Aragorn was probably still in the meditation room below Xingyue Waterfall.

So, she hurried to Xingyue Waterfall, risking being hit by the water of the waterfall, jumped into the meditation room.

When she arrived in the meditation room, she saw Aragorn still kneeling in agony before the elf statue.

Princess Arvin's entangled heart suddenly relaxed.

She gently walked to Aragorn's side, bit her lip and said, "You... stay here all night?"

Aragorn slowly opened his tired eyes, "I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, I... made a mistake that was infuriating with everyone. Please hand me over to King Elon, I am willing to accept any punishment."

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