Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1652

Xufeng said: "Since it's decided, it's not too late and let's go."


Everyone immediately sorted their bags, returned to the snow-capped mountains, then merged with Liszt and the others, and re-determined the route of travel, and walked in the direction of Moria.

Through the light of Isengard, Saruman saw the path of Xufeng and others, and said with a sneer: "You really want to go to Moria, hahaha, you don’t even know what surprises Moria has. Waiting for you! It won’t be long before the Supreme Lord of the Rings is mine. Hahahaha!"

After he laughed a few times, he immediately closed his smile and shouted at the goblin slaves: "What are you doing in a daze! Give me work! I want a half-orc soldier! A lot, a lot of half Orc soldier! Hurry up!"

The goblin slaves immediately became busy.

Chapter 1614 Moria Valley

The Fellowship Expedition continued to advance in the dangerous misty mountains.

The difference is that they bypassed the snowy mountains and were heading towards Moria along a gray and gloomy ridge.

Moria was on the edge of the Misty Mountains. When Bahrain returned from the Lone Mountain, he stayed nearby and accidentally discovered that the underground has rich mineral resources.

As a result, Bahrain assembled a large number of adventurous Blue Mountain dwarves with the property allocated in his hand, and built a magnificent underground palace in the Moria region, and started digging in the direction of the Lonely Mountain using the underground palace as a cover.

The mythril veins under the Gushan Mountain are very large, and Bahrain’s judgment is accurate enough. After more than 50 years of excavation, they finally dug the mythril veins. Of course, from that time on, they followed other The dwarven tribe broke off contact.

For the Fellowship Team’s trip, Jin Li is naturally the happiest one. Bahrain is his cousin. In the past, he had a very good relationship with him. Although I haven’t contacted him for a long time, in Jin Li’s own words, they They are all descendants of Turin, and they are all descendants of the dwarves of the Lone Mountain. They have the same blood on their bodies, broken bones and still connected to the tendons. Therefore, if the ring team goes to Moria, they will definitely receive a grand courtesy .

When the Fellowship team entered the gloomy Moria area, Jinli walked at the forefront of the team to show everyone the way.

Although he only visited Moria once when he was very young, he still had an impression of the road here.

Naturally, Xufeng and others followed Jinli's back, and they walked while listening to Jinli's endless talk of Moria's glory.

"I don't like it here." Legolas looked at the gloomy mountains around and couldn't help frowning and whispering.

The dark and dense forest where the wood elves are located is darker than the light here, but the wood elves’ city is built on old trees, and every night, they can watch the night scene on the open-air platform-so to speak, The dark dense forest is just a way of life that the wood elves want to cut off from the world.

But Moria is different. Moria is a mountain range that has been excavated. The entire Moria region is in the mountains. It is not only dark and humid, but the air is also very depressive and silent. There is a feeling of breathlessness.

The surrounding cliffs are over a hundred meters high, and the sky seems to have only a glimpse of it, which is hopeless.

Boromir said sarcastically, "Hmph, I said earlier, we shouldn't go here, right? Master Hobbit? Do you regret it?"

Sam frowned and retorted: "We have no regrets, we like it very much!"

Pippin also said, "Yes, we like it here!"

Frodo was silent.

To be honest, he didn't want to go to Rohan's Pass, it was not rational thinking at all, but he didn't want to see Boromir's proud face.

He hates Boromir, so he hates the decision he made.

But now, the feeling of depression is getting heavier in his heart, and the influence of the Lord of the Rings on him is getting more and more serious.

Although he was trying his best to cover up, the scars on his heart were already so painful that he couldn't move.

Boromir was the first to discover Frodo’s strangeness, but Boromir didn’t help Frodo, but said with a sneer, "Hehe, look, our Lord Frodo can’t walk anymore, who will carry it? he?"

Aragorn and Gandalf quickly walked to Frodo's side.

Aragorn asked with concern: "Frodo, how are you?"

Frodo quickly smiled and shook his head, "I'm fine."

Gandalf said: "If you need help, you must tell us, don't force it."

Frodo said: "Well, don't worry, I'm really fine, maybe I just fell from the snow mountain, and I haven't recovered yet."

Meili said quickly: "We need to rest!"

Piping also quickly echoed: "Yes, we need to rest."

Jin Li turned around and said, "Resting? No, no! Can't rest here! We can enter Moria's palace soon! Believe me! Friends! Just leave, um, ten minutes or so."

Meili said helplessly: "Well then."

If it is only ten minutes, they can naturally persist.

The Fellowship Team continued on the road.

Gandalf looked worriedly at Frodo's back.

Aragorn asked, "Gandalf, what are you worried about?"

Gandalf sighed, "There are many things about Frodo and the Lord of the Rings, and Saruman who won't let go, and Moria."

Aragorn asked: "Are you worried that Bahrain will not receive us?"

If Bahrain does not receive them, then they can only change their routes again, which is indeed a very bad thing for the physically and mentally exhausted guard team.

Gandalf shook his head, "No, Bahrain can't not accept us. Bahrain is a hospitable old man, and he respects the dragon slayer very much. If he knows that the dragon slayer is coming, he will do everything to entertain him. our."

Aragorn said: "Since this is the case, what are you worried about?"

Gandalf said: "A long, long time ago, I received an invitation from Bahrain to come to Moria. It is indeed as magnificent as Jinli described it, and it is even more magnificent than the Lonely Mountain Palace. However, The dwarves of Moria are too greedy. They want not only the iron ore and gold ore below Moria, but also the silver springs of Turin-the mithril veins. Bahrain believes that The mythril veins are belt-shaped, not only hidden under the solitary mountain, but also passing through Moria, but they are farther from the surface. Therefore, they keep digging, keep digging"

Aragorn shrugged, "The dwarves are hardworking and persistent."

Gandalf smiled bitterly, "This may be regarded as an advantage of the dwarves, but it is also their fatal flaw. Below the surface, there are not only minerals but also ancient monsters. I warned Bahrain, but I think he will not Let’s stop here. I hope I was wrong. In short, we have to be careful. In addition, there is one more troublesome thing."

Aragorn asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

Gandalf took out a stick of Chinese tobacco, snapped his fingers, and lit it with magic.

"The mine pit in Moria is full of poisonous gas. I can't smoke in Moria, so I have to enjoy it before entering Moria."

Aragorn suddenly had nothing to say.

The ring team continued to advance along the dark and suppressed mountain crevices, the ground was getting more and more inclined, and they were gradually going underground.

After half an hour, they came to a huge stone wall with a height of two hundred meters.

Chapter 1615: To Enter This Door, Please Tell A Friend

"Haha! It's finally here!" Jin Li said excitedly at the huge high wall: "This is Moria, and after this stone wall, it is the Moria Palace!"

Meili said angrily: "Jin Li, didn't you say you can walk in 10 minutes? But we obviously walked for half an hour!"

Jin Li waved his hand, "Don't pay attention to the details. The dwarf's concept of time is not strong. In my opinion, 10 minutes and half an hour are not much different. They all mean fast."

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