Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1685

Galadriel turned to Frodo and said, "Frodo, what do you want?"

Frodo said: "Your Majesty, you have promised us that we can return to the Golden Forest."

Queen Galadriel smiled and said: "This is nothing. You are the holder of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Only you can save the world. You can ask me more."

Frodo said: "But, I really have nothing to want. I have the courage to face my own destiny."

Queen Galadriel said with a smile: "Well, even though you didn't ask for it, I still have a gift for you."

With that, Queen Galadriel took out a crystal bottle with a slender neck. In the crystal bottle, there was a drop of water of light.

"This is?" Frodo looked at the crystal bottle in surprise.

Aragorn exclaimed: "This is the light of the twin sacred trees"

Frodo said in astonishment: "What? This is the light of the Double Holy Tree?"

Galadriel said with a smile: "Yes, this is the light of the double sacred tree. If you hold it, it will illuminate the direction of your advancement and prevent the monsters from approaching you easily, even if it is Angmar. When the Witch King rushes in front of you, he will also be shaken back by the light erupting from the twin holy trees."

Frodo took the crystal bottle excitedly, bowed and said, "Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty."

The light of the Double Sacred Tree is never given to others, let alone people from outsiders, even within Sindar Elves.

This is a real holy thing!

Of course, the reason why Queen Galadriel gave Frodo the light of the double holy tree is to let the light of the double holy tree protect Frodo.

After all, if Frodo dies, then Demon Lord Sauron will inevitably get the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and by that time, the entire Middle-earth world will be ruined.

"Besides," Queen Galadriel said again: "I also used magic to create a clone of you. This clone can exist for ten days without being hurt, and this clone will follow you. The daily behavior is very similar, and only a magician of the lower god level can recognize it."

Queen Galadriel took out another crystal bottle. Unlike the Light of the Double Holy Tree, there was only a faint magic halo in this crystal bottle.

Queen Galadriel exhorted: "You put this crystal bottle with clone magic close to your body, and the clone magic will learn your behavior. After 24 hours, he can learn to complete it. And when you break this crystal bottle At that time, the magic clone is also activated—note that once the magic clone is activated, it cannot be taken back."

Frodo nodded and said, "Understood."

Celeborn waved his hand, "Okay, everyone's requirements have been met, it's not early, everyone can start."

The crowd immediately saluted Queen Galadriel, and then under the guidance of the elf guards, they came to the Anduin River at the edge of the Golden Forest.

Where, there are already two Elf Clippers full of supplies parked.

The crowd jumped on the Clippers and then slipped down.

Meri opened a package on the ship and saw that it was filled with fragrant bread.

"Wow! I thought Her Majesty was a little stingy just now. I didn't invite us to have breakfast. It was already prepared for us."

As he said, he picked up a piece of bread and swallowed it.

"Don't!" Legolas hurriedly stopped, but it was too late. Meli didn't even chew much, so he ate the piece of bread as small as his fist.

Piping hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Is the bread poisonous?"

Legolas said irritably, "Why! This is Golden Elf Bread! The reason I told Meili not to eat it is because this bread is magic bread, don’t look like it’s only a small piece, but it can provide it. The energy is ten times that of ordinary bread! A normal elves can eat such a small piece of bread without eating or drinking for three days and three nights!"

Meili let out a loud burp, "Indeed, I hold on."

Everyone laughed, and the elf boat came down the river in laughter.

Chapter 1650 You Are Always Right

at the same time.

In the crypt of Isengard Tower, the mirror of Isengard's Light revealed the Doomsday Eye of Demon Lord Sauron.

"Saruman, you failed!" Demon Lord Sauron's voice was as deep as a rolling thunder, and the entire cavern was rumbling and shaking.

Saruman's face was earthy, "Master, I forced them into Moria and brought out two ancient evil gods, but who would have thought that the dragon slayer was so powerful that he would kill both ancient evil gods! And my goblin slave also suffered heavy losses."

Demon Lord Sauron said coldly: "I don't want to hear so many excuses! Dragon Slayers have left the Golden Forest, they will immediately enter the dark dense forest, if you allow them to enter the misty mountains smoothly In the dark dense forest, then, if we want to find them again, we have to wait until they enter the magic capital! This is your last chance, and I will send the Angmar Witch King to help you fight together! Send you the most elite Go! Kill the dragon slayer and the ring bearer, give my supreme lord of the ring to the Angmar Witch King, and let him bring it back."

Saruman hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes!"

Demon Lord Sauron said coldly: "Remember, you only have this chance! If you fail again"

The Eye of Doom did not continue to speak, but slowly disappeared from the mirror of Isengard's light.

The dark magic in the devil's cave disappeared immediately, and Saruman let out a long sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Beside him stood Orc Berserker No. 21, and Greima.

Grema asked cautiously: "Master, what should we do now?"

Saruman said helplessly: "I didn't expect the dragon slayer to escape from Moria, but fortunately, Gandalf has been eliminated by me. Now, we still have a chance to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings-21 No., you take the remaining three berserkers and all the Orc soldiers to the Anduin River Valley to chase the Dragon Slayers. You must precede the Angmar Witch King and kill the Dragon Slayers and Holders. Ring one, and grabbed the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Once you grab your hands, you will immediately come back and return to life with me. Never give the ring to the Witch King Angmar."

No.21 asked in a deep voice: "What if the Witch King Angmar attacks me?"

Saruman said in a deep voice: "Hmph, the power of Demon Lord Sauron is indeed very strong, but when I have the Supreme Lord of the Rings, we will be equally divided, so if the Angmar Witch King dares to attack you, Then kill him and send his soul back to the magic city! Hmph, by that time, even if Sauron knows, he can't do anything to me! Because at that time, my strength is already on the same level as him!"

No. 21 said in a deep voice: "Yes!"

He turned and left the crypt, leading the other berserkers and half-orcs, and set off towards the lower reaches of the Anduin River.

Saruman said to Grema again: "Be prepared, with those junior magicians, we have to act."

Greima asked: "Master, do we have to deal with the dragon slayer?"

He was very worried about this, because the dragon slayer was so powerful, he had personally experienced it.

Saruman smiled coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid? I won't put all the eggs in one basket! In addition to getting the Supreme Lord of the Rings, there is one more important thing to do. , That is, get the waterwheel gear of Carlyle City! Last time, I asked you to fight Carlyle City, you failed, but I can forgive you, after all, you are directly facing the Dragon Slayer and the Snow Emperor Team Yes, but this time, the focus of the dragon slayer is on protecting the supreme Lord of the Rings. Then, Carlyle City must be empty!"

Greima exclaimed: "Yes! Master! You are so wise! We are going to attack Carlyle at this time, they must not have imagined! At that time, the Supreme Lord of the Rings will be yours, and the waterwheel gear will also be yours. Now, you are the most powerful person in Middle-earth!"

Saruman suddenly laughed proudly, "Hahaha, no matter how strong the dragon slayer is, he can't face two fronts at the same time! This time, it's my chance to take revenge!"

Grema said confidently: "Master, leave it to me in Carlyle City! I will definitely bring the waterwheel gear back to you this time!"

Saruman said coldly: "No, this time, I'm going to go out in person! You must take the Carlyle City! And you are responsible for staying behind and guarding the Isinger Tower, and continue to use Isinger's light to make more Many orc soldiers!"

Greima said: "Yes! Master!"

While Saruman was dispatching troops, Xufeng and his team descended along the Anduin River and soon arrived at a shoal.

Frodo took out the map and took a look, then said: "According to the map, this is the starting point of the red route."

Xu Feng nodded, "Let's disembark from here, find a safe place to rest for a while, and then walk towards the dark dense forest."

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