Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1784

The person in charge is short and chubby, with a fat face, a moustache on his mouth, and a pair of triangular eyes. He is usually snobbish when looking at people, and he always loves to answer people with no strength. Reason, but once he meets a powerful person like Xufeng, his triangular eyes will turn into a peachy smile, full of light.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Sorry, I want to join the team because I am in a hurry."

The person in charge quickly said: "What is jumping in line! You are a big man in Trading City! It is my honor to be able to serve a big man like you! You guys without eyesight get out of the way! Block Master Xufeng It’s a waste of Master Xufeng’s time, who of you can afford it?"

This is because the survivors in line were shocked by the aura of Xufeng's appearance. Now, hearing the person in charge say this, they all flashed aside.

"Please, Master Xufeng, come to my office."

The person in charge led Xu Feng into his office with a flattering face, while one of his subordinates continued to hold his face coldly and issued rewards to the other survival captains.

"Sit down, please."

The person in charge gave Xufeng to a luxurious sofa seat. The material of the sofa seat is leather, which is very comfortable to the touch. He didn't know which plot was made from the super beast hunted.

The elasticity of the sofa is also very good. After Xufeng sat down, she felt that her whole body was wrapped in the softness of the sofa, and she felt like she didn't want to stand up anymore.

The office of this person in charge is exceptionally luxurious, and I have seen many luxurious scenes, such as Peris's room in the castle, but compared with this, there is still a gap.

Even if I look at the rosewood floor and the crystal chandelier on the roof, there are more than a dozen small amber oil bowls in the crystal chandelier. The oil in the oil bowl is not ordinary oil. It is the whale oil of the sperm whale. After being ignited, it can be used as both lighting and fragrance.

"Please have tea." The person in charge respectfully gave Xu Feng a cup of excellent Xingyue tea.

Xu Feng looked down and said with a smile: "Yes, this kind of Xingyue tea is not good."

This cup of tea is not a super Xingyue tea, but a relatively new high-grade Xingyue tea currently circulating on the market. There are not many of this high-grade Xingyue tea, so it will be more expensive on the market.

An ordinary cup of Xingyue tea only costs 100 shadow power points, while this high-grade Xingyue tea requires at least 1,000 shadow power points!

It can be seen that the task reward center is indeed rich.

The person in charge said with a smile: "They are all things that are not worth mentioning! I am afraid that this kind of tea will not be able to enter the eyes of Master Xufeng. After all, all Xingyue teas are the property of Master Xufeng. ! I can be regarded as offering a Buddha by borrowing flowers, and I also hope that that person should not dislike it."

While talking, the person in charge bowed politely.

Xufeng smiled and said: "This lord, are you too polite? You bought my tea for me to drink, and you want me not to dislike it? I'm just a little survivor, this time It’s just a small business, this adult doesn’t need to be so polite."

Then your person in charge smiled and said: "Because I know that Master Xufeng is a real strong man, and a real strong man will not just be a small survival team. One day, Master Xufeng will soar into the sky. Become the strongest in the entire trading city and even the entire dimension."

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Thank you for the praise. I just don't understand one thing."

The person in charge said quickly: "If you like adults, please, I will know that I can talk about everything."

Xufeng looked around the luxury surroundings, and said with a smile: "You are so luxury, aren't you afraid of others jealous?"

The person in charge laughed, "Master Xufeng, you may not know that our department does not belong to the trading city, or even the main god of this dimension. We are completely independent, and we can even say that we are Those directly under the system are selected by the system and used to distribute system rewards."

"Oh." Xu Feng understood when the person in charge said so.

If this is Peris’s department, then all plot rewards may be interfered by Peris. Similarly, if this is the main god’s department, then all plot rewards may also be interfered. Xueying interfered.

Therefore, this department does not belong to Peris, nor is it constitutive, but is independent of the trading city and the dimension plane, and belongs only to the system.

Xu Feng suddenly asked curiously: "This lord, I think your strength is about 30 or so. Such strength should not be considered high. Why are you the person in charge here?"

The person in charge said with a smile: "If someone asks me these things, I will definitely think that person is very rude, but Master Xufeng asked me, the situation is different. In fact, my level of myself is still Very satisfied, of course, compared to Master Xufeng, my level is naturally nothing. However, the reason why the system makes me the person in charge here is not because of what level, of course, also It’s not because of my appearance, figure, or other outstanding abilities. Like most survivors, I entered the plane of the survivor very awkwardly, but unlike other survivors, I entered After the Survivor Plane, it enters three rounds of lottery."

"Raffle?" Xu Feng frowned slightly, "Systematic? How come I never did it?"

The person in charge said with a smile: "That only shows that the system expects you to use your strength, not luck. And me, it's just a person who has no strength but good luck. In the three rounds of lottery, I successfully won the first place , Can be described as a lot of luck. So when I opened my eyes again, I was assigned here, and slowly became the person in charge here. I have an endless life span, no need to do system tasks, just arrange Good story generator, and then check the story generator sent back, calculate the reward according to the difficulty, and then send the reward. This is for the system, of course, this work must be very serious. , If it is a little bit wrong, it will also make staff like us lose their job opportunities."

Xu Feng couldn't help but said in admiration: "So, you are all lucky in the system!"

The person in charge said with a smile: "It's probably like this."

Chapter 1760 a brand new record

Xu Feng couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, yes. I really didn't know before, it turns out that there are survivors working directly for the system."

The person in charge said with a smile: "In fact, we are all working for the system. Survivors work hard to complete the plot tasks, in fact, they are maintaining the operation of the system, and we help the system to issue rewards and also maintain the system. The difference is that we are more fortunate than other survivors. This fortune is really real."

The face of the person in charge showed a triumphant smile that could not be concealed.

Xufeng smiled and said, "This really makes me envious."

The person in charge sighed with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing to envy. Sometimes, I envy other survivors. Other survivors can shuttle in other plot planes. If they don’t want to shuttle, do a little side business. As long as you can complete the shadow power points required by the main god in each cycle, you can sleep as long as you usually want to sleep. You can make friends with anyone you want to make friends with. If you are upset, you can also travel to a very low-level plot In the world of planes, there is no evil, doing whatever you want, almost doing whatever you want. And what about us? We can only guard a long line every day, and almost have endless work every day. When working, we must Be very serious. A slight mistake will cause chaos in the system, and we must be punished in the end."

The person in charge smiled bitterly and said: "Don't say anything else, just talk about the person in charge before me. He gave a survivor 10 more shadow power points, which resulted in a small-scale chaos in the system. For picking This confusion caused us to be unable to settle and publish for nearly three days. During that period, a few survivors whose bounty missions expired were downgraded and dealt with them. They could have received bounty rewards. , And then pay the shadow energy points. So you see, although we are all lucky, this job is really not a very leisurely job. Doing things for the system is not sloppy."

Xu Feng nodded, "So that's it. However, to work in such a luxurious place, your salary must be very high, right?"

The person in charge said with a smile: "That's true, but our salary is not distributed by the system, but based on the profit that can be turned in in the trading city."

Xufeng blinked, "I don't understand too much."

The person in charge said with a smile: "It's actually very simple. The more rewards for survival missions this trading city gets every day, the more shadow power points we will get."

Xu Feng suddenly realized, "Oh, it turned out to be linked to our results. The better our results, the more shadow power points we earn, the more naturally you earn."

"Yes, that's what it means!" The person in charge said with a smile.

Xufeng finally understood why this person in charge was so respectful to him.

The reason is simple, he is their god of wealth!

Since entering this trading city, Xufeng has been invincible almost all the way, and can get the highest reward every time!

He can get the highest reward, so the treatment of the staff in charge of the center will naturally increase.

The person in charge treats Xufeng respectfully, hoping that Xufeng can continue to play so that they can get more shadow power points in vain.

The person in charge said with a smile: "Master Xufeng, in fact, we have always wanted to meet, thank you in person, because everything here has your contribution, but you have been in the Xuedi team. The person who received the plot generator and handed in the quests has always been Lord Xuedi, so we have never been destined to meet. Unexpectedly this time, you would come in person."

"But as far as I know, Master Xue has already left. Is it possible that Master Xue took the wrong plot generator, so you use it to replace it? Oh, if that's the case, it would be difficult to handle, because of the plot. Once the generator is taken away, unless it is completed, it will not be possible to retrieve it. Even if you come personally, I'm afraid, Master Xufeng."

The person in charge sighed and shook his head, saying that this matter was very difficult.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "No, the Snow Emperor is a matter for the Snow Emperor Team. Me, it is a matter of Jurassic World, and it is also a Jurassic World of Hell difficulty."

The cross meat on the person in charge's face twitched, and Xiaorou said without a smile: "Oh, the original hell version of the plot is for Master Xufeng! I thought it was strange at the time. An ordinary person is a shop owner. Instead of picking a plot world similar to his strength for the mission, he chose a plot with hell difficulty. Isn't this tantamount to suicide? But I really didn't expect that this hell difficulty was for Master Xufeng. Mr. Xufeng, you are really good, you can pass the hell difficulty, this is the first hell difficulty since I took office, oh yes, has the event generator brought you, I can handle the rewards for you now ."

"Bring it." Xufeng then took out the plot generator from the inventory of the Lingtai and handed it to the person in charge.

The person in charge said immediately: "Please wait a moment."

Xufeng thought he would leave with the plot generator, but the person in charge only took over the plot generator and read the plot generator's data with his mind.

Soon, these data were uploaded to the system through the idea of ​​the person in charge in a form invisible to the naked eye.

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