Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 402

Governor Swann could only lower his head and whispered: "Port Royal is not messy."

Beckett sneered coldly: "Your daughter and prospective son-in-law have released a dangerous pirate captain, and Brigadier General James’s fleet has also been wiped out. The pirates of the Caribbean have regained their arrogance. Isn’t that messy enough? ?"

Chapter 337 The Queen's Law

Governor Swan was suddenly speechless.

What Beckett said was correct. Originally, the Caribbean Sea had been cleared by Brigadier General James, and there were almost no pirates. However, since the Black Pearl bombardment of Port Royal, the wind of pirates in the Caribbean Sea has blown again.

Many pirate ships have hung the black sails unique to the Black Pearl, imitating the Black Pearl and looting past merchant ships.

Many private smuggling ships also deliberately disguised themselves as pirate ships to avoid tax collection by the English Customs.

The income of the British Empire in the Caribbean has dropped by more than half!

This veteran empire has a small land area and cannot create a huge amount of wealth in its own country. It is based on maritime trade, tariffs, and plunder.

Without these three pillars, this empire, which is known as the sun never sets, would soon be sunset.

Because of this, they pay special attention to the situation in the Caribbean.

This time, they sent Lord Beckett, who has always been known for his cruelty.

Speaking of this Lord Cutler Beckett, he himself did not have any prominent family background. When he was a boy, he worked in a shipyard. When he became an adult, he happened to catch the first wave of seafaring boom. He also took advantage of this Opportunity, joined the infamous East Indu Trading Company.

He worked extremely hard in the East Indu Trading Company, often doing "dirty work" that no one else wanted to do, such as selling slaves, Chinese laborers, and looting merchant ships from other countries.

The first batch of privateer permits of the Queen of England was issued to Beckett.

The private looting permit is signed in the name of the law. As long as you have this certificate, you can looting anywhere in the world. Of course you cannot rob your own property.

Moreover, once looted, the English Empire will protect the looters in the name of the country.

The more you rob, the richer you are, and the richer you are, the better your position in the English Empire.

It took only three years for Beckett to become a director of East Indu Trading Company from an ordinary ship-repairing seaman, and he also obtained the title of lord conferred by the queen herself, becoming a true nobleman.

This country is a robber country from the bottom up. Even if it looks more civilized, it cannot conceal their crime of plundering the world and their arrogance after plundering their home.

Their arrogance is that he can rob you, but you cannot rob them.

It is legal for them to plunder you, and it is illegal for you to fight back and you will be punished.

They feel that the world is theirs, and the rules must be set by them. Once the rules they make are not in their interests, they have to change the rules and know that they are in their interests.

After Beckett became a lord, he naturally wanted to open up more sources of income for the English empire, and now the profits in the Caribbean are greatly reduced, so he personally came to inspect.

His power is not only much higher than that of the outgoing Port Royal Marine Brigadier General James Norrington, but also much higher than Governor Swann.

Governor Swann does not have a title, and in front of Beckett, he can only be regarded as a civilian.

But in fact, Governor Swann’s ancestors were aristocratic families, but his family was declining, and he could not afford the castle, nor could he pay taxes from the aristocrats. Therefore, the title was not passed down. In his generation, he was only mixed. Only overseas governors.

For most of the children of aristocratic families, it is a shame in itself to leave the homeland and go overseas, but for the sake of making a living, Governor Swann can only accept it.

Now, let’s compare Beckett, who was of civilian origin, but is now a nobleman, and Governor Swan is full of sorrow.

Beckett can become a lord by killing people and selling a few ships of black slaves, but he is full of talents and good academic background, but he can only be an overseas governor, and he has to take orders from Beckett.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

Governor Swann tried his best to suppress the unwillingness in his heart, and said in a low voice, "Becket... Lord, this Will is the son-in-law of the subordinate. Today is also the big day for him to marry my daughter. Come in and arrest him without asking anyone indiscriminately. This is really...making me the Governor very shameless."

Governor Swann is someone who has been working in Port Royal for more than 10 years at any rate. This aspect of face is still a challenge.

Beckett said in a cold voice, "Do you have more face, or the Queen's law?"

Governor Swann hurriedly lowered his head and said: "Naturally, the Queen's law is important."

"Will!" At this time, Elizabeth, wearing a gorgeous wedding dress, hurried in.

Will said quickly: "Elizabeth! I'm fine!"

Elizabeth rushed into Will's arms, "What the hell is going on? Why are they arresting you? Isn't it all over?"

"You are Miss Swann, right?" Beckett said with a sneer: "I have come to arrest the criminal who released the pirate captain by the Queen's order. This is an arrest warrant."

With that said, Beckett took out a manuscript.

Governor Swann took a look and was shocked. "Why is the name on this... Elizabeth Swann?"

Beckett smiled faintly, "Oh? I made a mistake. There are two copies of the manuscript, one for Miss Elizabeth and the other for Will, because both of them committed piracy."

"What?! This is nonsense!" Governor Swan's hands trembled with anger, "My daughter, how could she be a pirate? She has never robbed, she is a victim of the Black Pearl incident!"

Beckett said coldly: "The law is the law, come, and handcuff Miss Elizabeth."

Several tall soldiers immediately rushed to tie Elizabeth's hand.

Will shouted angrily: "You are not allowed to touch her! You are not allowed to touch her!"

Governor Swan said with a trembling, "Lord, whatever you want, I can give it to you. Please, let my daughter go. She really has nothing to do with pirates."

Beckett said with a sneer: "Is it true? She knows in her heart."

"However, we are all serving the English Empire, can't we negotiate first?" Governor Swan said with a clenched fist.

Beckett sneered and said: "The Queen's law cannot be negotiated. Come on, put Miss Elizabeth in jail first. As for Mr. Will, take it to the command room. I want to interrogate the whereabouts of the pirates first."


The soldiers immediately escorted Will and Elizabeth in different directions.



The separation of the two was truly tragic.

Xufeng pulled his hood and hid in the crowd watching silently, but did not make a move.

There were at least 500 soldiers on the scene, all of whom were close to level 30. Coupled with Beckett and his deputy Mather, it was absolutely impossible for Xufeng to rescue both Elizabeth and Will.

Anyway, these two people were just arrested, and there would be no life-threatening danger for the time being, so Xu Feng patiently waited for the opportunity.

Chapter 338: Pirate Brand

Will was forcibly taken to the barracks command room by soldiers.

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